Immediately, Chen Fei left with Lin Hui and Xu Gang, and told them not to say anything more.

After the baptism, the whole valley seemed more silent, and all the people became more quiet. It's like a robot, standing in line to eat and chant sutras, which is very regular.

Of course, this kind of regularity is very cold, it seems to feel no emotion.

Then, the Dharma king of Danba waved his hand, and more than a dozen monks in red came in holding pottery pots.

At the moment, with the light of the fire, these patterns all appear.

What's more, to Chen Fei's surprise, white lines are used to sketch out complex patterns on the ground.

The warping tube and Thangka paintings on both sides are more vivid now. Under the reflection of the fire, they even feel a little more active and beating, as if they are alive.

And with the light of the fire, the whole room lit up. People can see more clearly in the room.

It turns out that the liquid is all oil.

The yellow liquid flowed into the gullies around the altar. Just when people were wondering what these were, poof, all the liquid ignited, and a flame surged up, which immediately surrounded the altar.

Immediately, the tsochins took out jars one by one and fell down beside the altar.

"Just understand." The king of Dharma nodded, and then said to them.

"I understand!" The crowd cried.

The Dharma king of Danba immediately chanted again, and then said in a loud voice: "next, the formal ceremony of accepting and worshiping teachers begins. No matter what you encounter, you are not allowed to come down from the altar, otherwise, you will be disqualified from worshiping teachers. Do you understand? "

Nearly a hundred people, all standing on an altar at the moment, suddenly seemed a little crowded. At the same time, Chen Fei thought of the living sacrifice. He was a little more alert in his heart, and his expression became cold. He took Lin Hui and Xu Gang to the edge.

So they asked Chen Fei and others to stand on the altar.

Then the Dharma King read it in silence and finally nodded.

The king of danbafa gave a command, and then a famous tsochin stood up and divided them into four different teams, standing on the four sides of the altar.

At this time, the Dharma king of Danba came in. Chen Fei winked at them and told them not to speak.

"Yes, I'm just talking about it." Lin Hui said.

But Xu Gang laughed and said to Lin Hui, "what do you think, Lin Hui? Pitanka, how long ago was that. What time is it now? How can these eminent monks do such things? "

"These people -" Chen Fei felt a chill in his heart.

And after a touch, Chen Fei's eyes suddenly cold down. Because the touch of these Thangka paintings is very similar to human skin.

She said it casually, but she didn't feel anything. But at the moment, Chen Fei's face sank down involuntarily. He looked at the Thangka and even touched it.

"Thangka! I've seen some pitangka on the Internet before. It's said that in ancient times, eminent monks here would use pitangka to draw Thangka. It shouldn't be -- "said Lin Hui.

Xu Gang looked at the paintings on the right wall and couldn't help showing them. He said in a voice, "these are thangkas. They are very beautiful and powerful."

"These words are very beautiful!" Lin Hui couldn't help saying.

People looked around curiously and looked around.

In front of the front, there is an altar more than one meter high, on which all kinds of utensils are placed. Many of them are even made of bones, such as flutes and rice bowls.

On the right side of the wall, there are beautiful portraits, on which all kinds of Buddha statues are painted.

The light in this room is very dim. Next to the wall on the left side is a row of warping cones. The bright yellow gold paint on them is mottled, scattered, and with a little red mark, like blood.

As soon as he entered the room, Chen Fei felt that the atmosphere around him was strange, and an uncomfortable feeling came to him.

Through the hall full of Buddha statues, the group continued to go deep, and finally came to a completely closed, windowless room.

Huge Buddha, red, white and gold color, painted everywhere. The air is filled with the smell of incense, giving people a sense of ethereal.

Then, he quietly observed the environment around the temple.

"Part of the temple should be underground." Chen Fei began to guess.

The whole temple doesn't look big on the outside, but after entering it, I found that the space inside is bigger than I imagined. Hundreds of people are standing inside, but it seems quite empty.

Entering the temple, Chen Fei couldn't help feeling dark in front of his eyes. After a few seconds, he gradually adapted.

"I understand!" Chen Fei nodded and walked into the temple.

But the king of danbafa stopped for a while. When Chen Fei came up, he took the initiative and said in a voice, "you are going to work with us now. When the time comes, my master Jiamu living Buddha will appear. Then, you can worship him again. Do you understand?"Immediately, a team led by tsochin brought the people into the temple according to the order.

Dharma King Danba nodded, then waved his hand and said in a voice: "line up, go in!"

"I understand!" The crowd answered neatly.

King danbafa stopped at the gate of the temple, looked at the people, and said solemnly, "next, I will take you into our holy temple. This is a sacred place, in which there is no noise, no noise, no doing anything against the rules. You do what I tell you to do? Otherwise, you will be disqualified from being a teacher. Do you understand? "

Chen Fei fixed his eyes on the building, which turned out to be an ancient temple. The whole temple is all made of stone. The mottled marks on it show the passage of time. The glittering golden roof at the top is dazzling under the sunlight.

Namco was very big. A group of people walked along the lake for more than an hour, and finally stopped in front of an old building.

They bathed and dressed early, and then they were taken out of the valley. They marched along Namco Lake and began to go deep.

In this way, another day passed, and the next day was the official opening of the secret place of the holy lake. Of course, in their mouth, this is the day to learn from the Dharma king.

Among the pots are piles of sand of various colors.

These monks stood around the altar, with devout faces, and outlined the fool in the pottery pot along the patterns on the ground, as if they were painting.

The whole sand is made up of different colors, and the rapid formation of the whole sand appears to be different.

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