The disturbance caused by Zhao Gang's speech at the press conference continues to spread in China.

The debate on the Internet has gradually spread to the real world.

Smell speech, Xu Ning voice way: "this need not worry, Zhao Gang has already prepared."

Those who spoke just now did not expect so many voices of opposition. They quickly added: "I don't mean war, I'm just worried. When four top experts fight, the aftereffect of the battle is quite terrible. At that time, it will be difficult to deal with the impact on the people and cause casualties. So we need to prepare in advance. "

"Yes! There are very limited means for the masters to deal with them. Do you really want Huaxia to fight for one person? "

Someone immediately objected and said, "I don't agree with that. If we don't let them in, shall we take the initiative to intercept them? In that case, their enemy may be Chen Fei alone and become all of us in China. "

However, some people frowned and asked in a voice, "I'm afraid there will be great danger if those four people are allowed to enter our Chinese border."

Xu Ning is full of smile, direct praise Zhao Gang said: "this time do well."

After listening to the introduction, many leaders nodded and showed a smile on their faces.

In the red wall conference room, Zhao Gang introduces the current situation to you with a smile.

The tense situation had been dispelled in an instant.

Some even called for Chen Fei's nationality to be expelled from China, so as not to involve ordinary people.

For a time, in China, the voice against Chen Fei suddenly rose.

This kind of impending and unprepared unknown fear makes many people unbearable and live in fear.

Even if there is no full blast, these four people can produce huge destructive force.

If it explodes, what terrible consequences will it have.

Four top God level masters are equivalent to four nuclear bombs that can move flexibly and cannot be intercepted.

After all, in their view, Chen Fei's visit did bring danger to himself and his country.

There are still quite a number of supporters, although they are not ready to turn against Chen Fei immediately, but they also shut up.

However, as soon as the news came out, some supporters quickly changed their direction and turned to denounce Chen Fei for being too proud and arrogant, attracting so many enemies for China, which led the people to live in fear.

Most of the people who originally supported Chen Fei and Xu Junshan.

This sudden outbreak of news has also had a huge impact on the domestic public opinion in China.

Even if Chen Fei's strength is stronger and his performance is more outstanding, when the four must kill orders come out, countless people have sentenced Chen Fei to death in their hearts.

This kind of resentment, all of the four top experts are led out, collective to Chen Fei issued order to kill.

As a result, I didn't expect that Chen Fei, a new rising young expert, would be the best. In a short period of one year, they destroyed the organizations founded by these four masters, and killed their descendants or relatives.

In the following decades, these masters gradually disappeared from the world for various reasons, so the related news and legends were naturally less, and ordinary people gradually did not know much about them.

Wolf soul tribe, church, Illuminati and skeleton society.

Moreover, among the five, except for Xuanyuan Jiangshan, who is very low-key, the other four have established their own organizations, and any one of them is a resounding existence.

At first, these four people, together with Xuanyuan Jiangshan of China, were called the world's top five experts, and they were invincible.

It turns out that these four people were at the top of the world's martial arts circle decades ago. At that time, they were already God level warriors.

All of a sudden, everyone was shocked.

However, soon, someone made a popular science on the Internet, listing all kinds of strong achievements of the four.

After all, the rise of Wudao is just a matter of nearly one or two years. The names of these four, for ordinary people before, maybe not many people really know.

Of course, more ordinary people are not familiar with these four.

Chen Fei announced that it was a coincidence to deal with the top four.

Some people lament that Chen Fei's previous murders in the United States, in the shadow Kingdom and in Africa have finally been punished.

The related discussion has become lively in China and even in the whole world.

Four videos, one after another, instantly pushed Chen Fei to the mouth of the wind.

Finally, the father of dark dragon, the president of the skeleton society, and magic dragon, the leader of dragon Skeleton Island, also appeared immediately. He announced that he wanted to avenge his son and came to China to kill Chen Fei.

Then, Dracula, the forefather of European blood, was suddenly born. He claimed that Chen Fei destroyed the temple he founded and wanted to revenge. Three days later, he came to China to kill Chen Fei.

Then Michael, President of the Illuminati, was born and released the news. He wanted to avenge for the Illuminati and kill Chen Fei. He also claimed that three days later, he would come to China and kill Chen Fei.First of all, Zulu, the chief of the wolf soul tribe, who had not seen him for decades, came forward to punish the murderer who destroyed his tribe. He would come to China in three days to kill Chen Fei.

At the time of all kinds of speculation, the release of four video messages on the Internet has relieved people's doubts.

Some people speculate that the army is conducting exercises, some people speculate that the secret base has broken down, and some people speculate that there is a breakthrough by the strong.

As soon as the incident happened, it quickly attracted the attention of people all over the world.

On that day, a research ship in the far north suddenly noticed four huge blasts, and then saw four lights rising from the ice and snow and flying all over the world.

Three days later, when all kinds of controversies continued to spread, a sudden news instantly attracted the attention of the whole world.

At the meeting, Zhao Gang, with a confident look on his face, said in a voice: "leaders, soon, at most three days, you will know what the bottom card is."

Even the high-rise inside the red wall, some can not sit, called Zhao Gang, asked him what his card, in the end.

It seems that the situation is getting more and more out of control.

The dispute is endless, and even leads to the conflict of direct action.

Opponents hold that Xu Junshan and Chen Fei are proud of their achievements and obstruct social progress.

Supporters think that it is chilling that the government is controlled by traitors and persecutes meritorious officials.

Both sides hold different opinions.

Of course, some opponents have organized relevant processions to express their opposition.

Many militant organizations have jointly told the authorities that they want to restore Xu Junshan and Chen Fei to their posts and give them fair treatment.

"Oh -"

people looked at Zhao Gang.

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