With quail's hand, the atmosphere on the scene suddenly became warm, and countless people's eyes were all transferred to Hexin island with quail.

At the same time, the informed warrior quickly introduced all kinds of information about quel. Immediately in the crowd, caused a hot discussion.

"Quell, a traditional Knight family from the United States, is very skilled."

"He is also a warrior in the later stage of heaven level. The river can't drown him."

"What's the matter with quill? Is he still alive?"

"Just now, what happened? How did quill fall into the river? "

This kind of result is really difficult for them to understand and accept.

Then, quill suddenly lost his balance in the air, the sword left, and he fell into the river without a trace.

After all, in the eyes of ordinary people, Chen Fei just flicked his finger at quell, and didn't even touch quell.

Almost everyone, all gaping at Chen Fei, looks unbelievable.

At the moment, the audience, who are still shouting and shaking their arms, seems to have never recovered. When they found out that quill was gone, they suddenly realized what had happened. The voice, which was still very loud just now, stopped.

Quill, the first one, is defeated!

Quill, who was wearing heavy armor, lost his balance and fell rapidly from the air into the rolling river.

Suddenly, the sword fell straight into the ground.

Then, while still holding his sword in both hands in the air, quail's body suddenly hardened.

"Whew", the air bullet shot into quill's eyebrow without any obstruction, then easily penetrated, and then splashed out with a red and white object.

However, quell's reaction was slow after all. When he realized the danger, the air bullet had reached his eyebrows.

All of a sudden, he stood on his head in cold sweat. His whole body seemed to be electrified, and his muscles were tense. Zhenyuan's breath was running wildly in the meridians, driving his body to make an evasive response to avoid the air bullet.

Feeling the shrill air, quill suddenly realized that danger was coming.

Then, through the air bullets, continue to roar forward. Straight to quill's head.

When the invisible air bullet touched the body of his huge sword, it broke through the body of the sword instantly, and a small round hole appeared.

Quill's next act of stupidity made him feel confident.

It's a matter of course that such a strong sword can block a small air bullet.

Now the huge sword in his hand is stronger than ordinary armored vehicles in terms of defense.

In his opinion, it's a piece of cake. After all, his huge sword was made of special alloy, and over the years, he invited countless top experts to refine and strengthen it.

Quill slightly side of the sword, want to use the thick body of the sword to block the air bullet.

It's just, before he's finished. The invisible air bullet flew in front of quill.

Quill felt Chen Fei's action, and immediately his face became more and more disdainful. "I want to stop my attack, too, you --"

in an instant, the air at his fingertips was compressed and burst out, like an invisible bullet.

With that, Chen Fei raised his right hand, buttoned his thumb and middle finger together, and flicked gently at quell in the air.

At the moment, Chen Fei, faced with this powerful offensive, has no expression on his face. On the contrary, he is a little bored and says in a faint voice: "is the so-called Centennial Knight at this level?"

The overwhelming momentum seemed to split the whole island in the middle of the river.

At the same time, the huge sword he held in both hands was thundering down at the moment.

"Chen Fei, it's also your honor to die in my hands." Quail cried out with pride.

In an instant, epee with the whirring wind and powerful pressure, the air is compressed to a whistling sound.

At the moment, quail, with pride, looks at Chen Fei standing on the islet in the middle of the river. He raises his hands in the middle of the big one and cuts him down.

Especially at the moment, the audience on both sides of the East River in New York City, and even the American people, have raised their arms to celebrate quail's victory.

With more and more information about quell spreading, many people are not optimistic about Chen Fei.


"So powerful!"

"Yes, look at quill's armor. It looks ordinary. But it's a treasure armour inherited by the quell family for two hundred years. It's said that it's made of special metal. Even the armour piercing bullet can resist wearing it. The sword is made of the same material as the armor. It's extremely strong and weighs as much as 200 Jin. It doesn't need to be stabbed at all. It can kill the enemy"Skill, equipment!"

"Brother, I tell you that quell is the ancestral Knight family. Although his martial arts level is the first level, quell family has special matching Knight skills. Coupled with quell's special equipment, even if he is a real top class master, he has the power to fight, let alone Chen Fei."

"Ha ha, don't you believe it? You'll see how quell beat the boy up. "

"No, this level of master, even if exaggerated, but the strength is not to be underestimated."

"Qiao Yueshan, the old man, is not worth mentioning. His strength is just boasting. It's nothing to kill him. "

"However, Qiao Yueshan, a well-known warrior of the Qing Gang, really died in Chen Fei's hands."

"Hehe, you've just heard about it. Is it so easy to reach the top level? "

"It doesn't mean that Chen Fei has reached the highest level. This quell is just in the later stage of heaven level. How dare he fight with Chen Fei? Isn't he afraid of failure? "

Hearing this, some people can not help but make a voice of doubt.


"Quell is very strong in talent and strength. At the age of 35, he entered the realm of heaven level. At the age of 40, he reached the middle realm of heaven level. Now at the age of 53, he has reached the late realm of heaven level."

"It's said that ten years ago, the then president of the United States invited quill to be his bodyguard. But quill refused. At that time, there was a heated discussion about it. "

"But I just saw that before I fell into the river. Quill's head and it's been penetrated. Something's splashing out. "

"No, it can't be. Are you wrong? "


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