"Dad, Chen Fei is going to win." At the moment, Eden is also very excited.

Sir Blaise nodded with a smile on his face.

But at this time, the Walton family, who was unwilling to ship, suddenly showed a smile and said, "it's not sure who caught who!"

"Her accomplishments were abandoned by master Chen. From then on, she has no more martial arts. "

"What do you mean?"

"No, there's breath. It's not dead, but it's almost dead. "

"Here, here, is Starscream dead?"

The audience was shocked.

Red spider uttered a scream, the whole person spit out a mouthful of blood, fell on the challenge arena, directly fainted in the past.

Suddenly, "pa" a light ring.

However, at the moment, Chen Fei's face sank. He didn't listen to Starscream and stepped on his right foot.

Feeling Chen Fei's action, red spider was shocked and yelled: "I admit defeat, I admit defeat, you don't want to --"

but Chen Fei didn't want to be polite to her. She stepped down with her right foot.

"No, it's impossible. You can't -- "Starscream was shocked and didn't want to believe it.

"After that, I just played a game with you."

Chen Fei light way: "I have told you, I am a doctor, the kind of medical skills are very good.". You think your poison has made you unconscious, but you don't know it. I've noticed it from the moment you poisoned it. "

"You, how can you --" Starscream was shocked and struggled to get up, but found that Chen Fei's strength on his feet was more and more heavy, "impossible, your true yuan breath, why didn't weaken, it's impossible!"

Red spider, who wanted to dodge, was caught by Chen Fei, and then banged on the ground of the challenge arena, just like Battier just now.


But this time, Chen Fei's right hand was a little faster than before, which made Starscream unable to dodge.

Just, red spider's words didn't finish, but suddenly his face changed greatly, his face showed the color of horror, quickly wriggled body, want to avoid Chen Fei's right hand.

Red spider see this, cold hum a way: "still want to die, don't waste effort.". Now that the poison has come into effect, it's impossible for you to catch it with your current strength -- "

at the moment of speaking, Chen FeiMeng's hand, right arm sticking out and grabbing at Starscream.

Chen Fei squinted and said, "it's not me who wants to die, it's you."

"You want to die!" Red spider way.

Chen Fei sniffed the speech, shook his head with a smile and said: "I don't choose."

"Don't waste any more time." Red spider a little impatient, frown way, "either hand over what I want, or you wait to die! Give me your choice

"Yes? You are so confident Chen Feidao.

"TCM, of course I know that. But, what's the matter -- "Starscream said," do you want to say that you can use your medical skills to untie my poison. I tell you, don't be paranoid. It's impossible. My poison is carefully prepared. After many tests and improvements, it's not so easy to solve. "

However, Chen Fei suddenly changed his tone and said, "if you have checked so much information about me, why didn't you find it? Besides being a warrior, I am also a doctor and a Chinese traditional medicine."

"That's nature!" Starscream nodded.

"It seems that you really checked a lot of my information!" Chen Feidao.

"But I don't think master Chen would do that. After all, master Chen seems to have many confidants in China. Do you really have the heart to leave them

Red spider continued: "poison has a time limit, and my patience is limited. If master Chen doesn't agree, I don't mind adding a name to my death list. "

Chen Fei was silent.

Red spider said with a smile: "compared with master Chen's accomplishments and life, I don't think these are much."

"It's a lion's mouth When Chen Fei heard the speech, he couldn't help feeling.

"My requirements are not high, as long as your company has those herbs. As long as you give me something, I'll give you the antidote right away. " Starscream.

"It seems that master Chen is still very good!" Starscream laughed, then narrowed his eyes slightly and said in a voice, "I have checked your information in Huaxia. I know that you have several companies with a total market value of more than 100 billion. Besides, you've been to taboo Island, where you get a lot of precious herbs. "

"What do you want?" Chen Fei asked.

Seeing this, Starscream said with a smile: "don't be too nervous. Since I've told you so much, I'm sure I won't watch you become a useless person. "

"So you don't want to give me an antidote?" Chen Fei's eyes sank and his muscles tightened.Red spider squinted and said, "do you think it will be so simple?"

"I see!" Chen Fei nodded clearly, and then said, "well, if I admit defeat, you will give me the antidote."

Red spider way: "die in my hand of eight top experts, let me have this kind of self-confidence."

"So confident?" Chen Feidao.

Red spider ha ha a smile way: "I think, what you want to consider now is, you can be the business of useless person, not the business of winning or losing.". Because, from the moment I come out, you'll lose. "

After listening to red spider's words, Chen Fei stood in the same place and said in a voice: "listen to you, I'm sure I'll lose?"

"This kind of poison can affect the meridians of the warrior, making him unable to exert his full strength. If you don't take the antidote within 12 hours, the poison can even completely corrode the meridians of the warrior, and then completely turn into a useless person. "

"But after many times. The amount of powder is accumulated, plus the interaction of various powder. Finally, with cooperation, it becomes a poison. "

"These powders are very small in quantity and do no harm in themselves. Even if you're a semi warrior, you don't notice the powder. "

Red spider face smile more proud, nodded: "just in dodging you, you should not notice, every time I will secretly leave some special powder."

Chen Fei tried, his brow suddenly wrinkled, "you've poisoned --"

red spider's mouth showed a smug smile, and said in a voice: "now, you can run Zhenyuan breath to have a try."

"Er --" Chen Fei seemed a little surprised and frowned at Starscream.

At the same time, red spider, who was drawn closer by Chen Fei, suddenly changed his face. He showed a strange smile and said: "I caught you."

"What, such a red spider, the enemy of that year, won't let her go. She's dead! "

"It's more cruel to let her die in the fear of her enemies' pursuit than to kill her at home."


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