At the same time, similar questions, accompanied by live pictures, appeared in the minds of countless Chinese people.

"The people in taboo island are too cruel. They kill people at will, regardless of the lives of our people. They also want to be hostages."

"Taboo island Master, kill Chen Fei, don't let him continue to bewitch the public."

"Even if it's true, so what? Taboo island is strong enough, only strong, can protect us

"Just now, it was just an accident. That Chen Fei bribes people's hearts and deliberately pretends. You really believe it. It's ridiculous. "

Someone retorted: "the people in taboo Island killed innocent people indiscriminately and didn't treat you as human beings at all. Didn't you see what happened to those soldiers just now?"

"Taboo Island, a powerful existence. It's a wise decision of the top management to cooperate with them. "

"Ha ha, see? This is the strength and existence of taboo island. Some people's fans, don't unknowingly blow, does the face ache? "

At the same time, Chen Fei's opponents are now active again.


"Taboo island people, really so powerful?"

"Is master Chen really going to lose?"

But I didn't expect that at the critical moment, I killed a master of taboo island and beat Chen Fei, almost without resistance.

Originally, they were just going to celebrate Chen Fei's victory by one against four.

Such a scene, so that the screen in front of countless support Chen Fei's Chinese audience, at the moment can not help but worry again.


There are wounds on the body, bloodstains, spreading, and blood spilling from the air.

But every time I resist, I get hurt.

However, if you look closely, you can find that Chen Fei is almost completely beaten by Luo Er, and can only resist the attack of the other side.

Two men fight as a regiment.

All of a sudden, bursts of collisions, explosions continue to produce.

Chen Fei can only grit his teeth, condense the breath of Zhenyuan, and fight desperately.

With a cold hum, Luo Er's body looks like a phantom. Whew, he appears in front of Chen Fei's body. His dark and cold sword cuts him.

"But the result is the same. Die!"

At the moment, Luo Er's eyes showed a little surprise, "I didn't expect that you didn't die after taking my move. It seems that I underestimated you before. "

Chen Fei's eyes turned and he thought of all kinds of ways quickly.

"I am now in the triple realm of Yuanti, which is close to the quadruple realm. Because of the special skills and martial arts, it may be possible to break out the strength of five or even six levels of Yuan Ti Jing. But compared with Luo Er, it's still worse. If you go on fighting hard, I'm afraid you will be defeated. "

After a blow, Chen Fei quickly made a judgment in his heart.

"Luo Er is better than me. And it's much stronger. At least it has the strength of Yuan Ti Jing. "

Chen Fei retreated for more than 100 meters under the impact of the air wave. A touch of blood oozed from the corner of his mouth. His face was dignified. He looked at Luo Er opposite him.

There was a slight sound of fragmentation, and then Chen Fei's face changed. The flame sword in his hand cracked, turned into countless pieces, and splashed out all around.


The terrible storm broke out from the collision, and set off a violent wind, blowing up the sand and stones in the desert and raising dust all over the sky.

Instantly, heaven and earth for a meal, the world seems to be in this moment, a shock.

They collided in the air.


Chen Fei condenses the flame long sword, whistling and moving, facing up.

A black chill, like ice, condenses into a big knife in the air and splits Chen Fei in the air.

Thus, a sense of terror to kill toward Chen Fei shrouded.

This is a great shame for Luo Er.

Just now, he had made his identity known, but Chen Fei still started in front of him, killed Michael and injured the magic dragon.

He was full of cold intention to kill, and said angrily, "how dare you

But now, Luo Er has arrived.

Chen Fei's action is ceaseless. He pursues directly and is ready to kill the magic dragon.


The magic dragon was lucky. He was not directly hit by the sword Qi, but his arm was also cut off by the sword Qi. Now he covered the wound and retreated madly.

In the core of Dan, a ball flew out again. Chen Fei's big move is in his pocket.

Michael uttered a shrill scream, and his body burst out in the air.

But the movement is still slow a point, whew, sword cut down, hit two people.

Immediately, they were startled and quickly dodged.

Leng for a moment, Michael and Chen are very excited to attack, but they don't think of the time.

Chen Fei's eyes showed a sense of determination. He clenched his teeth and sent out a strong force. He chopped them away."Taboo Island, or out of this step?"

This strong breath made him feel oppressed and some of them were hard to resist.

At the moment, Chen Fei's face was heavy and his expression became serious.

"Luo Er!"


"The second Lord of Luo palace has come out. Chen Fei is dead. He is dead."

"Well, that's the leader of the second palace of Luo. He's here."

Originally almost desperate, magic dragon and Michael are overjoyed and excited.

The voice of the figure was cold, like death's scythe.

"Chen Fei, you kill the people of my taboo island and die!"

The black spot is very fast, getting closer and closer, showing a figure.

At the moment, a black spot appeared in the sky, and it quickly came close to this side.

For a moment, everyone was shocked.

"What is this?"

This breath, cold evil incomparable, as if from hell in general.

Then, a breath of terror came from the sky.

Then, as if the whole ground, all roared up.

But at this moment, the desert sky, suddenly flashing.

Seeing that death was coming, both of them were in despair.

Two people have injury in the body, at the moment facing Chen Fei full pursuit, distance is pulled closer and closer.

Then, continue to pursue Michael and magic dragon.

"Er --" Chen Fei was slightly surprised and conveniently put the ball into his bag.

Among the broken Dan nucleus, a light green ball flew out, which was very similar to the one flying out of Dracula's body just now.

Chen Fei first catches up with him and smashes Zulu.

However, Zulu was seriously injured by Chen Fei and couldn't move quickly.

Zulu, Michael and magic dragon feel Chen Fei's killing intention and are shocked. At the moment, they can't care about anything else and run away crazily.

Whew, when the wind blows, Chen Fei comes.

Think of this, Chen Fei eyes a cold, showing a touch of chill, "kill, all should kill!"

The result did not expect, almost mistakes, resulting in the death of soldiers.

I wanted to keep them, force them to ask something, or get something.

Just now, he was a little softhearted and didn't kill the four people at the first time.

At the moment, Chen Fei doesn't know about these comments, and his heart is full of anger.


"Are the people at the top blind? It's treason to drive out heroes and cooperate with those villains

"On the contrary, master Chen did not blame the soldiers for the attack. He also saves people. This is our Chinese hero. "

"Is this what the authorities call a powerful and kind taboo island? Why don't I believe it


On the Internet, Xu Ning and others, seeing such a scene, showed a smile on their face and said in a relaxed voice: "Luo Er palace master, everything is over."

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