"You are holding the patent of Mahuang oral liquid in your hand, and you are not willing to open up the authorized production. Even the request of the delegation sent by the capital, you have not wavered. It's a high price, regardless of people's lives. In order to make money, do whatever it takes. "

"It's a great irony that such a behavior is still a miracle doctor with good hands and benevolence."

With a long sigh, the old man immediately shook his hand and started to leave the pharmacy.

"Old Chinese medicine, it's not surprising." Chen Fei thought of something and said, "your confused pulse just now is that before you came in, you pricked your own acupoints including Gu, Shenshu and Fengchi with silver needles."

At the moment, the old man looked serious and said to Chen Fei, "I have absolutely no malice. I'm just an old Chinese medicine doctor who also wants to save the world."

Chen Fei looked at the old man strangely and said, "who are you? What do you want these things for? "

Apprentice a Leng, looked at Chen Fei.

"Contract and recording, can you show me?" Asked the old man.

The apprentice was a little excited and said, "of course, it's true. We still have the contract provided by head Lu. At that time, we had a recording room, and we also had a conference room. "

Chen Fei nodded and said, "it's true. Of course, believe it or not. "

After hearing this, the old man looked very serious. He looked at the apprentice and Chen Fei and said, "are these things true?"

"You said to yourself, if it was you, would you transfer your prescription?" The apprentice glared at the old man angrily and asked in a voice.

"What's more, not long ago, baitouying pharmaceutical offered a price of 100 million US dollars, which was divided into hundreds of millions of US dollars every year to buy Dr. Chen's patent, but Dr. Chen didn't sell it. In order to alleviate the severe situation in China and benefit everyone. "

"If we really want to transfer the prescription to them, who knows where our hot blood spilled in the end?"

"We Dr. Chen worked hard to develop a prescription, and we can take it out for free to save people. Those people are not satisfied. They want to take Dr. Chen's prescription and seek personal gain. "

The apprentice said angrily, "what's more shameless is that in the document, the object of transfer is not the superior health department. It's head Lu's own company, reed pharmaceutical. "

"Transfer!" The old man frowned and chewed.

"Why?" The apprentice said angrily, "Dr. Chen was willing to license the production of Mahuang oral liquid for free, but the head of the investigation team, Lu, shamelessly pushed forward, and asked Dr. Chen to transfer the patent right of Mahuang oral liquid to them, and also free of charge."

At this moment, the old man frowned, his face muscles trembled gently, "what else? Then why don't you sign the documents of the delegation? "

"But the members of the delegation left our Doctor Chen's documents behind and asked us to sign them instead."

"We respectfully welcome them in, and then without any conditions, we show them the free authorization documents for them to sign."

"But the people in the investigation group are very arrogant. The first time I came here, I was late. I kept us waiting in the rain for an hour, and I didn't want to get off without a red carpet

"Before the delegation came, Dr. Chen prepared a free patent authorization document to license the right to produce Mahuang oral liquid to the delegation, so as to speed up the production of Mahuang oral liquid."

The apprentice said, "I don't know who you listen to, but I tell you, it's not like that at all."

"No? But I heard someone say that? " The old man said.

Hearing this, the apprentice almost exploded and said, "where did you hear these words? Who said Dr. Chen didn't open the patent? Who said Dr. Chen demanded a high price for the delegation? "

The old man was silent for a while, his eyes turned, and then he said in a voice, "according to you, Dr. Chen is really thinking of everyone. Then why not open the patent of Ephedra oral liquid to the delegation, but take the opportunity to ask for a high price? "

"Of course, it's a big deal in Longjiang city. We don't know how many people Doctor Chen has offended. Just go out and ask." The apprentice said angrily.

Hearing this, the old man frowned and said in a low voice, "is there such a thing?"

"If Dr. Chen wants to make money, will he not make it with such easy money?"

The apprentice said: "of course, it does. The health wine was developed by Dr. Chen. At that time, the price of liquor soared, and the supply of liquor was in short supply. With such a good chance to make money, Dr. Chen severely cracked down on the behavior of driving up prices, and demanded that the prices of all the health wine in the city be reduced to the original price. "

The old man was a little strange and said, "what kind of health wine does it have to do with him?"

"Do you know? At the beginning, the shortage of antibiotics happened in Longjiang City, which led to the pursuit of health wine in autumn. The price of health wine went up sharply. The original price was 51 bottles, but the price of health wine went up to two or three thousand bottles at that time, and even continued to rise. "

This really angered the apprentice, glared at the old man and said, "shut up, don't talk nonsense if you don't know.""One song and one harmony, still acting?" The old man said.

The apprentice looked at Chen Fei and said, "Doctor Chen, I can't hold it. I must make it clear, old man, that you have been so vilified and wronged, or I won't be able to sleep for the next week. "

Chen Fei smell speech, frown, way: "there is no need to explain, send him to leave, he does not believe even."

"Pay, hurt?" With an incredulous look on his face, the old man looked at the apprentice and said, "I really want to hear what he has paid and suffered as a businessman full of profits."

"You have no idea how much Mr. Chen has paid and how much he has been wronged for this incident. It's nonsense and accusation. "

The apprentice said angrily: "the truth, the truth of the bullshit! What you said is a complete slander on Dr. Chen. "

"Sorry, why should I apologize? Just because you told the truth? " The old man said.

The apprentice next to him was so angry that he couldn't help it. He rushed to the old man and glared at him. He said in a voice, "stop for me and apologize to Dr. Chen immediately."

When Chen Fei hears the speech, he frowns and looks at the old man. He doesn't know what he is thinking.

Hearing this, the old man was surprised and said, "do you see it?"

Chen Fei said: "your pulse condition at that time was very chaotic. If you are a general inexperienced TCM doctor, it is easy to be misdiagnosed as heart lung deficiency cold and other symptoms. But if you look closely, you can still find the subtle differences. "

"I saw your means, that's why I said you were not ill and asked you to leave." Chen Fei light way.

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