They were puzzled. They looked at Mrs. Kong and asked, "Mrs. Kong, even if we fight, we don't necessarily lose. How --"

Mrs. Kong pointed to Chen Fei's direction and said in a deep voice, "look over there, there are experts!"

Jack and boa suddenly look up and look in the direction of Chen Fei.

As soon as the words came out, the scene was suddenly quiet, and everyone was staring at the center of the training ground.

In the noise, xie Yuan's eyes swept the crowd, his hands behind him, and said in a loud voice, "anyone who doesn't agree with me as the soul of Xiangjiang can challenge me on stage. If you can beat me, I'll give up this position! "


"It's a black screen operation. I don't accept it!"

"If this kind of strength can be used, so can I."

"That is, our Xiangjiang martial spirit should be selected locally in Xiangjiang."

"We don't agree. Master Xie, Lao Shizi, why should he be the soul of Xiangjiang?"

In the hot debate, there were many voices of opposition, one after another shouting.


But when he spoke, he could not help thinking of the young man who had just looked at him. The body suddenly for it a quiver.

Kong Tai's eyes narrowed and said in a low voice, "maybe!"

Jack and the white headed Python look at Kong Tai and say: "Kong Tai, master Xie's strength should be similar to yours. So you have a chance to be the soul of Xiangjiang. "

Now Jack, white headed Python and Kong Tai look at Xie Yuan and talk.

In addition to the Chinese martial arts, there are also those from outside.


"I'm afraid there are forces behind Xie Yuan!"

"This kind of strength, do you want to dominate Xiangjiang? I'm afraid it's not that simple! "

"The old man from nowhere wants to be the soul of our Xiangjiang martial arts. I'm the first one who won't agree."

Some people sigh, and naturally others are dissatisfied and disdained.


"This strength should be at least in the later stage of Xuanji level."

"How can people without strength let the old song dynasty recommend them as the new Xiangjiang martial spirit?"

"This Xie Yuan has some strength!"

This appearance alone shocked many people at the scene.

"Everybody, I am Xie Yuan!"

Then, in the eyes of the public, xie Yuan, dressed in a blue robe, flew over from the top of Tianjiu Pavilion Hall, and finally landed in the middle of the martial arts training ground.

"Well!" Xie Yuan nodded firmly, then stepped out.

Chen Fei patted him on the shoulder and encouraged him with a smile: "it's OK, just go ahead. You have enough strength now. Besides, isn't there me behind? "

Backstage, xie Yuan took a deep breath and took a look at Chen Fei beside him, "master Chen, I -"

"next, let's welcome our new Xiangjiang martial spirit, master Xie Yuan and master Xie!" Song laolang said.

Mr. Song put down his hands to silence the noise of the scene, and then said: "today, martial heroes from all over China and even all over the world gather here to witness the birth of our new Xiangjiang martial spirit. We are very honored."

Among them, the leader is song Lao, a disciple of the former Tianjiu Pavilion and a disciple of Qiu Tianjiu.

In the sound of discussion, several men in robes came to the training ground. The local people in Xiangjiang immediately recognized these people as well-known figures in the martial arts circle of Xiangjiang.


"I don't know what the new Xiangjiang spirit is capable of."

"Business is coming."

"It's going to start!"

Before long, with a roaring drum, the noisy scene, a warm up.


Su Mo Mo was staring at the distant spirit dragon team. He looked puzzled and said to himself in a low voice: "that figure looks like his brother-in-law! I seem to have heard my brother-in-law say that he has something to do with this spirit dragon! "

Su Hao was scared, but he didn't come back. He was pale and speechless.

"That's not true. Captain Qi only helped him for the sake of Yue Shao. So, thank you, yueshao. " Yao Xia paid a compliment.

Especially Liu Yue, now holding his head high, with a proud tone, said: "thanks to captain Qi, otherwise, I don't know what the result will be."

Liu Yue looked at the left Linglong team members, full of envy and excitement.

Liu Yue quickly nodded, Qi Beifeng told the team members to pay more attention to this side, and then led the team to leave.

"Well, you stand far away and look around. If there's something wrong, I'll go down the mountain and leave. Do you understand? " Qi Beifeng asked.

However, Liu Yue still didn't want to leave, "but this opportunity --"

"bloody battlefield!" Several young people were a little scared.

Qi Beifeng can feel that the little old man just now is not a guy to be provoked. In the end, he should not be afraid of himself, but of instructor Chen behind him. It's just that this can't be explained to a few young people.Qi Beifeng frowned and said, "we have to be responsible for the patrol and security here. We can't protect you. Moreover, even we are not necessarily safe. What is held here today is not a martial arts meeting in accordance with the rules, but a bloody battlefield of life and death. "

"Well, it's not easy for us to come here --" Liu Yue was a little reluctant, and then he flattered Qi Beifeng with a smile, "besides, isn't there captain Qi you? With you, we won't be in danger. "

Hearing this, Qi Beifeng frowned and said, "this martial arts meeting is very dangerous. It's not the place you should come to. Go down the mountain quickly!"

Liu Yue pointed to several people around him and said, "my friends and I came to Xiangjiang to play. I heard that there was a martial arts conference here, so I wanted to come and have a look."

Qi Beifeng smell speech, look at Liu Yue, is also slightly surprised, way: "Liu Yue, how are you here?"

Suddenly, Liu Yue got excited, "Captain, it's you! What are you doing here? "

"Thank you, thank you!" Several young people immediately recognized Qi Beifeng in the team.

Seeing this, Liu Yue, a group of young people, was relieved, paralyzed, pale and sweating.

Immediately, they could not think of anything else any more and quickly turned to leave.

At this moment, the two people's mind only surged up the idea of fleeing.

"Run, run!"

"Master, that's the real master!"

They just glanced at Chen Fei's cold eyes, and suddenly felt cold all over, almost frozen in the same place, unable to move.

A lot of people were shouting just now, but now they are going to play, but not many people are willing to be the leading bird.

In the end, I was the one who yelled so much that I jumped to the martial arts training ground and said, "if there is no one, I'll be the first one."

This crazy hunter is a big man with a huge hardwood stick and strong muscles. You can see that he has great strength.

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