Just as Chen Fei enters the airport, takes a plane, and goes to the fog capital of the shadow kingdom.

At the moment, in the special laboratory of the U.S. military, Professor Thomas, who was wrapped up all over, looked at a huge transparent laboratory in front of him.

In the laboratory, after a burly American soldier was injected with a scarlet drug, his eyes gradually began to burn, and his muscles also began to burn.

"I'm so lucky to finally leave China and live in the noble shadow kingdom."

"Today's China is nothing more than a nouveau riche. With a little money, they are arrogant everywhere, but they have no self-restraint and are rude. Otherwise, I won't let your father bring us to immigrate here! "

"It's worthy of being an aristocrat. Look at people, the decoration and the decorative painting are full of artistic atmosphere. In contrast, our Chinese things are much worse. "

"Ma, look at this. It's beautiful. Take a picture of me. "

At the same time, the excited voices are also constantly coming out.

The two were apparently mother and daughter, taking pictures of each other.

Next to her was a middle-aged woman in her forties. She has more than one luxury brand in her hand.

A little girl about seventeen or eighteen years old, dressed in famous brand, was taking photos in the white hall with her face full of excitement.

Among them, he saw many yellow faces, and Chen Fei even heard Chinese.

Many tourists, the novel observation of the various decorations in the white hall, constantly taking photos.

Of course, in order to protect the palace, visitors to the white hall are either rich or expensive. Chen Fei also spent a sum of money to come in.

As one of the most famous places of Hampton palace, Whitehall is naturally full of tourists.

Chen Fei entered and began to carefully observe the environment in the white hall.

Especially the White Hall of Hampton palace, the venue of the auction.

As soon as they entered the palace, other tourists picked up their mobile phones and cameras and kept snapping. Instead, Chen Fei walked quickly through the palace, observing and remembering the route and environment of the palace.

Bought a ticket, Chen Fei and ordinary tourists together, into the Hampton palace.

Chen Fei wants to rescue his wife. Naturally, he has to observe the situation of the auction site in advance to find out the situation.

This time, Sotheby's auction house, the oldest and most famous auction house in the world, chose Hampton palace as the auction site, which has attracted a lot of attention.

Hampton palace was once one of the residences of the royal family of the shadow kingdom. Later, the royal family moved out and opened it to the public, becoming a famous scenic spot. Many tourists from all over the world come to visit this classic and exquisite palace.

After booking a room in a nearby hotel, Chen Fei walked to Hampton palace.

After leaving the airport, Chen Fei went straight to the southwest of Wudu. Because that's where the auction was held, the Hampton palace.

After a few hours' flight, Chen Fei arrived at the capital of the shadow Kingdom, fog city.


"That's your problem. I don't care. I just need an experimental body. " Thomas said impatiently and hung up.

"The quality is still poor. They are already elite in the army. No matter how strong they are, it's hard to find them. " He said in a low voice.

Thomas said, "of course I know. All right, let's not talk about that. This batch of experimental body mass is too poor, no one can hold my medicine. Next time, send a batch of better quality

"Don't think about it for the moment. It's too difficult for a master of that level to capture alive. " He said in a low voice.

"It's amazing how the martial arts practitioners of nature can make such rapid progress." Thomas said, and then he thought of something. He squinted and said, "if you can catch that guy, let me have a good study. Maybe I can make a further breakthrough in X reagent. "

"Well, we haven't found any similar information. Moreover, according to all kinds of information, Chen Fei should not be a man-made warrior, but a natural practitioner. " He said in a low voice.

"Chen Fei, it's him. I know him!" Thomas's eyes narrowed. "If I remember correctly, he's not 30 years old. How could he be so powerful? Has the Chinese military developed similar products? "

The low voice continued, "you should know him. He is the young master of China, master Chen Fei

"What, kill four demigod masters at the same time. Who is he? How can he be so powerful? " Thomas was very surprised.

"And, with the exception of variant two. The other side also killed another three demigod masters no less than variant No. 2. "

"Variant two went to star city to avenge her father," he said in a low voice. But in the end, they were killed by each other. "

"What, dead? How did you die? She has the strength of demigod. Who can kill her? " Thomas was a little excited.

At the other end of the phone, a low voice came, "variant two is dead.""I'm Thomas. It's not going well. How about variant 2? Can it be recalled? I need to do some research and improvement. "

Professor Thomas, who turned back to his office, picked up the phone and made a call.

"Yes My men are busy.

Looking at his hands a flurry of confusion, as well as the laboratory frantically scurrying experimental body, Professor Thomas turned around without expression and said in a cold voice: "get rid of it and prepare for the next experiment."


"No, it's out of control. The experiment failed. "

"It's still improving. It's going to reach the top level of the sky. No, it's not right. The experimental body is going out of control."

"The strength is increasing, reaching the level of days later."

The soldiers, who were already furious, suddenly trembled and became more furious. Constantly punching and kicking, hard impact on the wall of the laboratory.

"Yes His subordinates quickly said that more scarlet liquid was injected into the soldier's body.

But Professor Thomas interrupted him directly. "It's an order."

"Professor, but --" the men were worried.

"In the middle of the day, that's not enough!" Professor Thomas frowned and said in a cold voice, "increase the dose!"

"Professor report, the strength has reached the level of the middle of the day level, and the speed of improvement has slowed down."

But Professor Thomas, who was standing in front of the laboratory, looked at the experimental body coldly and said in a cold voice, "how about the experimental data?"

More and more powerful, will be a solid laboratory smashed loud, constantly shaking.

Then, the soldiers became more and more violent, smashing the transparent wall of the laboratory.


Chen Fei naturally heard the conversation between them and felt a trace of displeasure. He frowned gently.

But after all, it was someone else's idea, and he didn't say much. He walked around them.

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