Chenfeijing sat and waited for about one incense stick, and fourorfive people entered one after another.

Later, a middle-aged man wearing a black robe and a black mask stepped in.

The man and the monk looked at each other and whispered something.

The big monk nodded gently, and then left. When he left, he didn't forget to bring the gate of the pavilion.

The masked man glanced at everyone, then said in a loud voice, "since everyone is here, I won't show off. I'll get straight to the point."

"Lord Xia Wuji summoned you to come this time. In name, it was to pay tribute to our ancestors, but actually he wanted to use it to extract resources.

I think everyone should be clear about this. "

Speaking of this, many people nodded gently, some looked at each other and whispered a few words.

Seeing this, the masked man continued: "over the years, we have been devoted to our duties in all walks of life in Daxia mansion and managed the whole mansion for the mansion master.

Most of the profits collected were turned over to the governor. "

"But now, the government leader has to go further and ask us to turn in resources.

I don't think it's fair to say so. "

"Therefore, I have called you here to resolve this matter."

"I think everyone should think so."

Hearing this, someone opened his mouth and said in an impatient tone, "stop talking nonsense in front. What we want to know is, how do you solve this matter?"


"How to solve it is the key."

... at this point, the scene became noisy, and everyone looked at the masked man.

The masked man said in a deep voice, "since I invited you to come, there is naturally a way."

"My method is very simple. Let's write a letter together. Chen Ming, the interested parties are interested in this matter..." "write a letter together?

That's it? "

"Is this useful?"

"That's the only way you can call us here mysteriously?"

"Forget it, I'm leaving."

... someone can't stand it and is ready to leave.

The masked man didn't worry and continued: "why don't you listen to me."

The footsteps stopped.

The masked man continued: "it doesn't sound reliable to write a book together, but it's the most practical and easiest way."

"Let's think about it. With the power and strength of the leader, we can directly collect resources from all over the country.

This time, we didn't do it directly. Instead, we summoned all of you to express and hint. "

"Even the governor himself did not directly mention the issue of turning over resources.

It is an excuse to renovate the tombs of the ancestors, which shows that the head of the government is also worried about this matter and is afraid that everyone will oppose it. "

"For those of us, it's useless for oneortwo people to write a letter against the governor alone. They may even be punished by the governor."

"Only when we join hands, write a letter together, form a joint force, and then mobilize public opinion, can we let the governor have some scruples and suppress this matter."

Speaking of this, everyone began to talk in a low voice. It seemed that there was some truth in what the masked man said.

However, there are still a lot of people who show doubts and don't believe it.

The masked man continued: "of course, it's easy to say, but how to write a letter together, who will take the lead, and who can guarantee that the people who write the letter can work together and not betray everyone.

These are problems. "

"It is precisely because of these concerns that we cannot form a joint force."

"So, today I stand up and take the lead in this matter. I want everyone to work together to put pressure on the government leader."

These words have touched the hearts of many people.

After all, many people did think about writing a joint letter against this matter, but because of various worries, they failed to take shape in order to protect themselves.

Now, it is indeed a good opportunity for someone to take the lead.

For a while, many people nodded and agreed with the masked man.

Of course, there are prudent people who ask aloud, "what you just said is all about you. How can we trust you?"

The masked man said, "I take the risk to step forward and take the lead in this matter. Can't you trust me?"

"Not enough!"

"Hide your head and show your tail. How can you make people believe you?"

"Yes, take out something to prove it. Otherwise, no one can believe it."

...... In the face of a series of questions, the masked man shook his head and sighed: "everyone, I have done this, but everyone still doesn't believe me. It's really disappointing to me."

"In that case, let's deal with it by ourselves!"

With that, the masked man turned directly to open the gate and left straight away.

Now, the noisy people in the room were dumbfounded.

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