Cao Xie was not polite. He looked at Lou Weibo and said in a cold voice, "I don't care about things after the exhibition now."

"What I'm concerned about now is that I can't stand this guy who suddenly comes in. In my opinion, this kind of people's participation in our investigation team is a complete delay and affects the reputation of our Chinese team. Now, I propose that this guy be expelled from the team. "

As soon as he spoke, the people behind Cao Xie immediately agreed.

As soon as the words came out, Lou Weibo's face sank and he was not angry. He wanted to retort a few words, but when the words came to his mouth, he didn't know what to say.

"We all know it."

Cao Xie looked at Lou Weibo and snorted coldly, with a look of disdain on his face, "Lou Weibo, I don't look down on you. However, you have to make it clear that TCM has not been approved by any of them in this new drug exhibition. No matter how powerful he is, Chen Fei can not bring benefits to our team. "

Lou Weibo couldn't help it now. He said in a voice, "what's the point? Cao Xie, why do you think Chen Fei is harmful to our Chinese team? Maybe Chen Fei's joining will bring benefits to our Chinese team. Why don't you say this possibility? It's not that you have an opinion on Chen Fei, so you deliberately say that! "

Lu Ming also nodded to one side, a look of soliloquy, whispered: "this is also some truth."

Cao Xie's words are high sounding and well founded. For a while, people can't find fault with them.

Cao Xie nodded slightly and said in a voice: "Mr. Chai, we respect you very much. But rules are rules. It's only a few days away from the exhibition. It's a huge damage to our overall plan to temporarily add people. We're not aiming at Chen Fei or Mr. Chai. We're thinking about the whole Chinese team. "

Smell speech, Lu Ming did not speak, but looked at Cao Xie.

Chai was obviously aware of this. He snorted and said lightly, "Xiao Chen is the one I recommend to join the team."

Seeing Lu Ming's attitude, people can't understand what he thinks. It seems that, as Lou Weibo has just guessed, Lu Ming is dissatisfied with Chen Fei's temporary participation, or TCM itself, so he also takes the opportunity to express his attitude.

Seeing this, Lu Ming's eyes twinkled and looked at the old Chai around him. With an embarrassed expression, he said in a voice: "old Chai, I didn't expect this situation. This -"

the remaining three people immediately agreed with Lou Weibo's words.

"Chen Fei people are very good. They are very good to us."

"I think Chen Fei is very powerful. It's good for us to have one more person."

"We support Chen Fei."

Seeing this, Lou Weibo cried out: "we don't have this idea. We support the little Chen Liu team. It's just Cao Xie's idea to fire Chen Fei. "

A voice echoed.


"We strongly demand the dismissal of Chen Fei."

"That's what we all think."

"Yes, it's our opinion."

"Get out of the team!" Lu Ming looked surprised. He was stunned for a moment. Then he glanced at the crowd and said, "is this your opinion?"

Cao Xie turned his head and glared at Chen Fei, then said in a voice: "Dr. Cao, after discussion, it is absolutely certain that if we temporarily join a member who can't do anything in our team, it will greatly affect our original plan and the unity of the team. Therefore, we propose to expel Chen Fei from the team. "

"Request!" Lu Ming looks at Cao Xie and others, and then looks at Lou Weibo and others who are not good-looking. He has guessed something vaguely. A smile appears on the corner of his mouth and says to Cao Xie, "what do you want to ask?"

Cao Xie took a look at old Chai, and his eyes fell back on Lu Ming. Then he nodded and said in a voice, "doctor Lu, we all have a request. I want to talk to you."

Lu Ming took the lead in asking, "Cao Xie, what's the matter with so many of you coming here?"

When they saw the players coming together, they were surprised at the same time.

When they arrived, Cao Xie and they had knocked on Lu Ming's door. Just as it happens, in the room, old Chai is also there. It seems that he is discussing something with Lu Ming.

So they followed.

See Chen Fei's words: "we don't see the letter together."

Behind him, Lou Weibo and others are still worried.

"No? We'll see! " Cao Xie cold hum, with a group of people behind him, swaggered to Lu Ming's room.

Chen Fei said with a confident smile: "don't worry, I won't be fired."

"But, Xiao Chen, you --" Lou Weibo looks at Chen Fei with some worry.

But at the moment, Chen Fei grabbed him, shook his head and said in a voice, "don't worry, let them go."

Lou Weibo's face sank and he wanted to say something.

"Lou Weibo, what do you want to do? If you don't, do it directly? " Cao Xie sneered.Thinking of this, Lou Weibo couldn't help standing up and standing in front of Cao Xie.

When Lou Weibo saw this, he couldn't help but look worried. Because he knew that although Lu Ming seemed to have great respect for Chai, Lu Ming was the leader of the domestic western medicine team and was not very happy to join the team of traditional Chinese medicine this time. If Cao Xie and others open their mouths, maybe Lu Ming will really take this opportunity to drive Chen Fei out of the team.

With that, Cao Xie turned around and walked directly to Lu Ming's room with a group of people behind him.

Cao Xie didn't give in and said, "Lou Weibo, don't give me these big hats. I'm just doing business. Our opinions will be explained to Dr. Lu. "

"Cao Xie, are you old Chai?" Lou Weibo's tone became serious.

"Besides, as one of the team leaders, Chai has to abide by the rules. Now, I'm afraid this kind of practice will make everyone cold. "

Cao Xie sneered and said in a voice, "I still respect Mr. Chai very much. But that doesn't mean that all the people recommended by Mr. Chai are right. "

Seeing this, Lou Weibo frowned and said in a voice, "don't go too far, Cao Xie. Mr. Chai personally recommended Chen Fei's joining, which was approved by the superior leaders. You can't slander it with a few words. "


"It's all for the sake of the public. I can't stand such a thing happening!"

"With a team, we have nothing to do with it."

"I support what Cao Xie said!"

After all, what Cao Xie said was true.

For a moment, there was a moment of silence, and the atmosphere was tense and awkward.

Lu Ming also deliberately glanced at old Chai and touched his chin with an expression of embarrassment.

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