Back to the hotel for a night's rest, the next morning, Chen Fei and Lin Qiuhan came to the place agreed with the valley boss.

Valley boss with yesterday saw the old horse, there are a few 30 years old look hardcover man welcomed. Obviously, these people are the helpers arranged by boss Gu for Chen Fei.

After greeting, there was no waste of time. Chen Fei, Lao Ma and Gu's thug named ah Wu were ready to leave.

Looking at Chen Fei's fierce and unshakable eyes, pretending to be Lin Qiuyuan's shadow, he finally showed a touch of fear in his eyes and cried for mercy: "I say, I say."

Chen Fei said in a cold voice: "if you don't say it, I will crush your left arm one by one. If you don't say that, keep stepping on your right hand, and then your left and right legs. "

All of a sudden, there was a very sad howl. The voice, listen to the following catch up with ah Wu and others, can't help but scalp a while numb, feet are a little soft.

Chen Fei was not polite to this kind of person. He stepped down again and stepped on the wrist above the broken palm. There was another click sound and the wrist bone broke.

"I, I don't know!" These two people are more tenacious than Chen Fei imagined, and their cheeks are twisted with pain, but they are not willing to speak.

Seeing this, Chen Fei's eyes erupted with anger. He stepped down and crushed his left hand bone. Then he said in a cold voice, "who are you? What do you do all this for? Where is Lin Qiuyuan? "

The shadow was silent, biting her lips tightly, unwilling to speak.

"Who are you? Why do you pretend to be Lin Qiuyuan here? " There are more and more doubts in Chen Fei's mind.

Chen Fei then looks at Lin Qiuyuan, grabs him, lifts his black robe and looks at the man's face. Suddenly, Chen Fei's face changed, because the figure under the black robe was not Lin Qiuyuan at all, but a completely strange face.

Mentioning Lin Qiuyuan, the dark shadow couldn't help looking at the dark shadow behind him. The look in his eyes was different.

Chen Fei still does not stop, the left hand is a twist, the other arm of the shadow is also abandoned. Then he kicked the shadow to the ground and said, "who are you? Why do you want to kidnap Lin Qiuyuan and let Lin Qiuhan come here?"

All of a sudden, there was a crisp click, and the arm of black shadow twisted out an incredible angle, and gave out a very sad howl. The muscles on his face were wrinkled together, and his teeth were biting and bleeding.

However, it's a pity that this expert met Chen Fei. Chen Fei didn't wait for his fist to blow over. He grabbed his opponent's fist and twisted it.

Dark shadow turns around and hits Chen Fei with a fist. It's ferocious. At least it has the strength of Huang class in the later stage. It seems that it should be an expert.

But Chen Fei's speed is beyond their comparison. Almost a few seconds later, he caught up with the distance of 200 meters. He clasped the shadow's shoulder and yelled: "stop for me."

It's less than 200 meters away from them. The other side obviously also found Chen Fei's pursuit, turned around and ran away.

Chen Fei's speed is very fast. The rocks and woods all the way have little influence on his speed. The original two small black spots expanded rapidly in Chen Fei's eyes almost at the speed visible to the naked eye.

Ah Wu came down the stairs and saw Chen Fei running so fast that he was shocked. But then I gritted my teeth and followed.

Chen Fei immediately cheered. He jumped directly from the window on the second floor, pulled out a shadow, and quickly chased the black spot in the mountain forest.


Chen Fei looked through the window and saw two small black spots moving in the forest on Fuma mountain. Vaguely, it can be seen that one person is pulling another person to run.

At this time, ah Wu pointed out of the window and yelled, "Mr. Chen, look, on the mountain!"

Chen Fei gently sniffed, found that the blood is very fresh, from now at most less than half an hour. Suddenly in the heart move, way: "the person has not run far."

Chen Fei immediately went upstairs and entered a room. At a glance, he saw that the empty room was full of blood. In front of the window, there was a chair. On the ground around the chair, there were several pieces of broken rope, which were stained with red blood.

At this time, the voice came from a Wu upstairs, "Mr. Chen, I have found something here."

Chen Feifei quickly checked the room on the first floor, and found no trace of the kidnapper.

Then, a Wu and several of their thugs followed and ran upstairs. Then we started to check the rooms on the second floor.

Suddenly, Chen Fei gently frowned, straight from the main door rushed in.

Results no breath of living people was detected in the house.

The house is a two-story small building. Chen Fei is close to the past, and the breath of Neiyuan spreads out and explores the house.

At this time, Chen Fei walked in the front, carefully close to the house.

The closer to this small building, the more nervous people's hearts became.We simply eat some dry food, drink some mineral water, and then toward the last room, the house at the foot of the mountain.

In the twinkling of an eye, it was noon.

The village is not too big, but there are also dozens of families. It takes a lot of time to inspect them.

Although it is almost certain that the room in the picture is the one at the head of the village near the foot of the mountain. But I'm afraid that the kidnappers have other conspiracies. Other houses in the village must also be inspected.

Because of the waste, the houses in the village are full of all kinds of small trees and vines, and some of the old houses have collapsed. Occasionally, we can see some small animals shuttle back and forth.

The crowd nodded, followed the old horse and headed for the village.

The old horse pointed to the village and said in a voice, "this is the village where I used to live. It has been abandoned for several years. There may be wild animals in it, and the rocks falling from the mountains will cause danger. Please be careful. "

Because the old horse is just an ordinary person, and it takes a mountain road, so the speed can't be too fast. After walking for about an hour and a half, they came to a deserted village.

The old horse led the way, and Chen Fei and ah Wu followed.

Gu arranged two female bodyguards to protect Lin Qiuhan.

After saying goodbye to Lin Qiuhan, the party immediately marched towards Fuma mountain in the west of the town.

"Say it Chen Fei cheered coldly.

The black shadow swallowed his saliva in horror and said: "I, we just received the order from the superior to come here to pretend to be Lin Qiuyuan and wait for your arrival."

"What about Lin Qiuyuan?" Chen Fei asked.

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