The thin shadow ghost master looked at the small coffin, seemed to be a little afraid, and said in a voice: "this level of large tombs and coffins, which are certainly not ordinary experts. If we open it rashly, I'm afraid it will be dangerous. "

"Master shadow ghost, are you afraid?"

"I know that the eight methods of ghosts and shadows that you practice love to talk about these gods and monsters, but what can you do if you die? Is it possible to come back from the dead? "

"No matter how powerful the master is, it's just a corpse now. What else can bodies do to us? "

Shadow ghost venerable complexion is more and more pale, voice way: "but, I feel very uneasy."

"Master shadow ghost, if you are really afraid, you can not participate. But the contents of the coffin are not yours. " Gu Hanwu said with a smile.

"Yes, I'd like to share the treasure with less people."

"Master shadow ghost, I didn't expect you to be so timid! Ha ha

It seems that I can't bear to ridicule, and I don't want to give up the treasure. Shadow ghost venerable head a pale cheek, still close to come over.

Nine people looked at each other, nodded, and then worked together to lift the lid of the small coffin.

Nine people all hold their breath, luck resist, ready to start.

However, after the lid was opened, there was no movement inside, and even the expected chill did not leak out.

"Well, what's going on?"

Several people looked at each other with misgivings on their faces, then leaned out their heads and looked into the small coffin.

When they saw what was in the coffin, they were surprised.

"This is --"

Because, in the small coffin at the moment, what is stored is not a corpse or skeleton, but an arm, a stout man's right arm.

This right arm, soaked in the frost white liquid, is well preserved. The muscle lines are clear and indistinct, and even the blood vessels under the muscle can be seen.

At a glance, no one would doubt that the arm was just cut off from someone.

For a moment, the nine venerable also became curious.

"What's the matter with this right arm?"

"Why is there not a corpse in the coffin, but an arm?"

"Perhaps, it was his enemy who deliberately dismembered him and buried him here."

"I don't think that makes sense. If it is an enemy, there is no need to build such a luxurious tomb for him, there are so many precious funeral objects, and the extremely complex array outside. "

"Ah, this --"

Thunder bear, who was as big as a bear, said impatiently, "what are you talking about these fruitless things for. What we need to see now is whether there are any treasures. That's what we should be concerned about. "

This reminds the other eight people.

After all, their biggest expectation before opening the coffin is to get the personal treasure of the tomb owner.

But now, there is only one right arm in the coffin, and there is no complete body. There is no trace of the so-called personal burial objects. Seeing this, several dignitaries were disappointed.

"Is it true that there are no funerary objects

"No, the funerary objects outside are so precious. Is there not even a treasure in the core coffin? "

"Maybe it's in there. It's blocked by my arm. Otherwise, I'll look through it." Someone suggested.

After hearing this, the shadow ghost master turned white again, and immediately objected: "this is a great disrespect to the dead. I suggest that we should not move."

"Shadow ghost, when did you become so timid?"

"Yes, when you practiced your ghost eight dharmas before, you didn't dig other people's graves. Now I'm afraid of this and that. "

"All found the last, don't look carefully, how willing."


Almost all of the other eight were against it.

The shadow ghost master has no choice but to nod.

So the nine gathered their strength, protected their right hand, went deep into the coffin, and took their hands together, holding the strong right arm, ready to take it out.

But when the nine touched their right arm.

The shadow ghost master suddenly yelled, his face full of panic, "ah!"

Others were also startled by the shadow ghost.

"Shadow ghost, what's your ghost's name! It's frightening. "

"Old devil, are you ok! It's a surprise. "


However, at the moment, the shadow ghost master could not hear other people's words at all. He trembled and said, "hurry up, run away. That arm, it just moved. "

"Er --"

Several people at the same time a Leng, hit a shiver, complexion sink down.

"Shadow ghost, what are you talking about. How can a dead man move his arm? "

"Shadow ghost, what's the matter with you today? It's strange since you came in just now."

"If you can't, leave. Of course, it's not your job to find something. "


Several people complained, turned around, ready to continue to take up the arm.

However, when he tried again, the bearded white crane suddenly changed his face and exclaimed, "his arm has moved."

"White crane, what do you say?"

"Master white crane, are you crazy, too?"

The others snapped.

