Seeing this, song Hongyue's face changed greatly. She was frightened and said, "what do you want to do? I've given you all the things you want. What else do you want? "

"This is just the beginning!" Joey said with a smile, then yelled out of the stadium, "president Zhao, don't you come out yet? If you don't do it again, we'll go. "

Hearing Joey's words, song Hongyue can't help but be stunned, with a surprised expression on her face.

Joey squinted, his eyes were cold, and he said in a voice, "it's not enough. Chen Fei hasn't come yet. He is the biggest enemy of my yadis family. If he does not die, our action will not be successful. "


"Those who can't escape will be buried here."

"It's too expensive. He's dying."

"Zhao Kejin, it's the last explosion!"

However, the five knights were not seriously injured. Instead, they looked at all this coldly, even with a smile on their lips.

Zhao Kejin madly urged Zhenyuan to pour out like a rainstorm, and then blew up four or five opponents in an instant.

The rest of the staff to hold back the heart of grief, directly a will Lengshen song Hongyue up, and then run up.

In his spare time, Zhao Kejin rushed over quickly, clapped a few hands, and beat the people who besieged song Hongyue out. Then he gritted his teeth and yelled: "I'm the queen of the palace, you leave quickly!"

Hearing the cry, Zhao Kejin, who was fighting hard, turned his head and saw that his men were killed in the battle. His heart was filled with grief and heartache. A group of furious Zhenyuan burst out and bombarded all the five Knights around him.

Another staff member saw this, can not help but scarlet eyes, eyes to crack, "old six!"

The expression in the eyes of the staff quickly passed, fell to the ground, and there was no sound.

The gas strength wheezes shoots into the staff chest, hits a blood.

Seeing this, the staff member bit his teeth hard, and his legs burst out with the breath of Zhenyuan. He jumped directly and threw his body out. At the last critical moment, he appeared in front of song Hongyue and blocked the momentum for her.

Song Hongyue didn't react at all. Seeing the strength of the attack, she was shocked. She stayed in the same place and couldn't move.

"Be careful!" When Song Dynasty saw the red sword flying by his side, he saw the sound of red sword.

Song Hongyue's strength is not bad. She has reached the beginning of heaven level, and she comes from Zhenwu family. Her strength should be very good. But her actual combat experience is not rich. At the moment, in the face of such a chaotic war, she was stunned and didn't know how to fight.

These two staff members are not low handed, and their strength is approaching the middle of the sky level. However, in the face of ten times their own enemies, they still have no way but to constantly struggle to resist, and their wounds are getting more and more.

Two staff members protect song Hongyue, looking at the siege of nearly 20 people, making a hard break out of the stadium.

Zhao Kejin constantly shot a real yuan to block the attack of the five knights, and at the same time, he yelled: "let's go!"

In an instant, bursts of explosions broke out in the stadium. Soil, stones, steel and cement, many sundries were thrown into the sky by the smell of explosion, and a piece of yellow smoke was sprinkled.

At the same time, the five heavenly Knights also burst out the breath of terror and besieged Zhao Kejin.

In an instant, more than ten people besieged Hongyue.


When Ke Yi finished speaking, he pointed out to Zhao Hongtian. The rest, take song Hongyue. "

But song Hongyue, who has not recovered at the moment, is a bit unclear, so, "I will not leave, I will --"

"yes!" Although the two staff members are very worried about Zhao Kejin, they have long formed the habit of ordering and forbidding. They have no intention of disobeying Zhao Kejin's orders.

Thinking of this, Zhao Kejin quickly calmed himself down and immediately made a decision. He turned around and said, "you two, protect song Hongyue and leave."

Even if Zhao Kejin's strength is strong, facing the siege of five experts of the same level, he has no confidence to win.

Because the momentum of these five people is no less than that of him. This shows that the martial arts realm of these five people is at least in the later stage of heaven level.

Zhao Kejin felt the strength of the other party, and his face changed and his expression became stern.

With joy's words, five figures appear in the stadium, with the real strength of terror, whistling toward Zhao Kejin.

"In that case, I can only send this gift ahead of time."

However, at this time, Joey showed a sneer, looked at Zhao Kejin, and said: "it's worthy of being a companion of Xu Junshan's team in those years, and his strength can't be underestimated!"

This situation makes song Hongyue excited, and her worries dissipate. Instead, she wants to rush out to help.Three of them were paralyzed on the ground and there was no movement. It seemed that they could not die any more. The remaining two were also dying and motionless.

In less than three minutes, Zhao Kejin beat five opponents.

A figure was hit up, blood in the air, the sound of collision accompanied by screams, let the whole stadium lively.

Suddenly, the huge stadium, issued a burst of roaring sound.

After all, Zhao Kejin is a warrior in the later days of the sky level. He has experienced many battles. In the face of this kind of fighting, he immediately makes arrangements for the two staff members to protect song Hongyue, while he rushes fiercely to the other side.

The battle broke out in an instant.

Zhao Kejin with two staff members, also immediately action up, Zhenyuan outbreak, fierce incomparable rushed over.

As soon as the words came to an end, the warriors suddenly launched and fiercely attacked Zhao Kejin.

"I'm afraid you can't go back, president Zhao!"

Joey smelled the speech and laughed, "go back?"

"Go back and talk about it!" Zhao Kejin takes a look at Song Hongyue, then tenses up and looks warily at the warrior beside Joey.

"President Zhao, how can you --" Song Hongyue was surprised to see Zhao Kejin appear.

At this time, behind an abandoned wall on the opposite side, three figures came out. The leader was Zhao Kejin. Beside him, there were two middle-aged men. They were the staff of the Chinese team.

"What do you mean, master joy?" The sky Knight leader looks at Joey.

Joey gritted his teeth and said, "continue to pursue, but don't kill song Hongyue and Zhao Kejin for the time being. Wait for Chen Fei to come. He's my biggest goal, understand? "

"I understand!" The knight of heaven made a sound and ran after him.

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