Of course, some people asked.

"What is Cao Xu's jade body? It looks very powerful! "

"If you ask me, Abraham gave up his advantage and took out his precious thunder badge to make a bet. Does this not mean that he has more faith? "

"But I don't think heydal has any confidence in himself since he has promised one-on-one?"

"Cao Xu won two games in a row. Don't you understand? The ranking of the chick Phoenix list doesn't explain the problem, and there is only one difference between them. "

"Abraham, the chosen one, is now ranked in the list of chicks and Phoenix. If the competition goes on normally, the team of Shenluo temple, which falls into the disadvantage, is almost impossible to win.

If you can really win Abraham's thunder badge, it is definitely a big improvement of your strength.

But the cross sword was a little less than Abraham's thunder badge.

His cross sword was handed down to him personally by the Lord of Shengwu hall. It is also a rare treasure with great power.

On hearing this, heimdar's face could not help showing some struggling colors.

Abraham laughed and said in a voice, "brother Heim, it's getting late. Everyone is waiting. Can you decide as soon as possible? "

While everyone was talking about it, hamdal was staring at Abraham's thunder badge. His eyes were straight, and he even showed some greedy and fanatical color.


"Is Abraham crazy to bet on this precious treasure?"

"That's the magic weapon that the Lord of thunder hall spent a year refining himself! It's said that the power of thunder contained in it is equivalent to the full blow of a level 7 warrior. "

"Thunder badge, I didn't expect Abraham to have such a good thing!"

Other people, hearing the name at the moment, are also excited.

"Thunder badge, this is the badge refined by the Lord of thunder hall!" Hamdal recognized what Abraham had in his hand.

This badge is blue as a whole, with several lightning patterns on the surface. Just a look at it, it gives people a dazzling feeling of electric shock, and people can't help retreating away.

With that, Abraham took out a badge from his arms and showed it to the public.

"Of course, to show my sincerity. I'm willing to gamble with it

Abraham laughed and continued, "brother Heim, you don't have to know that."

On hearing this, hamdal's face suddenly changed. "I just got the cross sword less than a week ago. How do you know?"

"Recently, I heard that brother Heim, you got a cross sword from the former master of Shengwu temple. I'm interested in that! "

Hearing this, Abraham laughed and said in a voice, "Heim, you are my old friend. You know me."

Instead, hamdal looked at Abraham with a smile in front of him and sighed. He seemed to have understood what the other party thought for a long time. He said in a voice, "come on, what do you want to bet on this time?"

At this moment, almost everyone didn't understand why Abraham would make such a decision to give up the advantage he had established and fight hamdal one-on-one.


"What does he think, isn't his brain very good?"

"Do you want to release water? Or what kind of agreement did they reach in private? "

"What's Abraham doing? It's clear that the thunder hall team is dominant. Why does he have to fight with hamdal one-on-one?"

Numerous audiences at the scene and in front of the screen were busy.

As soon as this remark comes out, it will not wait for heimdahl to respond.

"It's no use wasting time to keep them fighting. How about I fight with you, and the team will win if they win. What do you think? "

However, at this time, Abraham, the leader of thunder hall team, suddenly stood up, looked at hamdal and said, "Haimu, we are all old acquaintances."

The situation on the court has turned to thunder hall.

On the other side of the thunder hall, there are Angus, second seed jonia and captain Abraham. Just in terms of numbers, they have already gained the upper hand.

After several rounds of competition, the side of Shenluo hall has fallen into the downwind, leaving only the second seed and the team leader hamdal.

However, after the sixth man began to appear, the thunder hall gradually gained the upper hand and gradually suppressed the members of Shenluo hall.

You come and I go. We win and lose each other. Five people have been killed in front of each other. They are all equal.

I have to say that both teams are strong.

Therefore, at the beginning of the game, there was almost no trial and delay. The two sides immediately put out their lineups and began to fight.

As representatives of North America and Europe, these two teams are very familiar, and even their members are old acquaintances.

Thunder hall team vs. warlord hall team.In waves of emotion, the second semi-final began.


"I see. No wonder Chopra was so shocked that Yan Mo's unique skill failed. The jade body is so strong

"Yes, although the jade body is only the first layer, it looks weak. However, most of the bodies of Yuanti Jingwu can't be classified and judged at all. So, jade is much better than you think. "

"Don't think about it. Jade body is nothing in the world. It needs a lot of perseverance and treasures. It's hard to practice. As for the latter, just listen to them as myths and legends. Don't take them seriously. "

"Jade body is the first layer. Is it so powerful? Isn't the treasure body and spirit body behind invincible? "

After listening to the introduction, the audience was even more moved.

"The jade body mentioned by Cao Xu just now is the first of these constitutions."

"However, the physical strength of each warrior's practice is different. Therefore, according to the strong enemy of the body, some people refine the body from the lower level to the higher level, including jade body, treasure body, spirit body, King body and God body

"When a warrior reaches the seventh level, it is equivalent to the Yuanti level. In this realm, the main direction of practice is to refine the body, strengthen oneself, and finally reach the level of being as perfect as jade, which can be called great success. "

Someone immediately explained.

"Is jade so powerful? Even Chopra's Yan Mo power can resist? "


For a while, everyone expressed their opinions and talked about it.

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