So, during the next period of time, Chen Fei and Chen Huo began to practice hard.

The two devoted all their attention to the cultivation courses of the Flying Star Region. Apart from attending classes and seeking advice from teachers, they also went to the training ground to practice hard. It could be said that they worked extremely hard.

As for the Tianmoyu course taught by Cuomo, Chen Fei and Chen Huo will also listen to it, but considering the problem of the Demon Soul Pill, they are quite vigilant about this course.

In addition to practicing the "Nine Turns of Ascension of the Soul", the two of them will observe the various other points taught by Cuomo, or the elixir and magic circle used for a period of time. After making sure that others are ok, they will try to use them cautiously.

The abnormality of the two of them naturally aroused some attention among the students, and many students pointed out this.

Wu Jing even sent someone to follow the two of them to investigate for a period of time, and finally confirmed that there was nothing unusual before reporting it.

Now, Wu Jing was a little confused.

"Then what exactly does Fade Chen want to do? Why did he put his mind on those basic training courses, instead of relaxing the courses in Tianmoyu?"

The subordinate also couldn't answer for a moment, scratched his head and said.

"Boss, those two people have recently applied for a lot of cultivation resources for basic courses, even a little too much. Perhaps, they want to collect wool! After all, most of those resources are provided by our Daling Mansion."

"Squeeze the wool!" Wu Jing was taken aback for a moment, and then said, "How much those resources are worth, it's not worth mentioning. The real core of Tianxing Academy has always been the "Nine Transformations Soul Ascension Technique"."

"Then, the subordinate doesn't know." The subordinate shook his head and said, "How about sending someone to follow up and investigate?"

Wu Jing hesitated for a moment, and said: "Let people pay attention, but don't bother too much."



Time flew by, and half a year passed, and it was time for the academy to assess the progress of "Nine Revolutions Ascension of the Soul".

The senior officials of the academy, including Governor Desert Blood and Princess Yuna, came to the scene again.

Teacher Cuomo still presided over the assessment, the process was the same as last time, and the results came out quickly.

This time, Wu Jing ranked first, and his kung fu has reached the second level, plus 65% of the progress.

The second place is Chen Fei, the second floor, plus 60% of the progress.

The third place is Yunxi, she finally broke through to the second floor, plus 50% of the progress.

The remaining people such as Han Huai and Qin Yu who were ranked high last time are also at the top this time.

Chen Huo, who had a good result last time, also reached the second level this time, plus a 20% progress, which is considered good, but the overall ranking has slipped to tenth place.

Overall, the results this time are considered normal, but both Chen Fei and Chen Huo have declined.

This disappointed Yuna who came here in person. After the assessment, she left without saying a word.

On the contrary, Mo Xue was very happy that Wu Jing surpassed Chen Fei and won the first place in the assessment, and praised Wu Jing on the spot.

After receiving the prize, Fade Chen and Huo Chen returned to their residence and started the same practice as before.

In this way, another half year passed, and it was the third half-year assessment.

This time, Wu Jing successfully reached the third floor, with an additional 3% progress, and won the first place again.

Yunxi also reached the third floor, plus one percent progress, and came in second with a slight gap.

As for Fade Chen's performance, compared to the last time, it dropped again, only the second floor plus 80% progress, ranking eighth among all the students.

Chen Huo was only on the second floor plus 40% progress, and his score dropped to outside the 20th place.

Such a result disappointed Princess Yuna, and even sent her subordinates to reprimand Fade Chen and ask him to practice hard.

Fade Chen accepted the reprimand with a bitter face, but he also explained the reason. He has been working hard to practice, but his progress has slowed down for some reason. He will work hard to live up to Princess Yuna's respect.

Wu Jing soon learned of the news, so he dispelled his previous doubts about Fade Chen.

Qin Yue and the others all praised and congratulated each other.

"I just said that Fade Chen is not worth mentioning, a pariah in a small world, and he wants to surpass Mr. Wu, it's just ridiculous."

"The moment of complacency made Fade Chen so complacent that he dared to openly attack the teacher of the Heavenly Demon Clan. With the current result, he deserves it."

"Young Master Wu, you don't have to care about such little people in the future. Now he can't even touch your heels, Mr. Wu. He is no longer a class of existence."

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