Amidst Wu Qi's loud laughter, Tianming's face was livid, but he didn't say anything more, but quickly grabbed Fade Chen and Liu Yun, and flew towards the distance, trying to make the distance as far away as possible.

Tianming's speed is very fast, but in the blink of an eye, he has opened up a distance of tens of kilometers.

But to Fade Chen's horror, the explosion below did not stop and continued to expand around.

Especially when Fade Chen and the others were in the air, they could clearly see that the explosion centered on Diyuan Palace was spreading in all directions.

In the beginning, the scope was only the Diyuan Palace itself, then the surrounding palaces, and finally even the entire Dalingfu City.

The violent explosion collapsed the building, cracked the ground, and countless people ran and fled howling.

The whole city was actually affected by the aftermath of the explosion, almost turning into a hell on earth.

"This, this—" Fade Chen was shocked.

But what surprised him even more was that the aftermath of the explosion, after impacting the Fucheng, was still expanding towards the periphery, spreading to other cities in Dalingfu.

The bottomless gully, which was tens of feet wide, spread out in all directions.

Fade Chen could see from a distance that more regions and cities were affected by this terrifying explosion, and countless people died crying and crying.

Even after so many years of practice, his hands were stained with countless blood, but seeing such a large-scale disaster, Chen Fei couldn't help but change his face.

"This, this explosion, is it going to spread throughout the Daling Mansion? How many innocent people will be killed!"

Hearing Chen Fei's words, Tianming's face was ashen, and his voice was low: "It's not just the Daling Mansion."

"Not just the Great Spirit Mansion?" Fade Chen was taken aback for a moment, then his face changed drastically, "Master, what do you mean, this explosion will spread to several other great mansions around?"

Tianming shook his head slightly, and said in a low voice, "Not just a few, but all of them."

"All!" Fade Chen was really shocked now, "All the big houses! Then, isn't that the whole Diyuan Realm?"

Tianming nodded: "Exactly!"

"How is this possible?" Fade Chen couldn't believe it, "No matter how strong Wu Qi is, no matter how many treasures are buried under the Diyuan Palace, the power of the explosion cannot blow up the entire Diyuan Realm!"

The strongest masters in the Earth Element Realm, the monks at the Jiufang Control level, and even the masters at the Shattering Void Realm in the Sky Demon Realm. Fade Chen has experienced their strength, although they are all very strong.

But if it can destroy a city, it is already a terrifying destructive force.

Fade Chen thought it was impossible to destroy a big mansion.

Not to mention, completely destroying one world is something Fade Chen never considered.

After all, even small and weak worlds like Earth and the Great Flame Realm cannot be destroyed by monks on their own. Not to mention a powerful big world like Earth Element Realm.

Therefore, at this moment, Fade Chen even began to wonder if Master had gone out of his mind to say such absurd nonsense.

However, what Fade Chen saw next made his heart sink more and more.

The aftermath of the explosion was still spreading around at a terrifying speed. Large areas of the ground are directly broken, and the mountains and lakes above the ground are also undergoing dramatic changes amidst huge changes.

The thousand-meter-high mountain collapsed into a flat ground within a few breaths.

The lake of thousands of square meters was lifted up in an instant and turned into a towering mountain.

More changes are still happening.

Even, as the distance got farther, Fade Chen could see the entire Earth element world, and the fragmented plates of the Earth element world actually moved in different directions.

The speed of this movement is getting faster and faster and farther away.

As the distance between each plate continued to widen, Chen Feiyue could clearly see it. In the entire Earth Element Realm, among the countless plates that have been split, there are mainly nine large plates.

These nine plates, with the mountains, lakes, cities and people on them, fly to different places, farther and farther away.

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