Jiang Han paused for a moment and continued: "the reason why the hidden family keeps a low profile and doesn't make trouble is that the biggest constraint is not ourselves. It's a Presbyterian Council formed by all the major families and official forces. "

Hearing the name of the "Presbyterian Council" again, Chen Fei could not help but be interested and said in a voice, "tell me more about the Presbyterian Council."

Jiang Han said: "at the beginning, the Presbyterian Council was an organization set up by the families of the great hermits. It was mainly responsible for mediating the conflicts between the families of the great hermits and the affairs with the outside world."

Seeing this, Chen Fei couldn't help sighing. Sure enough, no matter men or women, no matter their age, looking at their faces is the first priority!

When Chen Mochi came out of the dressing room, even the girl at the front desk of the hotel was full of surprise, and her eyes were fixed.

If we say that Chen Mochi before gave us the feeling that he was a little old man who set up a stall on the street. Chen Mo Chi is a middle-aged man with a strong body.

Chen Mochi, who was slovenly and rickety before, also went out of his way to find a hairdresser, made a new haircut for himself, and then changed into an expensive suit. Chen Fei was a little surprised that his whole body suddenly took on a new look.

At noon, Chen Fei and Chen Mochi came to the provincial capital, directly ordered a five-star hotel, sat in the hotel, waiting for the arrival of Chen Ziling.

Did not have a good night's rest, the next morning, the two people keep on the road. They want to go to the provincial capital of Ze Province, because the direct flight from the capital can only go to the provincial capital. For the convenience of meeting, it is undoubtedly the best choice for both sides to meet in the provincial capital.

Chen Mochi was excited and expecting, and there was a little tension in it.

No doubt, the best thing for Chen Ziling himself. Chen Fei hung up and told Chen Mochi the news.

Chen Ziling was also very surprised when she learned about it. Finally, she decided to fly over the next day to meet Chen Mochi in person.

Chen Mochi can't wait to ask Chen Fei about her daughter. However, Chen Fei doesn't rush to say it. Instead, he calls Chen Ziling and tells her about it. He asks Chen Ziling about her opinion.

Soon, they came to the small town outside the forest. That night, they had a rest in the small town.

Chen Mochi nodded, then got up and walked away with Chen Fei.

Seeing this, Chen Fei said in a voice, "master Chen, it's getting late. Let's go back!"

At this moment, Chen Mochi couldn't say what he felt. His heart became relaxed, but it seemed to be empty, as if he had something.

Always tangled in the heart of the pimple, after years, finally solved.

At this moment, the grudge is finally settled.

At the moment of Jiang Han's death, Chen Mochi took a long breath. His whole body relaxed and sat down on the ground, breathing heavily.

So, finally, Chen Fei gave Jiang Han to Chen Mochi. Chen Mochi's face is dignified and merciless. He claps Jiang Han to death.

Later, Chen Fei asked some questions about the hidden family and the Lin family, but Jiang Han didn't know much about them and couldn't give Chen Fei more information.

Of course, Chen Fei doesn't know what the specific situation is and what the secret is, so he can't say more.

Now, the Presbyterian Council wants to integrate the hidden family, create the fifth heaven level force, and break the pattern of the top of Chinese martial arts for hundreds of years. Not to mention the others, Chen Fei was surprised by this kind of thinking and courage.

However, the four heavenly forces have been standing still, standing on the top of Chinese martial arts through the storm of the times. Become the peak and symbol of Chinese martial arts.

There is no doubt that the four heaven level forces are the top martial arts forces in China. For hundreds of years, the world has changed, the situation has changed, and many major forces have risen and disappeared.

Hearing this, even Chen Fei was surprised.

"Moreover, according to some rumors, the power of the Presbyterian Council will be strengthened again because of the support of the heavenly forces behind the election. Some people say that the whole hidden family will be integrated into a new power like a big Mac. Some people even say that this new force is aimed at the heaven level force and wants to become the fifth heaven level force besides the four heaven level forces of tianwuzong, lingyange, juetong temple and wushuanglou. "

"Now, the last president is about to expire, and the election of the new president is about to begin. This time, the Lin family has a lot of ideas about the post of Presbyterian president. That's why the Lin family has been very active in the past six months, preparing for the Presbyterian president election in three months

"In recent years, there is a saying in our family. Among the hermit families, the most powerful one is not the head of the first-class families, but the president of the Presbyterian Council. The president controls the development and rules of the whole hermit family by controlling the Presbyterian Council. He can be said to be a real authority. "

"After the reorganization, the Presbyterian Council is still managed by personnel jointly sent by the major forces. But different from before, after the reorganization of the Presbyterian Council, set up a president. The president has great power, can almost veto other people's vote, and is actually responsible for the affairs of the Presbyterian Church. ""But eight years ago, with the voice of several Heaven level forces and officials, the Presbyterian Council was reorganized. The power of the organization was greatly strengthened, and its strength was also improved. It also had the strength of adjudication and punishment. It can be said that after the reorganization of the Presbyterian Council, it has gradually changed from a famous organization to an organization with real power, which has been greatly strengthened. "

"If it continues to develop in this way, the Presbyterian society will eventually become an oligarchy of several great families. Small forces can only survive and have no voice at all. "

"The functions and responsibilities of the Presbyterian Council are similar to those of the United Nations today. Although it has a large name, its actual binding force is limited. When some powerful hidden families break the rules, the Presbyterian Council can only make oral mediation, and can not make substantive punishment and action at all. "

Of course, Chen Mochi's face is expected. After all, he was the man who charmed luobeixi, the elder sister of the Luo family. It was normal for him to have an advantage in appearance.

It's Chen Mochi. After years of low-key and hidden life, he's a little fidgety now with such a high-profile voice.

Fortunately, Chen Ziling is about to arrive. The excitement of seeing his daughter conceals his uneasiness. He doesn't care about it. He constantly looks at his watch and looks forward to the arrival of Chen Ziling.

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