But, at this time, "Hua", a sound of water sounded.

Then the thunder bear screamed.

"Come on, help me."

The others heard the call, turned their heads and saw a scene that frightened them.

In the coffin, the right arm suddenly came out of the frosty liquid, grabbed the wrist of the thunder bear, and dragged him towards the coffin. Lord leixiong almost tried his best to stimulate Qi and struggle.

But still can't break away from that arm, feel their body, was a little bit dragged into the abyss of death.

"Cut the arm, quick, quick!" Gu Hanwu was calm and spoke quickly.

In an instant, several venerable men shot at the same time, condensing a sharp and incomparable strength, "whew" toward the arm.

However, when they chopped their strength on their arms, it broke apart in an instant. They didn't hurt a hair on their arms at all.

"Well, how can it be so strong?"

"What is this arm?"

As a result, several dignitaries were stunned.

And at this time, the arm suddenly force, whew, will thunder bear venerable, drag into the coffin.

According to the figure, the tall thunder bear could not be put into the coffin.

But, strangely enough, after being dragged in by that arm. The whole person of thunder bear directly melted into the frost white liquid and disappeared without a trace.

And the right arm, like a hungry beast, became excited after eating a mouthful of food. Unexpectedly, it jumped out of the coffin and grabbed several dignitaries.

Seeing this, the shadow ghost master, who was the furthest away, was scared and ran away.

The rest of them also ran away.

However, the movement of the arm was also dissatisfied. Whew, he rowed through the air and grabbed three people in succession. Like the previous thunder bear, he blended into the frosty liquid in the coffin.

The remaining five people, terrified, ran out of the tomb, without looking back, and began to run towards the exit.

As for Chen Fei, who fainted beside the coffin in the tomb, they didn't even think about it.

Five people ran wildly not only, the arm behind, also followed to chase out.

However, the arm seems to be limited, too far away from the tomb, the speed will slow down. Finally, can only helplessly watch five people escape, dejected back to the grave.

Chen Fei, lying on the ground at the moment, didn't actually faint.

Just now, when he opened the coffin, he was sprayed by the cold air inside the coffin. He felt frozen and fainted.

However, when those cold invading the body, to Chen Fei's organs are frozen.

Cold touch touched Chen Fei abdomen yuan seal, but once into the world tree yuan seal, let Chen Fei escape a disaster.

However, because of the invasion of cold, his body couldn't move at all for a while, so he had to lie in the same place, close his eyes and pretend to be dead.

Fortunately, the nine dignitaries did not have time to examine them carefully, which gave Chen Fei a chance to find life.

But, at the moment, it's hard to recover body consciousness and slowly get up from the ground.

He just saw the arm coming back from the outside.

A person, looking at an arm suspended in front of him, such a strange scene makes Chen Fei feel numb and cold, and the whole person is frozen in the same place.

And that arm, as if it were spiritual, "staring" at Chen Fei for a while, then suddenly pounced on him and grabbed Chen Fei's face with a slap. Immediately, the palm appears as if an invisible mouth, want to inhale Chen Fei.

Chen Fei felt the terrible attraction and the strength from his arm. He was desperate and knew that he could not escape.

However, just as his arm was about to succeed, the world tree seal in Chen Fei's body suddenly trembled, and the branches on the tree also trembled.

All of a sudden, a special yuan seal breath mixed with other martial arts spread from the small abdomen to all parts of the body.

The arm seemed to feel the breath and the movement stopped instantly.

Then, Chen Fei felt that in his own God sea, there was an intermittent voice, "who are you? Why do you have Tongtian Shenmu?"

"Tongtian Shenmu? Do you know Tongtian Shenmu? Who are you Chen Fei was surprised.

After all, Du Nanxing told him before that the ancestor of the world tree yuan seal in ancient times was called Tongtian Shenmu, which was powerful. But later, it became weaker and weaker, which gradually made people forget that name and call it the world tree instead.

Now, the strange arm in the tomb knows that his world tree seal comes from Tongtian Shenmu, which surprised Chen Fei.

The right arm seems to have been asked by Chen Fei's question, as if it got stuck.

"I, I can't remember... A lot of things."

"Who am I? Where am I? "

"Yes, my name is Tianming. I'm Tianming."

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