Du soon arrived, and they waited for a moment. Tao Ling, who was off work, also came in a hurry.

At the moment, Tao Ling was dusty, her face was a little sallow, and her whole face was tired.

Seeing Chen Fei and Du Lao, Tao Ling said, "Doctor Chen, Du Lao, you are here."

"I guess they themselves want to use the current situation of Longjiang city as an example to threaten and warn you. If we don't buy their patent right as soon as possible, the situation of the hospital may become like this in Longjiang city. "

Tao Ling shook her head helplessly and said: "Jianghu haiben company is Xiangjiang company. She is not afraid of the inspection of mainland departments. As for the baitouying pharmaceutical side, it's a blind eye to this incident, pretending that it doesn't know. "

Hearing this, Chen Fei couldn't help but look dignified. With anger in his eyes, he said: "is it not afraid that the price of Jianghu Hai pharmaceutical has gone up so recklessly that the relevant departments and baitouying pharmaceutical are not afraid to investigate them?"

"However, on the basis of the price increase of baitouying pharmaceutical, jianghuhai pharmaceutical, which is responsible for the import of drugs in Longjiang City, has tripled. This has led to a sharp rise in the price of Alstom antibiotics in Longjiang city and a rise in medical expenses. "

"Therefore, the initial price increase, the price offered by baitouying pharmaceutical, is not cheap, but it is still within a tolerable range. It won't go up to the level that we can't afford. "

Tao Ling explained: "even if baitouying pharmaceutical takes advantage of the patent to increase its price, it won't really force everyone. After all, this kind of medicine is widely used, and many countries and pharmaceutical companies are powerful. If they push too hard, they will fall out in the end, and baitouying pharmaceutical will lose a lot of business. "

Chen Fei frowned and said, "for us? What do you say? "

"After the expiration of Alstom's antibiotic patent this time, jianghuhai pharmaceutical is responsible for our agent import in Longjiang city. And jianghuhai pharmaceutical is also aiming at us this time. "

Tao Ling said: "jianghuhai pharmaceutical is a large pharmaceutical company in Xiangjiang. Because it is located in Xiangjiang and has close ties with foreign countries, jianghuhai pharmaceutical has been making money by acting as an agent to import foreign drugs into the mainland. "

"Jianghuhai pharmaceutical company? This is -- "Chen Fei asked.

Tao Ling continued: "in fact, although the price rise of baitouying pharmaceutical patent fee has a great impact, it should not have caused such serious consequences in Longjiang city. The direct reason should be attributed to jianghuhai pharmaceutical company. "

Chen Fei nodded. He was also a doctor. Naturally, he knew that drug research and development was difficult and long.

"But, as you know, drug research is a long process. Moreover, even if developed, also need to carry out a variety of detection experiments, all is a long process. In the short term, it is almost impossible to rely on domestic drugs to replace Alstom antibiotics. "

Tao Ling said: "the relevant departments have made corresponding preparations before the patent expires. On the one hand, they sent people to negotiate with baitouying pharmaceutical company to reduce the royalty; on the other hand, they gathered relevant researchers to develop alternative drugs. "

Chen Fei can't help but ask: "is there any countermeasure for such a big thing

It's just that now things have happened and we have to find a way to solve them.

He understood that this feeling of his own lifeblood being held in the hands of others was really bad. This is also the reason why many things in the country have their own intellectual property rights, in order to prevent such patent hooligans.

After hearing this, Chen Fei couldn't help looking gloomy and silent.

"In this way, the cost is much higher, and the medical expenses also rise." Tao Ling said.

"Therefore, with the expiration of the patent, many domestic pharmaceutical companies have to suspend the production of Alstom antibiotics. As a result, the production of this antibiotic has been greatly reduced, but the demand has not been reduced, resulting in a shortage of drugs, which can only be treated by relying on previous stocks or imported drugs from abroad. "

"This time, baitouying pharmaceutical increased the patent fee by hundreds of times, reaching a terrible $50 million. Few pharmaceutical companies in China can afford such a high price. "

Sure enough, Tao Ling went on, "and just three months ago, the license period of baitouying pharmaceutical expired. Baitouying asked pharmaceutical factories to buy the patent right of this antibiotic again. "

Hearing this, Chen Fei vaguely felt some bad premonition.

"Over the past decade, thousands of pharmaceutical companies around the world have been producing Alstom antibiotics, and the use of this kind of antibiotics has been promoted all over the world."

"After the development of Alstom antibiotics, it was purchased by the pharmaceutical giant, American White Eagle pharmaceutical company. More than ten years ago, in order to promote the widespread use of Alstom antibiotics, bald eagle pharmaceutical company authorized the use right of this kind of antibiotics to pharmaceutical companies all over the world at a low price. "

Tao Ling explained: "this beta antibiotic is called Alston antibiotic in foreign countries. It was developed by a scientist named Alston in the United States. ""How?" Chen Fei is still puzzled.

Tao Ling nodded and said, "the reason for the sharp rise in medical expenses is due to beta antibiotics."

"Well, I know." Du Lao nodded, "this beta antibiotic is a kind of basic medicine, which is very common in all kinds of anti-inflammatory drugs and cold drugs."

Tao Ling said: "Dr. Chen, Mr. Du, you are all doctors. You should know. Now in hospitals, there is a commonly used drug called beta antibiotics. "

"How could that be?" Chen Feidao.

Hearing this, Tao Ling sighed and said, "I know these things, but to tell you the truth, the price increase of the hospital is also forced by helplessness."

"Doctor Tao, what's going on? How can the cost of the hospital go up so much? " Chen Fei couldn't help asking.

"I heard that a common cold, now go to the hospital for treatment, will cost one or two thousand yuan."

"After investigation, I found out that it was caused by the recent soaring medical expenses of hospitals in the city."

Chen Fei didn't beat around the Bush and said directly: "doctor Tao, I just came back yesterday. Early this morning, I found out that our autumn group health wine was snapped up."

Tao Ling nodded and sat down.

Chen Fei opened his seat and said, "doctor Tao, you're welcome. We'll talk while eating."

Hearing this, Du could not help but feel angry. He clapped his hand on the table and said angrily, "these foreigners are too much. How can they treat their compatriots like this

Tao Ling had no choice but to shake her head and sigh.

Chen Fei was calm and gloomy.

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