Du Nanxing said, "this wasteland is a border city of Daxia Prefecture. It is not crowded and has no special products, so it is not famous."

"Master, have you ever been there?"

Chen Fei asked.

Du Nanxing shook his head and said, "no!"

"Ah, this -" Chen Fei looked surprised.

Du Nanxing continued to explain: "it's my husband. Before he left, he told me that if I encountered difficulties and couldn't stay in Daxia mansion, I could go to the wasteland city and ask for help."

"It's just that I haven't been to the wasteland city until now," said Du Nanxing, "so I don't know about wasteland.

According to elder Wuyan, finding a small town may be more convenient and safe. "

With that, Du Nanxing and Wuyan looked at Chen Fei.

Obviously, the decision-making core of this team is Chen Fei.

Chen Fei was silent. After thinking for about ten seconds, he looked up and said, "go to the wasteland!"

"Ah, wasteland -" both of them were surprised.

Chen Fei explained, "I think so!"

"The ruins city was the retreat that Shizhang arranged for you. It must be safe. I believe him."

On one side, Wuyan also clapped his hands and said, "it makes sense. His highness Xia Minglei is famous. His arrangement will not be wrong."

After all, master Du Nanxing's husband was Xia Minglei, the famous Prince of Daxia mansion. Xia Minglei was a top-notch existence in terms of status, power and cultivation strength. His arrangement should be very reliable.

Based on this consideration, Chen Fei chose the wasteland city.

However, Du Nanxing was still worried, "but that was hundreds of years ago.

Who knows what happened to his arrangement?

Besides, even he doesn't know whether to die or live. "

Speaking of the end, Du Nanxing's tone was gloomy.

Chen Fei saw master's sadness and missing and said, "master, master, I'm sure he's still alive!"

"Besides, if you go to the wasteland, you may find the clue of Shizhang."

Hearing this, Du Nanxing showed a look of hope in his eyes, and finally nodded and said, "then go to the wasteland!"

After setting the goal and resting in the cave for one night, the next day everyone's action was fast.

Because the wasteland city is located in the southwest border of Daxia Prefecture, which is not close to it.

So Chen Fei urged them to hurry up all the way.

Fortunately, all of them are friars and have good strength. At least they have the strength of three or four levels of Yuan soul realm. Therefore, although they consume a lot of energy, they can still adhere to it.

In this way, after traveling for about a week, the party finally crossed less than half of Daxia mansion and came to the wasteland city on the border.

Before entering the city, Chen Fei couldn't help feeling when he saw the scene around him.

Compared with the various prosperous cities Chen Fei saw all the way, this wasteland city is much more shabby, with a population of only about one or two million, and few pedestrians and businessmen.

Moreover, the environment of the wasteland city is a bare stone with few plants growing on it. When the wind blows, the whole city is gray and depressing all over the city.

"No wonder this place is called a wasteland!"

Such a scene can't help but make a group of people sigh for it.

"Go into the city first. I'll see if I can contact someone."

Dunan star road.

Immediately, the party walked into the city.

When he arrived in the city, looking at the scene on the street, Chen Fei found that there were not many shops here, and the prices of all kinds of goods were higher than those in other cities, especially fruits, vegetables and herbs, which were difficult to grow locally.

"How should ordinary people live in this place?"

Chen Fei couldn't help sighing.

Then, after paying three times the usual price, the party checked into the inn.

After settling down in the Inn and having a rest, Du Nanxing went out.

In the evening, Du Nanxing returned to the inn with a middle-aged couple.

"Someone found it.

These two are contacts. I have explained the general situation to them. "

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