"So vicious!" Liang old gritted his teeth and said, "is there any way to detoxify?"

Chen Fei said in a deep voice, "yes, but I'm afraid I can't use it now."

"Ah, how could that be?" Liang Laodao.

Comparing with the map to confirm the location, Chen Fei's body is like a phantom, in the shadow of various factories and machines, like a ghost, moving forward quickly.

Xiao Liu takes Chen Fei to the periphery of the rust area and gives him a detailed hand drawn map. Later, Chen Fei let him return.

It's just, for various reasons. Officials in the United States and New York City have always ignored organizations like the black hand evangelism, and they have not cleaned them up on a large scale, which makes it difficult to control them.

It can be said that the headquarters of the black handed gospel, the general police, do not want to come in. Only with large-scale deployment of troops can it be eliminated.

Moreover, after more than ten years of operation, they can say that they have run their headquarters in a tight situation. There are a lot of people on the third floor inside and outside. They have to go through strict inspection. Even in the air, there are people on guard.

The stronghold of the black hand gospel is in the rust area.

It's true that this kind of deserted place where the management and management of gangs gather is a kind of semi idle place.

The so-called rust area, in fact, is a decaying industrial area. After the personnel left, all kinds of machine buildings declined and no one managed them, and gradually rusted. As a result, no one managed the area, which is called rust area.

Chen Fei and his guide, Xiao Liu, leave Chinatown for the rust area in the northeast corner of New York City at the advice of Liang Lao.

After dinner, it was dark after a short rest.

Chen Fei nodded and said, "don't worry, Mr. Liang. I will come back safely."

"Ah --" Liang sighed and finally said to Chen Fei, "in the evening, I'll let Xiao Liu go with you. He's very familiar over there. Be careful yourself. "

"Besides, if we don't eradicate the root cause. If the supply of liquid medicine is not removed, there will only be more and more patients. Do you really have the heart to see so many compatriots suffer

Chen Fei said: "Mr. Liang, I'm just going to explore the situation this time and find out the source of the liquid. I won't do anything superfluous."

"Can --" Liang is still worried.

Chen Fei also no longer explains, follows Liang Lao's words: "Liang Lao, I know, I will be careful."

It's just that Mr. Liang won't believe it if he says this.

As far as Chen Fei is concerned, I'm afraid there is no exaggeration of the threat of modern nuclear weapons.

It can even be said that Chen Fei's physical resistance to missiles is not a problem.

Not to mention that he has now reached the realm of Yuanti, even if he is still in the realm of demigod, ordinary guns have long been no threat.

"The gun?" Chen Fei picked pick eyebrows, really did not put the gun in the eye.

Mr. Liang was still worried, "Xiao Chen, I know your strength is excellent. But this is the United States. The gangs here are different from those in China. They are much more arrogant. And they have guns, thousands of guns. Even if you are strong enough to meet so many guns, it is also very dangerous! "

Chen Fei laughed and said in a voice: "Mr. Liang, don't forget that I am not only a doctor, but also a warrior. It's no big deal to deal with these underground gang members. I don't know how many have been solved before. "

"What Liang was so surprised that he said, "Xiao Chen, this is absolutely necessary. It's too dangerous. We can't afford the black hand gospel. "

After hearing this, Chen Fei didn't care much. He took a bite of the dish and said faintly, "Mr. Liang, please find an acquaintance to show me the way. I'll go and have a look tonight."

"Moreover, in the last two years, martial arts have sprung up. The black handed evangelists have won over a large number of martial arts practitioners and promoted martial arts internally. Their strength has improved a lot. Basically, all the small gangs in New York City have been closed down. Now, they are the biggest gang in New York City

Liang nodded and said, "the black hand gospel is the largest gang in the underground world of New York City, with nearly 20000 members and more than 1000 core members. They gather in the rust area in the northeast corner of New York City. They do all kinds of fighting, kidnapping, special drugs and even killing

"Black hand gospel, what do you do? Is it powerful?" Chen Fei asked.

Speaking of this, Liang's face sank, sighed and said: "Xiao Chen, the information is almost sorted out. More than 20 patients mentioned an organization called the black hand gospel. Most of the patients' liquid medicine is sold through various channels from the black handed gospel. "

But Chen Fei thought of the information provided by the patients during the day, so he asked: "Mr. Liang, have the information provided by the patients been sorted out? Is there any clue? "

After dinner, Liang intended to let Chen Fei go to rest.

Liang immediately sent someone to prepare the food and wine for Chen Fei.

After the patients left, Chen Fei was able to have a little rest.All of a sudden, one by one a thousand thanks, extremely grateful.

In less than half an hour, the patients' physical condition was much better.

Chen Fei immediately made a large pot of liquid medicine with these herbs, and then distributed the liquid medicine to the patients at the door.

As the largest supplier of Chinese herbal medicine in the United States, the Liang family soon gathered all the herbs in the prescription.

Chen Fei wrote down the prescription and gave it to Mr. Liang, who immediately sent someone to collect the herbs.

"That's great." Mr. Liang's face was full of joy.

Chen Fei nodded and said, "really. I'll make a prescription. Mr. Liang, you'll send someone to collect the medicinal materials immediately. I'll boil the liquid for you to relieve the disease. "

"Really?" Mr. Liang was surprised.

Chen Fei quickly comforted him: "don't worry too much, Mr. Liang. Although it is difficult to find seven star Euphorbia for the time being. However, the use of other drugs with similar functions can delay the disease. "

"Ah, this, this what to do!" Mr. Liang is in a hurry.

"Because blood poison grass is rare and rare, the herb that can detoxify blood poison grass, Euphorbia humifusa, is even rarer. So, if you can't find enough Euphorbia humifusa, you can't detoxify it. "

Chen Fei said: "the effect of blood poison grass is vicious. It's very powerful for martial arts. But blood poison grass is very rare, under normal circumstances, it is difficult to find, so there is no large-scale damage

At the moment, it's in the core of the black hand gospel.

A black, tattooed, bald man, sitting on a large metal chair, holding a huge modified pistol, listened to the report of the following people with a serious face.

This is fox, the boss of the black hand gospel, nicknamed "black iron".

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