Listening to the discussion of the guests in the cafe, Bai Zihan's face changed at the moment.

Although he Yan disagreed with all the statements, she still felt vaguely that there was some truth in everyone's argument. Chen Fei's negotiation posture and requirements were completely different from her gentle negotiation. Those conditions, it seems, are really too much.

Bai Zi Xiao frowned and disagreed with the guests. But I didn't say much. After all, I don't know anyone.

Chen Fei showed a smile at the corner of his mouth and said in a faint voice: "Honghua meeting boss, Xu Baichuan."

Seeing this, the people of the Huaxia negotiation group couldn't help shrinking their eyes, and then they looked at Chen Fei together.

"That's -"

however, it's not the person in charge of each martial arts organization, but a white haired old man who is at the forefront.

A group of people, coming towards the conference room.

Just then, outside the conference room, there was a sound of footwork.

The members of the Huaxia negotiation group nodded and said that they were ready to continue the negotiations or fight directly.


"Get ready!"

After chatting for a while, Chen Fei looked at his watch and said in a voice, "a quarter of an hour is coming."

Hearing Chen Fei's words, the other members of the negotiation group were stunned. Then they laughed and felt more at ease.

"Even if they do, I'm willing to accompany them to the end. Since I killed Chongguang martial arts school last time, there has been no activity. I feel a little itchy. "

Chen Fei light way: "they dare not."

Some people were slightly worried and said in a voice: "Mr. Chen, they will not really push those foreigners. They will turn their faces directly."

After the reporter's short interview and report, the rest of the Chinese negotiation group couldn't help looking at Chen Fei.

But at the moment, the negotiation room of the hotel is very quiet.


As a result, the debate continued to occur.

There are also opponents who attack Chen Fei's toughness and violence.

Therefore, some people who supported the Huaxia negotiation group expressed their support and understanding for Chen Fei.

The news of the negotiation was reported by the media, which made people all over Xiangjiang talk about it.

At the same time, similar scenes happened almost everywhere in Xiangjiang.

Then she felt a little ashamed. After all, just now she felt vaguely that what many guests said was quite right. But now after listening to Bai Zihan, she realized that she didn't realize that it was a war, not a business.

He Yanxian was surprised. He didn't expect that Bai Zihan, who was usually quiet and reserved, should have said such impassioned words in public.

White son Xiao sees this, quickly pulls white son Han, worried about his angry elder sister, directly rushed up to fight with those people.

Even some people shake their heads and continue to say the words "brainwashing, violence".

Of course, some people turned their lips and looked disapproval.

Someone looked at Bai Zihan, bowed slightly and said sorry in a low voice.

Some of the customers who have just talked so much seem to be thinking about something.

Even the middle-aged man, who had just been elated, had a bad look.

Bai Zihan's series of questions made the whole Cafe fall into silence.

"I want to ask, is that too much? Is that fair? "

"But you, one by one, cry out to protect the rights and freedoms of the invaders, but turn a blind eye to the rights and freedoms of our own compatriots."

"They are invaders, we Huaxia are victims."

"When the innocent residents of the coastal town in the East China Sea were wantonly attacked by these armed men and their lives were in danger, what did you say?"

"What are you doing when these foreign fighters secretly poison and attempt to endanger the lives of more than two million people?"

"I'd like to ask you whether you defended and yelled for these warriors when they invaded Mt. Makalu and killed dozens of Chinese warriors."

"All of you are shouting these slogans to defend these foreigners."

"Right, freedom! Ha ha

Bai Zihan looked at the elated middle-aged man, not afraid, directly cold hum, refuted back.

The middle-aged man was even more impolite. He took a sip of coffee and looked elated. He taught the white man a lesson: "little girl, you are too young. Social events are not something you can talk about by hearsay. Read more books. Rights and freedom are sacred and inviolable. "

With that, a group of middle-aged men look at Bai Zihan, full of sarcasm.


"Miss, I don't think you are from Xiangjiang, are you from Beijing?"

"Besides, it is not necessarily true whether it is an invasion or not?""This is a civilized society, not a feudal ancient society. The defeated should also have their own dignity. "

"Yes, don't the defeated have any rights?"

The middle-aged man at the same table and many customers around him nodded and echoed.

Being questioned in public by such a young man as Bai Zihan, the middle-aged man felt that he was losing face. With a heavy complexion, he stood up, looked at Bai Zihan, and insisted: "according to the international convention, even the defeated should have their own rights and freedom, and should not be so wantonly bullied."

The customer in question is a middle-aged man in his forties. Looking at his expensive suit, he seems to be a successful person, maybe a middle-level leader of a foreign enterprise.

But Bai Zihan's face was still angry, and he continued to harshly say: "they are invaders, they are defeated. Isn't it right to apologize and compensate? "

"Miss, you --" the guest who spoke just now was startled by Bai Zihan's action. He couldn't help frowning and saying.

"Can you tell me where I've been?"

"It's over!"

She stood up with a splash, glared at the guest who had just spoken, and asked harshly.

This, like a little spark, instantly ignited Baizi Han.

"Well, it's true. It's too much pressure and violence. "

At the moment, the discussion in the cafe continues.

She clenched her fists, her eyes were round, and there seemed to be fire in her eyes.

At the moment, Bai Zihan's face is the most ugly, even angry.

Suppressing his anger, he picked up his coffee and took a big sip.

"Mr. Chen, we --" hearing the name, the faces of the members of the Chinese negotiation group were slightly nervous.

But Chen Fei's face is as usual, "don't be nervous, just act according to the plan."

"Yes The crowd nodded and their faces calmed down.

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