At this time, the two bodyguards rushed to the outside.

As soon as they saw the scene on Lisa's side, their faces changed and they rushed over.

Among them, the bodyguard named Zhicun rushes to Lisa and stares at Chen Fei fiercely, with a look of vigilance on his face, "what did you do to your master, you --"

the killer stares at Chen Fei fiercely, tightly closed his mouth, and doesn't mean to speak at all.

"Who sent you and why did you kill Lisa?" Chen Fei asked.

"Since you have doubts about me, I'll show you a little bit." Chen Fei smiles and then walks to the killer.

But at this time, Chen Fei stopped her with a smile and said in a voice: "as a bodyguard, I am wary of anyone except the protected. This is a very good professional quality. I can understand their suspicions. "

When Lisa saw this, her mouth shriveled and she was angry and wanted to say something.

For a time, the two bodyguards were a little dull and speechless. However, they look at Chen Fei's eyes, or some strange.

Although, in their eyes, Lisa may have exaggerated elements. Chen Fei's strength is unlikely to be so strong. But at his age, even if he only had the strength of the top level of Xuanji, he was definitely a genius of martial arts.

They have the medium-term military strength of prefecture level, and they are already very good bodyguards. But unexpectedly, Chen Fei's strength is even more powerful than them.

This time, the two bodyguards were even more surprised.

Lisa looked at the two people and continued, "as for the threat, it's impossible. Mr. Chen himself is a martial arts master. According to the martial arts level, at least in the later stage of prefecture level, he may even reach the heaven level. Do you think this kind of master will be threatened? "

They did not expect that Chen Fei, who seems to be an ordinary man, is still a 10 billion dollar rich man. It's really beyond their imagination.

Hearing this, the two bodyguards couldn't help showing their astonishment.

"Buy? Do you know how much Chen is worth? His own cosmetics company in the mainland has a market value of 10 billion yuan. At the same time, he also owns 51% of the shares of Xiangjiang Li family. Do you think the rich of this level will be bribed with money? "

Hearing this, Lisa shook her head and said, "what you said is even more impossible for Chen."

"Maybe, he was bought, maybe, he was threatened. These are all possible reasons! "

However, Zhicun was still suspicious and speculated: "maybe at that time, he was not malicious. But people will change. We can't guess what his attitude is now. "

The two bodyguards were speechless for a moment.

"According to you, if Mr. Chen wants my life. When I was in Xiangjiang, I didn't save myself. Why do you have to be so troublesome? "

Lisa continued: "at that time, it was Mr. Chen who saved me."

"What The two bodyguards were excited at the same time.

Lisa took a look at Chen Fei and then explained aloud, "before I went to take over my mother's business in the island country, I was in Xiangjiang at that time. I've been assassinated by a killer. "

"The Savior?" The two bodyguards showed their doubts at the same time.

Lisa shook her head and said, "you don't know, Chen is not only my friend, but also my life-saving benefactor."

"Master, anything is possible," Zhicun said.

But Lisa, with a firm face, shook her head, looked at the two bodyguards, and said in a voice, "anyone can hit me, but Mr. Chen, it's absolutely impossible!"

In this way, even the older bodyguard on one side looked at Chen Fei in a strange way.

"Master, you have just arrived in the capital. It's not long since you got off the plane. Was assassinated by the killer, even if the other party is red tail, this speed is too fast! Besides, it's your proposal to go to the bar. I have to doubt -- "as he spoke, Zhicun looked at Chen Fei fiercely.

Zhicun knelt down on one knee in front of Lisa, but his voice was still firm, "master, I understand your mood. But this is a special time and we have to be careful. "

"Zhicun, what are you talking about. Mr. Chen is my friend Lisa snapped.

Zhicun, a younger bodyguard, was suspicious of Chen Fei. He stopped him in front of her and said to Lisa, "master, I think before interrogating the killer. He needs to be interrogated first. "

"You --" the bodyguard looks at Chen Fei with a look of suspicion.

Seeing this, Chen Fei said in a voice: "let me interrogate you!"

The bodyguard's face was gloomy, so he had to press questions. But the killer had a determined expression on his face. He didn't mean to speak at all.

The killer grinned and made no noise.

The bodyguard dropped the killer on the ground. Skilled in the killer who searched for some time, but did not find any useful clues, can not help but use the island language quality asked: "red tail sent you?"On the other hand, Chen Fei and them return to the hotel and come to Lisa's room.

At this time, his heart trembled at the thought of what would happen if he just kept pestering. Then he left from the bar. From then on, I never dare to come here again.

As for the Yellow haired boy who was knocked down just now, he got up from the ground and his eyes were full of fear. At the same time, I'm extremely afraid. I really don't know who these guys are. They actually kill people in public. It's really terrible.

So, Chen Fei protects Lisa. At the back of Zhicun hall, several people leave the bar quickly and run towards the hotel.

Without waiting for Zhicun to speak, another bodyguard has tied up the killer, put him in his hand and moved quickly.

At this time, Chen Fei said: "there are many people here, and the police will come soon. We'd better take people away quickly! "

"But, master, you --" Zhicun is still dissatisfied with Chen Fei.

Lisa looked back at Zhicun and said, "Zhicun, don't mess with me. It's Mr. Chen who saved me."

At the same time, another bodyguard also came to Chen Fei, looking at the killer on the ground, his face with vigilance and doubt.

The two bodyguards were used to it. Zhicun said: "this kind of bodyguard is a dead man. After the mission fails, I would rather die than speak. "

"Is it?" Chen Fei light way, and then touch out a silver needle, light way, "in my eyes, there is no real fear of death."

"But he is not afraid of death, which makes him feel more afraid than death. That's what he's afraid of

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