On hearing the price, Chen Fei's brows locked.

You know, health wine is divided into high-end version and ordinary version. Among them, the original price of the high-end version is only about 5000 yuan, and the ordinary version can be bought for 500 yuan.

And now, this guy, the ordinary version of health wine, on the price to 20000, it is too black.

Chen Fei gave a cold hum and kicked the two security guards out directly.

When the security guard comes over, he will fight against Chen Fei.

With that, the boss waved and said to the security guard, "drive him away."

Seeing this, the boss said with a sneer, "young man, is it quite like pretending? But you can't coax me. "

"Whoever dares to drive up the prices in a black heart, I'll check." Chen Fei gave a cold hum, then took out his mobile phone and made a call.

The boss did not care, said: "autumn group check, you have the ability to let them check me ah. Besides, even if they come, I'm not afraid. Now the price of health wine in the city is the same, and it's still rising. In autumn, can the group really seal up all the stores? "

Chen Fei expression a cold, way: "I can't manage, but you are not afraid of autumn group to check?"? This kind of price, autumn group will not allow absolutely

"Five hundred! It's funny. How can you buy it now at that price? " The shop owner said, "besides, what price we are willing to buy is our business. Can you manage it?"

Chen Fei stares at his boss and says, "if I remember correctly, the price of the ordinary version of health wine in autumn is less than 300 yuan. In autumn, the retail price set by the group is only 500 yuan. If you increase the price so much, it's not black heart

"Black hearted merchant!" At this time, a fat middle-aged man came out. He was the boss and said directly to Chen Fei, "when we buy things, Zhou Yu will beat Huang Gai, one willing to fight, the other willing to suffer. How can this be called black heart! "

Chen Fei said coldly, "I don't do anything. I just can't stand your black hearted businessmen."

Seeing this, the security guard and the shop assistant were all stunned. Then they looked at Chen Fei and said, "what do you want to do?"

Seeing this, Chen Fei's face was cold. He stopped the security guard and said in a cold voice, "stop it!"

The shop assistant was impatient and waved to the security guard to come out, ready to rush.

"Please, save my child, I --" the farmer pleaded.

"If you want help, others don't need help!" The shop assistant was not happy and said, "if you want to save your life, take the money, otherwise, go away."

At this time, the child in the farmer's arms coughed more violently. The farmer lay on the counter, pleaded and said, "please, sell me half a bottle. My child is ill. I need this health wine to help me. Please

While talking, the shop assistant waved the peasant woman to leave.

The shop assistant immediately waved his hand and said, "half a bottle, how do you want me to sell it? If you don't have any money, get out. Don't disturb our business

At this time, the child in her arms coughed a few times, which made the woman feel very sad. She could only come up with a pile of old but neat banknotes and said, "I have only 5000 yuan. Can you sell me half a bottle?"

The assistant said coldly, "five thousand yuan. That's the price half a month ago. Now, the price has gone up. If you want to buy it, pay for it, or don't take a place here. "

Hearing the price, the farmer's wife was stunned and then said timidly, "why is it so expensive? Before I came to town, didn't I say it was only five thousand dollars? "

The shop assistant glanced at the farmer's wife and said in a cold voice, "ten thousand a bottle, please pay."

At this time, a woman with a child in her arms, who looked like a peasant woman, squeezed over and said, "I, I want to buy a bottle of wine."

In a flash, more than ten bottles of wine were sold and more than 100000 were recorded.


"There's no way! Buy it. You'll have to buy it if you lose your money. "

"The wine of scalpers outside the shop was not released by their internal staff secretly, but to drive up prices. Hum

"Yes, it's impossible. Who let my wife do that?"

"You have to buy it if it's expensive. The 10000 yuan bottle is better than the 20000 yuan bottle of cattle outside. What's more, it's guaranteed to be true. "

Seeing this, although people are still complaining about the high price, they still have to pay for wine.

"The front, either pay, or go away, don't occupy a place here." The shop assistant yelled.

Hearing the public's comments, the shop assistant snorted with disdain and said, "if you can't afford it, don't buy it. There are many people who want to buy it."


"This shop is too dark. Can't it give us a way to live if we earn so much from a bottle of wine?"

"That's to say, some time ago, the price of this health wine was only 500, which is rising too fast!"

"Ten thousand dollars a bottle. It's too expensive, isn't it?"

Hearing the price, many people frowned and complained.

The clerk inside looked at the crowd and said impatiently, "don't squeeze. Take the money for the one you want to buy, ten thousand yuan a bottle. Pay and deliver. "………

"Give me two bottles."

"I want a bottle. Sell it to me."

At this time, Chen Fei also crowded to the door of the shop, saw a group of people lying in front of the counter, constantly shouting to the shop assistant.

Although many people are interested in autumn health wine, the price of a 20:00 bottle is too expensive. They can't afford it at all, so they have to continue to squeeze into the shop.

Finish saying, the man again toward other rush to buy to smoke past, began to ask.

The man sees this, cold hiss a, way: "still want to rob those cheap goods in the shop, I tell you, rob not, don't think."

Men also want to persuade, Chen Fei directly toward the store inside the squeeze past.

Chen Fei frowned and said, "no need."

"To tell you the truth, the price of 20000 I have on hand is already cheap. If you go to other places, it's a price of 25000 yuan, and you can't get it. " The man said, "why, little brother, how about a bottle. If you don't hesitate, you'll be out of stock. "

Hearing this, the man immediately said with a smile: "little brother, I don't think you've seen it for a long time. Five hundred yuan. How long ago was that price? Now, don't say five hundred yuan, even five thousand yuan, you can't get it. "

Suddenly, Chen Fei said: "twenty thousand, it's too expensive! Before, the price on the market was only 500 yuan. "

Seeing this, the boss was surprised and yelled, "if you dare to hit someone, I'll tell you, I'll call the police and arrest you."

Chen Fei is not afraid and rushes directly into the shop.

Seeing this, the boss was in a hurry. He quickly hid behind. Then his eyes lit up and he cried out: "everyone, stop this troublemaker for me. Otherwise, I won't sell a bottle of health wine in the shop. "

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