They are also straight to the point.

"Chairman long, the master of Qingmu Temple suddenly came out of the mountain this time. Did he really go down the mountain and seize power with us?" Zheng Yu asked.

For a time, voices opposing war and calling for negotiations grew rapidly among the people.

Such a perfunctory attitude made the whole nation's whole hearted response cool. It was like pouring cold water on the head.

Moreover, in addition to the 20 billion yuan, the Wudao alliance did not take the initiative to send a warrior to join the combat readiness Committee. Instead, it told Chen Feng that they would not force the warrior to join. If they wanted to choose a candidate, the combat readiness committee could go to the major military schools and sects for selection.

Although this figure is twice as much as the NT $10 billion invested by the armed forces Commission, it is still much lower than the NT $100 billion invested by Qingmu hall.

Because, as the most powerful force and actual controller in China, the Wudao alliance has invested only 20 billion Singapore dollars in the preparatory work of the combat readiness Committee.

What happened next made countless excited Chinese people feel cold.

However, it is at this time when the whole people are excited and united to meet the enemy.

However, on the whole, the Chinese people still support the war preparedness Committee and the response to the war.

For a time, it triggered a round of network debate.

Others said that negotiations and cooperation with foreign forces should be carried out actively, and preparations for the battle should not be carried out so nervously, which may deepen misunderstanding and increase the probability of war.

The news of the joint attack is mixed with some doubts about the authenticity of the foreign forces.

Among the people, the feelings of the masses were excited, and countless Chinese people cheered to unite and fight against the enemy. He said that he would do his best to support the combat readiness Committee.

For a time, the Preparatory Committee has become a harbinger of a war against the enemy.

On the other hand, Zhong Xu, intentionally or unintentionally, revealed from other channels that some other foreign forces were looking for an excuse to jointly attack China.

Countless people are analyzing the reasons, objectives, and structure of the preparation of the war readiness Committee.

In particular, Qingmu Temple even sent people to participate in the preparation of the war preparedness Committee, and let Chen Feng be the representative of Qingmu temple, which triggered round after round of hot discussion.

In the hot debate, what the combat readiness committee is preparing is made public, which once again detonates the whole network.

However, there are also many netizens who support Chen Feng and even say that they kill foreign rubbish well.

This incident immediately caused numerous controversies, so that countless supporters of Abraham protested jointly on the Internet, demanding that Chen Feng be severely punished.

First, Chen Feng was acquitted, and the case of his killing Angus was officially regarded as justifiable defense. However, the death of others is still under investigation because of insufficient evidence.

However, the follow-up of the development of things, so that all the followers did not expect.

In recent days, Angus was killed, Chen Feng was arrested, jonia fell from a building and Abraham's whereabouts were unknown. It was originally a major event in the martial arts circle in Beijing, and countless people were concerned about the outcome of the development.


Then Zheng Yu got up and left.

Long Changyu nodded and answered softly.

"Well, I understand. I'll be ready for that. " Zheng Yu said, "Chairman long, you are at ease to close the door and strive to break through to the level 7 and level 8 Martial Arts realm as soon as possible."

However, long Changyu cut off his words, "it's not urgent. After all, cangxu is still a member of our Martial Arts Alliance. Our most urgent issue now is the combat readiness Committee and the meeting of the enemy. "

Hearing this, Zheng Yu's eyes brightened and he was excited. He wanted to say something, "Chairman long, if it's wanwuzong --"

hearing this, long Changyu said in a quiet voice: "wudaozong gate, in this era, is out of date!"

"Cangxu, in particular, was in charge of wanwuzong, which was originally formed by the combination of the original martial arts schools, and it was not closely related to our martial arts school. So this time, he's a bit out of his way. "

"Ah - this -" Zheng Yu was silent at the moment, finally gritted his teeth and said in a cruel voice, "Li Zhentian and cangxu, they didn't think about the essence of the matter clearly, they were a little confused."

"Besides, even if I agree to join hands. Do you think that with the attitude of cangxu and Li Zhentian just now, they will really agree to fight against the master of Qingmu hall? "

"Moreover, even if we can defeat the master of Qingmu temple, we will certainly be hurt a lot after the war. At that time, I'm afraid those forces in the thunder hall will take advantage of it. "

After hearing this, long Changyu was silent for a few seconds. Finally, he shook his head and said, "according to my inference, the odds are not good. Yuanti realm and Yuanhun realm are two completely different realms with essential differences. "

After a pause, there was a fierce look in his eyes. He leaned against long Changyu and said in a deep voice: "Chairman long, we are all level 7 and level 6. If we join hands with Chairman long, I don't know if we have a chance to win against the master of the green wood hall? "

After hearing this, Zheng Yu mumbled and pondered."Yuanhunjing, yuanhunjing!"

"And the master of Qingmu hall, his specific strength realm, can't be judged at present. But it is almost certain that he has reached the level 8 warrior realm, that is, the yuan soul realm. There is no way to know whether it is the first or the second level of yuanhunjing or anything else. "

Mentioning this, long Changyu sighed once more and said, "I am still in the level 7 warrior's level 8 realm. It's not too far away from the level 9 realm, but it's almost impossible to impact the level 8 warrior's yuan soul realm in a short time."

After hearing this, Zheng Yu's face was also heavy. Then he lowered his voice and asked, "Chairman long, what's your strength now? How far is it from the master of Qingmu hall? "

The most powerful helmsman in China, the most powerful person in the alliance of martial arts and Taoism, has a helpless sigh in his words at the moment.

After listening to Zheng Yu's complaint, long Changyu finally sighed and said, "people have such" smart "capital. We can't help it! Who told us that we are inferior to others! "

"Now, three years later, we have established the alliance of martial arts and Taoism, and it has not been easy to develop and control China. The master of Qingmu hall is clever. It's too clever to come out of the mountain to pick peaches at this time! "

"Three years ago, the world was in chaos, and the major martial arts halls chose different places to develop. Our martial arts and Taoism world in China was dark. At that time, we asked him to come out of the mountain to support our Chinese martial arts circle. He said on the pretext that martial arts were not suitable for us and chose to stay in seclusion. "

Smell speech, Zheng Yu a face resentment, clench teeth a way: "green wood Temple Lord is too much!"

Long Changyu shook his head and said, "it's impossible to judge at present, but even if he doesn't have this idea at present. But no one can guarantee whether he has such an idea after the war! "

Doubts about the war readiness Committee have multiplied.

It seems that at this moment, the pre war preparations, which had been so vigorous, came to an abrupt end.

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