"Of course, it's possible, but it's too far away from you!"

Tianming said, "you're only in the soul realm now. It's too weak to see it at all."

Chen Fei said in a hurry: "Mr. Tianming, is there any way for me to improve my strength quickly! After all, I'm out there, and I have a lot of enemies. "

Tianming said: "some of my treasures here can improve their strength in a short time.

However, after all, it's not the strength that comes from self-cultivation. In a short period of time, the strength has skyrocketed, which brings great side effects and may even be disabled. Do you want to try? "

"Forget it. I'd better practice by myself."

Chen Feilian is busy.

Tianming said: "it's impossible for your strength to soar in a short time, but I still have something to help you improve your cultivation."

Then, Lord Tianming quickly sorted out more than ten kinds of pills, herbs, spirit liquid and other things from the treasures in the tomb and put them in front of Chen Fei.

"According to my method, using these things should improve your practice speed.

The side effects will not be too great

"Lord dawn, let's begin!"

Chen Fei can't wait.

Then, dawn told Chen Fei in detail the order and method of using these items.

Chen Fei firmly in mind, and then began to practice according to the method of dawn.

It has to be said that Tianming, a master of this level, has a very high vision and wonderful methods. With those rare objects that can't be named, Chen Fei can clearly feel that his cultivation speed has increased more than ten times than usual, and his cultivation is growing rapidly.

When Chen Fei was practicing madly in the tomb, Luo Zhongyuan, Gu Hanwu and others, who were in a panic, gasped and looked frightened.

Gu Chongwen and Luo Shuju, who were waiting outside, could not help but face one side and quickly welcomed them out and began to ask.

"Brother, are you out so soon?

What's in it? "

"Second brother, have you found the treasure?"

"Why are there only you and a few others?"

"Where's the thunder bear, why didn't I see him?"

"The white crane didn't see it. Why didn't he come out?"

In the face of the public's doubt, the shadow ghost master's face was still in a panic color, and said in a voice: "they, they are all dead."

"What, how is that possible?"

"That's the master of the four bit fetal environment. How could he die?"

"What's going on inside, what's going on?"

A group of people asked.

Gu Hanwu and Luo Zhongyuan look down and look at each other. Then they begin to talk about the scenes they met in the ancient tomb. People outside listened carefully, and from time to time they gave out a cry of surprise.

"It's a waste to use bluestone to pave the floor."

"Why don't you dig out some gold crystal Obsidian to build walls.

This is a good thing

"What, a coffin with more than ten thousand swords in it?

How much did you bring out? "

However, it is too late to feel the precious treasure.

Then, when he heard the arm in the coffin, the faces of the people outside changed greatly.

"How could it be that there was only one arm in the coffin?

What's going on? "

"Is that arm still moving?

He killed the thunder bear and the white crane with one move.

Is this, is this possible? "

"Are you right! It's incredible that you can kill the venerable with one arm. "

...... Luo Zhongyuan said in a deep voice: "do you think we seem to be joking?"

Gu Hanwu also said in a deep voice: "brother Luo and I are monks in the dual realm of Yuantai realm. Do you think we will make a mistake?"

"But, this, this is incredible."

Some people said with emotion.

Suddenly, Luo Shuju thought of something and said in a voice: "big brother, what about the boy named Chen Fei?

He died in it, too. "

By Luo Shuju such a question, Luo Zhongyuan and others, this just thought of Chen Fei.

After all, as soon as Chen Fei opened the coffin, he was attacked by the cold air and fell to the ground. Nine times out of ten, he died.

Therefore, they didn't pay attention to Luo Zhongyuan.

"Should be dead, that boy is so weak, can't survive."

Luo Shuju frowned, feeling uneasy, and asked, "are you really dead?

Brother, did you see the boy die with your own eyes? "

Luo Zhongyuan was asked some displeasure, cold voice way: "second younger brother, that boy is only a yuan soul realm a heavy realm of pariah, his life and death, not so important."

At this time, Luo Chongwen also said: "now, the important thing is, what should we do next?

Do you want to leave directly, or do you want to find a way to go in again and get those treasures out

As soon as the words came out, people looked at each other, and their faces looked thoughtful.

"I'm not reconciled to giving up so many precious treasures."“ That is, to wait for the ancient tomb to open.

We've been here for so long, and we've wasted so much time. We've found nine treasures, and it's hard to open the tomb.

As a result, we have gained nothing and lost four dignitaries. It's not worth it

Obviously, most people are not willing to give up and leave.

