Wei Tian, hearing the speech, looked at Chen Fei, nodded with a smile and said, "brother Fei, I want to have a try first. If you don't go through a life and death war, you can't make rapid progress. "

Wen Yan, Chen Fei understands Wei Tian's idea. He wanted to take this opportunity to sharpen his own martial arts and go further.

In that case, Chen Fei didn't persuade him any more. He nodded and said, "then you come first. However, you should be careful. If you don't feel right, call me immediately. "

"Ha ha, die for me!" Jiang Yu grinned grimly and roared. He was shocked by Wei Tian.


"Don't you think Wei is going to die. What a pity for such a genius

"Don't mention it. They are disciples of the prefecture level sect. In their eyes, we ordinary martial arts people are not worth mentioning at all."

"Isn't that too much? Wei Tian has already given up. He still wants to kill people. "

"Jiang Yu is angry. Wei Tian is in danger."

Such a situation, so that all the guests can not help changing face, issued bursts of startled voice.

With that, Jiang Yu moved quickly, and two sharp air awns appeared in his palm, with the intention of killing Chao Wei Tian. Unexpectedly, before Wei Tian retreated, he was directly injured and even killed.

At this time, Jiang Yu heard Wei Tian's voice, his mouth showed a ferocious smile, quickly caught up with him, "want to retreat! Do you think you can retire? "

Luo Xin did not dare to answer, only coughed and bowed his head, pretending to be unstable.

Fang Qingxi has also seen this statement on the Internet. After listening to Luo Xin's statement, he has no doubt. Just full of regret, "Luoxin, if your elder martial brother is here. How dare Jiang Yu be so arrogant, and how dare he treat our Fang family like this. "

Luo Xin's face sank when he heard the speech, and then he coughed a few times. He made an excuse to explain: "my elder martial brother was injured in the first World War of the United States. After he returned home, he went to recuperate. I can't get in touch with him now. "

Fang Qingxi just recovered. His face darkened and he bit his lip. He could not help looking at Luoxin with a look of begging. "Luoxin, can you contact your elder martial brother. Let him show up - "

" do you think it's a good thing? Wei Tian is defeated. Jiang Yu's next task is to deal with our Fang family. " Fang Baimu stares at his sister and says in a cold voice.

As soon as the words came out, Fang Qingxi, who was discontented just now, seemed to have heard some good news. He looked at Fang Baimu and said in a voice: "brother, you see, Wei Tian is not dead. And he didn't sign any more than LOXin

Wei Tian, who had been fighting hard, finally reached the limit at this moment, and cried out: "brother Fei, I can't do it."

Seeing this, Chen Fei squinted and his muscles tightened.

Wei Tian's face was red, and he had several wounds on his body. His clothes were dyed red with blood.

At the moment, Jiang Yu faced Wei Tian's fierce attack. After a little panic, he immediately stabilized and strengthened his momentum, pressing Wei Tian back a little bit.

Fang Qingxi smell speech, can't help but show dissatisfaction on the face, want to refute what to say. But when I think of Luo Xin's performance, I can only shut my mouth.

Fang Baimu couldn't help but say in a voice: "is our Fang family really wrong? Wei Tian should be the first choice to recruit a son-in-law. "

Such a fierce play surprised everyone.

Jiang Yu's attack was fierce, and then he felt the blood again.

Chen Fei is calm, light way: "not yet."

Seeing this, Huang Pang was in a hurry and looked at Chen Fei, "brother Fei, brother Tianhe -"

Wei Tian, who had just been well matched, couldn't hold on to the attack. He was beaten back, and even began to show blood in the corner of his mouth.

In the voice of words, Jiang Yu's momentum soared again, and he launched a fierce attack on Wei Tian one after another.

At this time, Jiang Yu's face was gloomy and his expression was already a little angry. After another fight with Wei Tian, he snorted coldly, "enough. There's no need to go on. Give me a break. "

"Is it?" The eyes of the Fang family twinkled and they wanted to question, but they didn't open their mouth because they didn't feel it was the right time.

"Besides, Wei Tian may not be better than Jiang Yu."

So she bit her teeth and tried to explain: "grandfather, Dad, brother. Luo Xin is injured in the body, will lose so fast. Don't blame him

Fang Qingxi naturally understands the thoughts of her elders, and her face sinks, but Luoxin is the one she likes after all.

Words in the eyes, Fang several people obviously dissatisfied with Luo Xin's performance, and even began to some doubt.


"Luo Xin can't even carry Jiang Yu's move just now, but Wei Tian is right. This strength gap - "

" this boy, originally the first candidate of our Fang family to recruit son-in-law, just missed it? ""I didn't expect that Wei Tian was so powerful?"

In particular, Fang Baimu, Fang Tao and Fang Mo sweep Wei Tian's eyes and then come back. They wander around Luo Xin, and their eyes look strange.

In the sound of discussion, the Fang family also opened their eyes one by one, which seemed a little inconceivable.


"Not only did they not win, but now they are almost equal."

"Nearly a hundred moves, right? Jiang Yu hasn't won yet. "

"Is Wei Tian so powerful? He hasn't lost yet."

This result, however, surprised the public, totally unexpected.

Such a situation, the outside world, the two seem to be a pair of equal appearance.

After several competitions, Wei Tian not only resisted his attack, but also brought some pressure to him. Jiang Yu had to retreat.

Originally did not put Wei Tian in the eye, prepare to defeat him at will of Jiang Yu, also can't help but change facial expression at the moment. Because Wei Tian's fighting power is much stronger than he imagined.

In the middle of the auditorium, Wei Tian and Jiang Yu are constantly fighting.


"Impossible. No wonder, Wei Tian can't be Jiang Yu's opponent."

"It's too late to say that. Look, maybe there's a miracle."

"Just now, he apologized, maybe he had a chance. As a result, he --"

"did Wei Tian die? It's really a fight with Jiang Yu. "

The people in the auditorium retreated quickly and hid in the corner one after another. At the same time, they were all surprised.

In an instant, the two men's energy collided and stirred up in the auditorium, smashing many fragile plates and bowls.

Then, he met Jiang Yu and went straight up.

"Feige, I understand." Wei Tian smiles.

But at the moment, Wei Tian's face was as usual, and there was no nervous color on his face. Even dissipated all the breath of the body, there is no meaning of resistance.

"Do you know that you are bound to die?" Jiang Yu raised his mouth and grinned, "but I won't let you die so easily. I will break your limbs, and then crush your elixir field a little bit, so that you can't survive or die. Let you know, this is the end of offending me, Jiang Yu and xiaoyaozong. Ha ha ha

With a ferocious and cruel smile, Jiang Yu attacks the defenseless Wei Tian.

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