When the expert heard this, he gave a cold hum, turned his head, and then said in a voice, "enough time has been wasted here. Let's go to the next booth!"

With that, a group of people marched to the next booth.

The onlookers immediately followed, and there were still some people gathered around the Chinese booth, but they were basically spectators. They are holding cameras crackling for a while, and even reporters come up to interview Lu Ming.

With the end of the exhibition of the penultimate German giant pharmaceutical company, people's eyes finally fell on the last booth, namely, the white headed eagle pharmaceutical booth in the center of the venue, numbered 001?, the American pharmaceutical giant.

The higher the quality of the new drugs, the better the quality of the new drugs. The high score record was constantly broken, gradually rising from 7 points, even 8.2 points, which caused a heated discussion at the scene.

When Cao Xie and others were aggrieved, Chen Fei followed the expert group and continued to watch one by one.


"It's not just the boy. There is also an unshirkable responsibility to recommend and connive at his old Chai. "

Nearby, a companion thought of something and said in a voice, "Cao Xie, didn't Chen Fei say that before? It is said that their TCM team will show their talents in the exhibition. But now, there's no bullshit. Go back and report it well. "

"What, a bunch of rubbish, is there any right to laugh at us?" Cao Xie was not angry.

Cao Xie and others, however, were not in such a mood. They stayed in the exhibition stand and looked very serious.

Ignoring these eyes, Chen Fei followed Mr. Chai and went on to the expert group to see the new drug review in other booths.

Just, the other party Cao Xie and others, looking at Chen Fei's eyes, appears unusually gloomy.

With the two voices, the two sides of the people separated, each back.


"are they very busy? Come back to work. "

"Stop it. Don't make a fool of yourself."

Fortunately, at this time, Chai and Lu Ming came over.

Cao Xie wanted to get up and start, but when he was about to start, he saw Chen Fei's cold eyes and was scared to shiver all over, and he didn't dare to move.

"If you are not convinced, you will defeat me. Then you have a little bit of skill Chen Fei said coldly.

"You, you --" Cao Xie covered his face with anger.

Without waiting for him to finish, Chen Fei slapped Cao Xie on the other cheek again. With great strength, he directly knocked him to the ground. Then, Chen Fei was condescending and his voice was cold. "Anger can't hide his incompetence. The incompetent people either work hard or go away. Don't disgrace yourself here. "

After a few seconds, Cao Xie came back to his senses, glared at Chen Fei, gritted his teeth and said: "you dare to hit me, how dare you --"

then, with a crisp sound, "pa", Chen Fei slapped Cao Xie in the face, and directly stunned Cao Xie, who was full of anger. For a moment, his mind was blank, and he didn't know what happened.

But at this moment, Chen Fei's body moved, pulled out a shadow, and instantly appeared in front of Cao Xie.

As soon as Lou Weibo's face sank, he rolled up his sleeves and stepped out. He was about to start.

While he was talking, Cao Xie rushed over with people.

But Cao Xie, who was angry, did not give in at all? Come on, see if I don't beat you up so much that my mother doesn't know you. "

"Cao Xie, what are you talking about? Do you want to fight?" His career was ridiculed, and Lou Weibo's face sank.

"What does your TCM team have? There's no bullshit. It's just a bunch of sticks that jump the big gods. What are you? You dare to mock us. "

"Shame When Cao Xie heard these two words, he was even more furious. He pointed directly at Lou Weibo and Chen Fei and said in an angry voice, "do you mean to say shame in front of us? Even if we couldn't do it any more, we also took out three new drugs, and one of them passed the mark. "

Upon hearing this, Lou Weibo was also angry. "Cao Xie, you are not good enough. You are criticized and disgraced. Don't spread the fire on us. We didn't do anything to you

"I have no attitude. I can't stand schadenfreude." Caoxie road.

Lou Weibo heard the speech, and immediately became angry, and said: "Cao Xie, I had a good intention. What's your attitude?"

But unexpectedly, when Cao Xie saw them coming, he yelled angrily, "what are you looking at, schadenfreude?"

Originally, Lou Weibo was kind-hearted. After all, everyone was in the same team. Now I come to comfort them.

At the moment, Chen Fei and Lou Weibo come over.

Cao Xie and others held back their anger in their hearts and swore.


"Before, it was for the sake of all Chinese that we gave them preferential treatment. As a result, they are the first to turn back the water, a group of traitors. "

"Shortsighted guy, our medicine is absolutely not so bad!""Get out, all of you, a bunch of ungrateful things."

At the moment, the remaining Chinese businessmen said goodbye one after another, "Dr. Lu, I'm sorry, we have something else to do, so we'll go first."

Lu Ming and Cao Xie heard it clearly, and they were all angry.

With that, boss Zhou left with a gloomy face and swearing, "I'm blind because of a group of pit goods. I thought they were all Chinese, so I could believe them. In the end, it's still a weak person who only knows how to imitate. "

Zhou boss calm face, cold voice: "if Dr. Lu does not agree, then even if I breach the contract, I pay the penalty."

"Boss Zhou, how can you --" Lu Ming heard the voice and looked at the boss Zhou in surprise and anger.

One of them clenched his teeth and went directly to the booth and said to Lu Ming, "doctor Lu, the previous contract is invalid."

At the moment, those Chinese businessmen who had been looking forward to it were gloomy and ugly. Especially the two Chinese businessmen who signed the contract look terrible at the moment.

The reporters had to go away bitterly.

At the moment, Lu Ming, who is in a deep mood, is not in the mood for an interview and turns back to the booth.

It has to be said that the name of baitouying pharmaceutical is here, and the evaluation has not started yet. There are three inner and three outer floors around the exhibition stand, almost full of water.

Chen Fei even saw Lu Ming and Cao Xie in the crowd. It seems that they have calmed down and come to see the final play.

In the warm attention, Mr. Mayer, the on-site person in charge of baitouying Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., who is also the deputy general manager of baitouying Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., introduced the new drug products to be launched by baitouying Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

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