However, the shadow ghost venerable has a different idea, "I know everyone is not reconciled.

But that weird arm is not something we can deal with.

If you go in again, there will be only one dead end. "

"So I decided to leave.

I don't want to be involved any more. "

Luo Zhongyuan, hearing the words, frowned gently and said, "master shadow ghost, you have paid a lot. Are you really willing to leave like this?"


If you can go in and get a treasure out of the coffin, it's worth it. "

Gu Hanwu also spoke out to persuade.

But the shadow ghost master shook his head and said, "the treasure is valuable, but it also needs to have a life to spend."

"Compared with life, those treasures are not worth mentioning."

"I quit."

Finish saying, shadow ghost Zun directly soars, whew for a while, break empty to leave.

Seeing this, some venerable people bowed their heads and thought, as if they were thinking about whether they should get up and leave like the shadow ghost venerable people.

Of course, some people disagree.

"This shadow ghost is a master, but I didn't expect to be so timid."

"That is, we practice all the way to Yuantai.

I have been to various secret places and Jedi many times.

If you give up so easily, how can you practice to the present state and have the present status? "

"All the way of practicing martial arts is about the courage to go forward.

If you lose the courage to make progress, I'm afraid you will stop here. "

...... Gu Hanwu waved his hand and said, "well, I won't talk about it.

If the shadow ghost wants to go, let him go. It's good for everyone to share the treasure with one less person. "

"Now, we're going to talk about how to deal with that weird arm and find the treasure."

Mention this, everybody's brow once again lock up.

After all, the strength displayed by that arm was too strong, which made the nine venerable people feel fear from the bottom of their hearts.

After looking at each other for a while, Luo Zhongyuan seemed to think of something and said in a voice: "that arm is really powerful, but don't forget it.

No matter how fierce he is, he is trapped in this ancient tomb. "“ This shows that the man who built the ancient tomb must be more powerful than the owner of the arm, so he can bury it here. "

"What's more, this ancient tomb has been able to block that arm for so many years.

That means that there must be a way to deal with the arm in the ancient tomb. Otherwise, the arm would have escaped long ago. "

After listening to what Luo Zhongyuan said, many people suddenly realized and nodded.

"Yes, that's the truth.

There must be a way to restrain arms in ancient tombs. "

"As long as we find a way to control the tomb, we can suppress that arm."

"Maybe it's a magic array. After all, the magic array on the gate of the ancient tomb is very exquisite."

Time goes by day. In a twinkling of an eye, six days flash by.

At the entrance of the ancient tomb, several dignitaries, who were full of confidence before, are all frowning now, and their faces are full of fatigue and sadness.

In the past few days, they tried every means to find a magic array to control the ancient tomb, so as to suppress their arms. They tried no less than tens of thousands of times, but all failed.

In the meantime, they even ventured into the ancient tomb again, trying to see what the arm is like now.

As a result, after losing another venerable, they did not dare to rush in again.

In this way, six days later, they still did not find a way.

All of you can't help sighing.

Some people, with a look of disappointment, complain in their hearts. It's better to leave with the shadow ghost warrior.

There are also people who have secretly played a retreat drum, ready to find a reason to leave.

At this time, the servants of the Luo family and the Gu family sent a message.

The trial meeting of Du Nanxing, which was publicly held by the two families in Nanyan City, will be held tomorrow.

Now, celebrities and rich people from Nanyan city gather here.

Even under the leadership of Yuan Qianjun, the Yanwei army from Fucheng has come to Nanyan city and is staying in Luo's residence.

Hearing this, Luo Zhongyuan couldn't help but brighten his eyes, "Yuan Tong has come."

When Yuan Qianjun, commander yuan, was still his grandfather's generation, he had a chance to cling to his relationship.

Later, for hundreds of years, the Luo family continued to contribute various resources to help the yuan leader practice and maintain the relationship.

This is the fact that today, the commander of tangtangyan guards has a lot to do with the Luo family in Nanyan city.

It was because of this that the commander of the Yuan Dynasty did not stay in the official mansion of the city leader after he came to Nanyan City, but rested at Luo's house.

It can be seen from this that the Luo family had a lot to do with the yuan commander.

"I have to go back."

Luo Zhongyuan said“ Here is the ancient tomb -- "said the venerable.

Luo Zhongyuan narrowed his eyes and said, "it's only a few days. We can't give up so easily.

Look again, maybe there are other ways

"Besides, this time I'll go back to Nanyan city and talk to commander yuan about things here.

Maybe he has a way

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