"Elder martial brother, it's amazing." Wu zikong gives Zonghan a thumbs up.

Yu Qin and others congratulated Zonghan one after another.

On one side, all the people of Zhenwu family laughed.

So, Chen Fei and his couple, the strength test is all over.

Even the staff in charge, at the moment, were a little surprised. They rushed over and wrote down Chen Fei's name.

This, low sarcasm, a quiet down, all surprised to see Chen Fei, face accident.

The number jumped and finally stayed at 41000 kg.

Just as the crowd sneered, Chen Fei took a slight breath, focused his eyes, and hit the instrument with a bang.


"Ha ha, it's a joke."

"It's overdone!"

"Don't you think that guy is the first master of the young generation? How can we have such strength? "

"It's a waste of time to try."

Seeing this, many people immediately gave out stealing laughter and pointed at Chen Fei.

Finally, the number jumped to 20125 Jin and stopped.

Chen Fei nodded, then hit the instrument with a punch.

Staff Leng for a while, it seems that Chen Fei did not expect this request, but still nodded: "yes. But hurry up. There are still many people to test. Don't delay

Chen Fei went to the instrument, did not directly test, but asked: "can I try it first, and then officially start the test?"

The staff almost forgot him. It was only after being reminded by others that they remembered and waved to Chen Fei to come forward for the test.

In the noisy discussion, only the last Chen Fei has not been tested.

Obviously, this achievement exceeded the shortlisted standard and even surprised the staff.

Even the staff changed their face in an instant. After a moment of stupefaction, they immediately came to Yu Wenju and registered his name with a smile.


"This achievement is more than twice of mine. Is our gap so big?"

"It's nearly 50000 Jin. Is that the strength of yuwenju? It's too strong. "

"Is it true? It's 48000 kg. It's terrible! "

All of a sudden, the scene was silent, and then a loud noise broke out.

Finally, the number stays above 48365 kg.

The instrument trembled fiercely, a roar came out, and the numbers on it jumped quickly.

Yu Wenju looks at Zhong Zhuyan with a smile, and then steps out. Before arriving at the instrument, he hardly makes any stop, and hits the instrument with a bang.

He opened his mouth and wanted to explain, but the staff ignored him at all. Instead, they waved to Yu Wenju and motioned him to come out to test.

Song Lei's face changed when he saw it.

"Zhong Zhuyan's achievement, converted into a man's achievement, is equivalent to 40000 Jin of strength. Do you think you can achieve it? "

"What's more, you have to make it clear that there are differences between men and women, and the strength data can't be directly equivalent."

In an instant, the staff came back, glared at Song Lei and said, "if you don't have the strength, you should practice hard. A big man, who speaks in a strange way, has no virtue!"

Although the voice is not big, but any of the staff here are sky level experts, naturally can hear song Lei's words.

Song Lei said so, many people around nodded, the heart is also this idea.

Song Lei at the moment, is a sour look, some unconvinced mutter: "this achievement can be shortlisted? Not much better than me! What's more, it's only with the resources provided by the top Zhenwu family of the Zhong family that this result can be achieved. If I had those resources, maybe I would be shortlisted

In the envious comments, it is hard to avoid some strange eyes.


"If only I had been chosen!"

"Maybe I was chosen by the 16th hall. I'm so lucky!"

"This, this is on the shortlist."

After listening to these words, other people all show surprised eyes, one by one envies incomparably.

"Don't worry, it's not a bad thing." The staff laughed at Zhong Zhuyan and said, "you have achieved a good result and reached the shortlist line of the 16th hall, so I'll write down your name first. The adults of the 16th hall may choose you."

"Yes, I am!" Zhong Zhuyan nodded, then looked at the staff with a little curiosity, and asked, "what's the problem, I --"

in the cheers, the staff took a document, went to Zhong Zhuyan, and asked: "confirm your identity, you are Zhong Zhuyan of Zhongs of Zhenwu family in China?"

The number beat, and finally stayed at the number of 33689 Jin, which created the best result so far and won a burst of cheers.Zhong Zhuyan first went out and took a deep breath in the eyes of the public. Then he drank and hit the instrument with a fist.

Zhong Zhuyan and Yu Wenju are the children of the top Zhenwu aristocratic families. They are very strong and everyone is looking forward to them.

In the end, only Zhong Zhuyan, Yu Wenju and Chen Fei were left before the test.

Among them, the best result at present is 32463 Jin, which was created by a child of Zhenwu family who is as famous as the Song family.

It has to be said that song Lei's power of more than 30000 Jin is really outstanding among the people. Even the children of the Zhenwu family, there are only five or six people who can exceed 30000 Jin.

At this time, the test continued, and one member came forward to test the strength.

They nodded and said nothing more.

Chen Fei ignored song Lei's provocative eyes. Instead, he patted Zonghan and Wu zikong on the shoulder and comforted them: "just give full play to your strength. Don't lose heart."

"Frog in the well, now you know how powerful it is!" Song Lei comes back with a proud face. When he talks, he looks at Chen Fei deliberately.

"So high!" Wu zikong exclaimed, a little pale.

All of a sudden, the data beat, and the number of 30312 appeared in front of everyone, which surprised everyone.

With pride in his face, he glanced at Zonghan and wuzikong, and hit the instrument with a blow.

But at this time, it's song Lei's turn to go up.

"You -" Wu zikong stares at Song Lei angrily, trying to say something.

Song Lei is a face disdain appearance, voice way: "just so little power, also celebrate, simply ridiculous."

The last top three are Yu Wenju, Chen Fei and Zhong Zhuyan.

Yuwenju and Zhong Zhuyan were shortlisted. We take them for granted. Chen Fei broke into the second place, which was somewhat unexpected.

Many people's eyes on Chen Fei have changed, and the topic behind them has changed from irony to emotion.

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