But without waiting for the action of the staff, Horst first stopped the staff and said in a deep voice: "the patient's current situation is not optimistic. If he is sent to the hospital now, it will only make his condition worse. Moreover, in terms of time, patients have five minutes at most. It's too late to go to the hospital now. "

"What, how --" Meier was really confused and didn't know what to do for a moment.

At the moment, Chen Fei pushed away the person who was blocking him, rushed over calmly, leaned over to the volunteer, and said in a voice, "let me do it."

"They say it's been developed for more than a decade and used hundreds of researchers. For a large project of this level, the planning and approval work is complicated. It seems that I have never heard of similar news for so many years. "

"The standard of baitouying pharmaceutical has always been the top in the industry. But the standards of these three new drugs are really not in line with the previous ones. "

And the following audience, especially the audience in the industry, are also confused at the moment.

That's something that Mayer can't admit.

Chen Fei continued with a sneer: "or do you want to admit that this is the real R & D level of your baitouying pharmaceutical?"

"This, this --" Meier was really flustered and speechless for a moment.

"For the side effects of these three drugs, I clearly know the defects, and there are ways to treat and improve them. But you, white headed eagle pharmaceutical company, didn't find out at all. Now, do you want to say that it took you more than ten years to develop these three drugs? " Chen Fei asked.

The two mice, which were dying, became active soon and recovered to their original state.

"Is it?" Chen Fei sneered and said nothing more. He quickly took out some prescriptions. After a while of treatment, he fed them to the mice.

Mayer's face changed, and he was still trying to sophistry, "the side effect only shows that the drug is defective, which is a mistake in our work. But it has nothing to do with the traditional Chinese medicine you said

"Mr. Mayer, all three new drugs have side effects that you don't understand. Now, do you want to continue to deny it? " Chen Fei asked coldly.

This, Meier Leng, the scene of people, is about frying pan.

Before long, the mice convulsed and had serious side effects.

With that, Chen Fei took out the other two new drugs, dealt with them quickly, and fed them to the mouse's mouth.

Chen Fei said with a sneer: "it seems that you have not given up, then I'll let you have a look again!"

"We are western medicine and have nothing to do with traditional Chinese medicine!" Myer denied it.

"Continue to develop and improve?" Chen Fei sneered, "don't you admit that you used Chinese medicine?"

"This, this --" Myer hesitated for a while, then made an excuse, "maybe there are some problems in this first new drug that we didn't find. But we will continue to develop and improve. "

At the moment, Chen Fei turned to look at Meier and said in a loud voice: "Mr. Meier, now, you should admit that there is something wrong with the new drug of baitouying pharmaceutical?"

With Horst's personal certification, Milton was afraid to speak.

Before he could finish, Horst said in a voice: "the situation of volunteers has really improved. Mr. Chen's treatment was very successful. "

Meier was also very surprised. He frowned and looked over with suspicion. He said in a voice, "is this true? Will it be -- "

all of us were shocked. Unexpectedly, Chen Fei really saved the volunteer who was on the verge of death.

"Thank you so much, Chen. You are my Savior." With that, the volunteer gave Chen Fei a warm hug.

The volunteer felt in front of himself, and then was surprised, "I, I feel much better, completely recovered, no pain."

Chen Fei lifted her up and asked, "how do you feel?"

Just under the attention of the public, the volunteer suddenly coughed violently, spewed out a mouthful of liquid, and then sat up from the ground.

Then, people's eyes fell on the volunteers lying on the ground.

As time went by, about five minutes later, Chen Fei put away all the silver needles, stood up, sighed and said, "OK."

Even Lu Ming and Cao Xie, members of the Chinese Western medicine team, although they don't know much about traditional Chinese medicine, know some basic concepts. At this moment, they know that Chen Fei's medical skills are more powerful than they think. They are very surprised.


"It's not just a question of whether it will or not, it's a question of whether it's far better than us."

"Chen Fei's technique is so exquisite. Does he really know Chinese medicine?"

In particular, Lou Weibo and several members of their Chinese medicine team were surprised to see Chen Fei's technique.

In the eyes of the Chinese investigation team, this technique surprised everyone.

In the eyes of foreigners who do not know Chinese medicine, this treatment is too strange.

Chen Fei, holding a silver needle in his hand, quickly stabbed the volunteers with his hands flying like a butterfly in a dazzle.In this way, the focus of attention fell on Chen Fei.

As for Chen Fei, who is busy saving people at the moment, he is not in the mood to pay attention to Maier's words.

For a moment, people looked at Myer's face, and it was not very good-looking. Even Dr. Horst, unconsciously, distanced himself from Mayer.

As soon as we heard these words, we immediately understood what Maier meant.

With the responsibility of Chen feidan, Michael is relieved and relaxed. Although it's not good-looking to deal with it in this way, in fact, it's a good thing for baitouying pharmaceutical.

Hearing this, Mayer said in a hurry: "you said that. There are so many people at the scene. Everyone is listening to you. You can't deny it then! "

In the heat of discussion, Chen Fei didn't look up at all when he heard Maier's words. He said in a cold voice, "don't worry, I'll take care of it when something goes wrong. I'm not going to ask you for baitouying pharmaceutical. "


"If I were you, I would not care. It's no good saving people. If you can't, you have to carry the pot. "

"Won't it be clear, Mel, to shirk responsibility?"

"I didn't expect that such a big company as baitouying pharmaceutical should be so shameless!"

As soon as the words came out, there was a lot of discussion and booing.

Chen Mingfei wants to put the blame on him.

Hearing the speech, Meier looked at Chen Fei, gritted his teeth and said, "you are in trouble now. If the volunteers have problems, you should be responsible!"

But Horst stopped him. "This is the last chance. Let him have a try."

"You --" Meier sees this and wants to stop Chen Fei.

"Maybe what Chinese medicine says is true. The three new drugs of baitouying pharmaceutical are really not developed by ourselves. "

"If they are really driven out by Chinese medicine, the current situation can be explained."


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