In an instant, more than 30 people were dizzy. They were all in the same place and couldn't move.

Taking this opportunity, Chen Fei inspires the ice soul bead, sending out a chill, and goes to the pavilion soldiers.

"It's a spirit attack. Be careful!"

A moment later, in the city of Nanyan, the important place of Duobao Pavilion and the main residence of the pavilion suddenly burst out a strong breath. A streamer of light rose to the sky, and at the same time, a fierce cry of anger came out, "Damn it!"

Then, Zhao Yu's face was uneasy and went to the main mansion.

My subordinates left.


Zhao Yu stabilized his figure, took a deep breath, tried to calm himself down, and then said to his subordinates: "continue to check, we must check in detail."

Zhao Yu's feet faltered and almost fell to the ground. His face turned pale. He murmured, "how can it be like this? How can it be --" his subordinates bowed their heads and said: "the specific reason is still under investigation."

It's the next report.

The cabinet soldiers have been completely destroyed. "

"We have examined the report carefully and it is absolutely true.

Is this, is this not wrong? "

When he heard the report, the whole person was stunned in the same place, his face was full of incredible color, "Ge Bing, the whole army is destroyed.

……… At the same time, in Duobao Pavilion, Zhao Yu, who had fallen asleep at night, was called up at the moment.

He gritted his teeth.

We must find Chen Fei. I will tear him to pieces. "

"Check, check for me.

The scene has been destroyed, and Chen Fei is missing. "

Servant humanitarian: "we don't know who the killer is at present. We only know that there is a big war in the forest, and the situation is very fierce.

It can't be that Chen Fei. He's the only one in the nine realms. No matter how strong he is, he can't cross so many levels, "Luo said shaking his head.

Who killed them?

"How could that be?

Now, these cabinet soldiers are dead, and the whole army is destroyed. It's unbelievable.

Of course, he knew the strength of Duobao's cabinet soldiers. Together, those cabinet soldiers were able to compete with the monks in the spirit realm of Shangyuan.

I'm really surprised.

"This, cabinet soldiers, the whole army is destroyed."

The servant continued: "not only are our Luo family's troops destroyed, but the Duobao pavilion has sent out its troops, and the whole army has been destroyed. There is no one left."

Those are the elite. Even the monks in the soul realm of Shangyuan have the power of the first World War. How can they -- "Luo Qi can't believe it.

"What, total annihilation? How is that possible?

The servant's face changed. He bowed his head and said, "report to the seventh master that all the people sent by the Luo family have been destroyed."

Luo seemed to be a little excited, "how about that Chen Fei boy, was he killed?"

The servant nodded.


Is that the news of the war? "

Luo immediately stepped forward and asked in a voice, "how's it going?

A servant of the Luo family came quickly.

"Seventh master!"

At this time, a rush of footsteps came.

I'm in a bit of a hurry.

"How come we haven't heard from you for so long?"

He couldn't sleep. He wanted to know the situation of the war for the first time. He wanted to know the death of his son's enemy for the first time.

Luo did not sleep, but stayed in the study, constantly walking.

……… When Chen Fei went deeper into the mountains, he was in Luo's house.

Then, his body move, into a streamer, toward the depths of the mountain forest impact away.

Thinking of this, Chen Fei turned around, looked deeper into the dense forest, nodded and whispered to himself, "don't relax!"

In that case, without using the ice soul bead, he can also have the power to fight against the friars in the ninth realm of Shangyuan spirit realm.

It's better to break through the nine levels of Yuanti realm and really come to Yuanhun realm before the big city contest.

Therefore, at the moment, Chen Fei is not in a hurry to go back, but wants to experience again and improve his strength.

Therefore, he quickly smashed the complacency in his heart and turned it into motivation to remind himself that his strength was not enough and he had to continue to improve himself.

If you don't own the ice soul pearl, I'm afraid you will die eventually.

But just now, Chen Fei felt the pressure and danger to the cabinet soldiers who were equivalent to the ninth realm of Yuan soul.

After all, he has already been able to cross the level to kill the friars in the spirit realm of Yuan Dynasty.

Originally, he thought that after training, his strength improved a lot, and his combat effectiveness was very strong, which was enough.

However, Chen Fei's experience in the war with Ge Bing just now changed his mind.

Now he goes back, makes use of these gains, has a good practice, prepares the coming city Dabi, is a good choice.These gains have exceeded Chen Fei's expectations before he entered the forest.

At the same time, he killed a lot of fierce beasts and got a lot of good things.

This time he came out and fought twice, killing many people and absorbing their yuan seal.

After absorbing the yuan seal, Chen Fei dealt with the traces of the scene, and then looked back.

After all, even Gu Yu, the son of an ancient family, has only four human level seals.

The yuan seal of human level five products, in Nanyan City, has been a very good existence.

Now, they have been promoted to two levels, which shows that the combination of Yuan seal of these cabinet soldiers is very powerful.

After all, the more to the back, the yuan printing quality will be more difficult to improve.

This is beyond Chen Fei's expectation. Originally, he thought that he would be promoted to human level Four, which is already very good.

Even directly from the third grade to the fifth grade.

Moreover, his yuan seal has been obviously enhanced.

Chen Fei felt that the damage he had just suffered had now been completely repaired.

Soon, the golden giant was completely absorbed by Chen Fei.

Chen Fei of course will not miss this opportunity, immediately run Wanliu Guizong, in front of the golden giant, began to suck up.

The golden seal giant in the sky roared up to the sky and gradually broke apart.

In an instant, more than 30 ice sculptures exploded.

Chen Fei immediately catches the burning fire and blows on the ice sculpture.

"What is this?" before the leader of the cabinet soldiers breathed out his voice, the fright of terror fell down and enveloped him, freezing all the cabinet soldiers into a piece of ice.

The leader of the cabinet soldiers looked up and found a white bead in the air.

But just then, a chill came.

The leader of the cabinet soldiers has just recovered from his dizziness and wants to remind his subordinates.

The sound of drinking, quickly spread throughout the city, woke up a lot of people in deep sleep.

At night, the lights of the city suddenly lit up, and countless people looked around at Duobao Pavilion and whispered about what happened, which made the owner of Duobao Pavilion so angry.

The city Lord's mansion and the ancient family also heard the call, and some experts flew up to the Duobao pavilion's mansion.

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