In this case, even if it is calm Lin Qiuhan, at the moment is a Leng, and then pretty face quickly red, cover the body, quickly cried: "you, you go out!"

Chen Fei used both hands and feet to climb out of the bathtub. He didn't know whether it was hand sliding or something unexpected in his heart. He was in a panic. His palm slipped on the edge of the bathtub, but his body was unstable. He directly slipped down and fell back into the bathtub. His body and Lin Qiuhan's delicate body had a closer contact and were completely stuck together.

Lin Qiuhan's red face was almost dripping now. He bit his red lips and pushed Chen Fei away from him with both hands. He gritted his teeth and said, "you, you go out quickly!"

At this time, on the TV screen, came a burst of charming voice.

"Why not?" Chen Fei is still puzzled.

"No, it's not..." Lin Qiuhan some anxious explanation way.

Chen Fei thought his wife was still shy and said with a smile, "wife, it's OK. I'll watch it with you. Besides, I don't know that you like dolls. "

Lin Qiuhan blushed, slightly touched in his heart, but when he saw the picture on TV. His expression suddenly became more urgent, and he reached out to grab the remote control in Chen Fei's hand.

Thinking of this, Chen Fei looked at Lin Qiuhan, who was blushing and worried. He couldn't help laughing and said in a voice, "wife, actually you like to watch idol dramas. I know it's nothing. Because wife, you are always a girl in my heart

When Chen Fei thinks about her wife's pink dress in her room and her love for all kinds of Doraemon toys, he doubts that her wife has a girl's heart.

The result did not expect to go home, but found his high cold president's wife, even hiding in the bathtub to watch this idol drama, but also to watch crying. Not only that, she watched it on a big screen on TV.

When Chen Fei went to work some time ago, he saw little girls in the company chasing dramas every day. As a result, he tried to watch several episodes himself, and found that the plot was too banal, and some couldn't go on.

Then, Chen Fei saw two beautiful characters, a man and a woman, on the huge screen TV. As soon as he saw the make-up, he knew that it was the most popular idol drama.

Chen Fei is surprised. He doesn't understand why his wife is so excited all of a sudden. But the action on the hand pressed down and turned on the phone.

Lin Qiuhan nodded casually, but all of a sudden, as if he thought of something. With a hot cheek, he rushed to Chen Fei and yelled, "no!"

Chen Fei also followed the time and felt embarrassed. Then he touched the remote control and said, "it's still early. Let's watch TV first."

Lin Qiuhan glanced at the clock. At ten o'clock in the morning, what kind of food would you like to eat when you don't go to the village before and after!

"No, I can't go on like this. I have to take the initiative or I'll become a stranger." Chen Fei moved in his heart, then pointed to the things he had brought back from the kitchen and said, "wife, are you hungry? Let me cook. Xiaoting gave me a lot of local products. I'll cook them for you. "

Chen Fei scratched his head for a while. He was so anxious in his heart that he said, "how can I go out on my own and get a big Oolong when I come back, and then make myself like a stranger with my wife?"

Chen Fei, who is always active, doesn't know what to say now. In addition, Wang Ma's absence made the atmosphere in the room a little awkward. They just sat there and didn't talk.

"Well!" Lin Qiuhan answered, and then he didn't speak.

Lin Qiuhan smell speech, eyebrow gently picked pick, although did not say what. But in her heart, there was a slight sense of joy. She was happy that Chen Fei could explain these things to herself.

Chen Fei nodded and explained that he had stayed one more day. "I happened to meet Xu Xiaoting yesterday and went to her house to help her. So I came back today. "

"You're back." Lin Qiuhan opens his mouth and asks lightly.

Chen Fei looked up at his wife's cold light expression. He could not help but feel relieved. He secretly said that his wife was not angry. But then, somehow, seeing his wife's expression, he felt a slight discomfort.

Hide in the room calm for a long time, let his expression as calm as possible. Lin Qiuhan took a long breath and came downstairs.

This kind of situation, let always calm Lin Qiuhan, at the moment the heart is thumping, like a deer general, completely can't stop.

From childhood to adulthood, in addition to the drunken and Chen Fei roll sheets. She had never been so close to a man, and she was naked.

In addition to Chen Fei, Lin Qiuhan is also worried.

In this way, the passage of time, Chen Fei do not know how long. Suddenly I heard the sound of opening the door from upstairs. Looking up, I saw my wife's door open, and her figure showed half.

Chen Fei, who is outside, seems to be a boy in love for the first time. He walks uneasily in the living room and keeps looking up. He raises his feet several times to go upstairs, but he just moves, then hesitates to take back his steps."It can't be so tragic. I just got back and made my wife angry?"

"Why haven't you moved for so long? My wife is really angry with me."

"My wife doesn't think I'm making excuses and taking advantage of her on purpose."

"Have you done too much today?"

Pedaling downstairs, Chen Fei quickly and simply rinsed, immediately put on his clothes, and then looked upstairs with some uneasiness, and his heart turned upside down.

Chen Fei looked down, and realized that he was in a slippery way at the moment. Suddenly he turned red and hurried away from the bathroom.

As a result, Lin Qiuhan turns to see Chen Fei and finds that this guy is standing beside him to explain. Suddenly pretty face scarlet, even busy way: "don't explain, you quickly out!"

"Wife, I didn't mean to!" Chen Fei explained quickly, and then climbed out of the bathtub with hands and feet. Standing beside, he explained to Lin Qiuhan sincerely.

Chen Fei looked around and found that the protagonist and heroine, who were still looking at each other affectionately just now, were already hugging each other and lying on the beach grass full of petals, kissing crazily and taking off their clothes. They were about to start their passion.

Now, Chen Fei is a little silly. It turns out that my wife is not worried about finding out that she is watching idol dramas, but worried about finding out that she is watching this kind of passionate old driver plot!

Lin Qiuhan is not to blame. She has never been in love since she was so old, so we can only find these romantic love plots in idol dramas.

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