The sharp sound of the horn startled the people, but they were still in shock. Then they saw a black BMW car coming quickly, and with a sudden brake sound, it stopped at the gate of chengyaoguan.

Then, the door opened, and a couple in their thirties, with a child in their arms, rushed to the Chengcheng pharmacy.

They rushed up all the way, directly pushed away the patients queuing around, and wanted to rush into the pharmacy.

"Go back, get out of Longjiang, get out of Huaxia!"

"If I don't give you privileges, I'll say it's difficult. I think you're used to it. This is Huaxia, not the United States. If you want to be arrogant, go back to be arrogant. "

"Damn, the American people are great. Why don't you wait in line when you are American?"

This time, Chen Fei didn't open his mouth, and the patients around him started to scold.

Winnie immediately said, "we are overseas Chinese. Our family has American nationality. You think clearly, what kind of behavior are you doing

"You - you are making trouble for foreign friends. I will report such behavior to the US embassy. Do you really want to do so? " Anthony sank.

"What about overseas Chinese?" Chen Fei said coldly, "the rules in our pharmacy will not change just because you are overseas Chinese. I still said, "if you want to see a doctor, go in line."

Anthony's face sank. He glared at Chen Fei and said, "Doctor Chen, I don't think you understand one thing. I'm an overseas Chinese with a green card from the United States. I'm in China now, and I just come to work. "

Chen Fei smelled the words, pointed to the outside of the pharmacy, said in a cold voice: "need to see a doctor, according to the rules, the back line up!"

"I live abroad all the year round. One thing is the same. So I don't want to talk about yesterday. Now, I just want to say that my son's condition needs treatment. " Anthony Road, simple words, but the tone, but with a seemingly contained in the habit of pride.

At this time, the man beside her grabbed her, stepped forward, looked at Chen Fei and said, "Chen Fei, right? My name is Anthony. It's Winnie's husband and Eric's father. Yesterday, I knew about the conflict you had in primary school. "

Winnie was so angry that she almost yelled.

Chen Fei didn't care. He snorted coldly and said, "if you want to complain, just go."

"You are making it difficult to retaliate. I will go to the health bureau and the industry and Commerce Bureau to complain about you." Cried Winnie.

"It's up to you whether it's urgent or not! If you want to see a doctor, line up. " Chen Fei waved coldly.

As soon as Winnie heard this, her eyes suddenly widened. She said to Chen Fei, "my son is ill. It's urgent."

Hearing this, Chen Fei sneered and said, "don't you pursue me? I'm going to pursue you. In our pharmacy, we should pay attention to first come and then come. If you want to see a doctor, you should go in line at the back. "

Then she pointed to the little fat man in her husband's arms. It was yesterday's Eric.

However, after the surprise, her face immediately sank down and said directly to Chen Fei, "I didn't expect that you were Doctor Chen. That yesterday's matter, I don't pursue you now, quickly see a doctor for my son

"Ah - what, you, you are --" Winnie looked at Chen Fei in surprise, with an incredible color on her face.

Chen Fei, the boss of the drug store, pointed to our staff and said, "this is Chen Fei."

Then, she yelled to the staff: "hurry up and ask your boss to come out. Do you hear me?"

At the moment, Winnie, seeing Chen Fei standing in front of her, her face suddenly changed, and then she waved her hand and said, "Why are you here? Get out of the way and don't delay my son's treatment. "

And now Chen Fei, looking at the woman in front of him, looks very cold. Because, in front of this woman, is yesterday that little fat Eric's mother Winnie. The man beside Winnie must be her overseas Chinese husband.

"I said that my husband is an overseas Chinese. You - "the woman looked up and saw a young man in a white coat in front of her. She was stunned, because the man in front of her was no one else. It was the man she had a conflict with in primary school yesterday. At that time, the man reached out and slapped her twice.

The woman didn't finish her words. At the moment, a figure came up to her and said in a cold voice, "no matter what identity you are, you must go to the back to line up."

"What line, what registration. Let me tell you, we are introduced by doctor Tao of the first municipal hospital. What's more, my husband is an overseas Chinese. You call your boss to come out and delay my son's illness. You -- "

the staff frowned and said," if you want to see a doctor, please follow the process and go to the queue for registration. "

"Come on, tell your boss to come out, the doctor named Chen Fei! Tell him to come out and see my son The woman cried anxiously.

The couple, seeing that they had a way to go, rushed directly into the drugstore, and then called out to the staff of the drugstore.

When they saw Chen Fei come out, they immediately let him open the way.At this time, Chen Fei in the shop noticed the movement outside, gave a loud drink, and then came out, "it's all quiet!"

As soon as the swearing words were uttered, people were even more angry. It was not just a accusation, but someone had to do it directly.

"Get out of the way. I'll make you pay for delaying my son's treatment." The man said in a deep voice.

"I tell you, get out of the way now. Our identity is not something you lowly people can afford. " The woman spoke out.

In the face of the indignant crowd, the couple frowned deeper, without the slightest convergence, but more arrogant.


"Line up in the back!"

"What's your attitude? If you talk well, I can make way for you. But if you talk like that, don't try to get me out of the way

"Your son is in a hurry, so we are not in a hurry."

So arrogant command tone, immediately let the public is more angry, did not give way, but directly blocked up.

The woman said directly: "my son is in an emergency. Get out of the way! You can't afford to delay my son's illness. "

A voice of criticism came, but the couple didn't mean to apologize at all. Instead, they frowned and looked at these people with disdain.


"I have an old man here. If you run into an old man like this, what should you do? Apologize

"First come, then come. If you have any quality, you can wait in line."

"You don't know what to do in line

This time, the patients were not happy. They stopped the couple and accused them one after another.


"You, you - a group of rascals!" Winnie and Anthony were angry and yelled.

As a result, there was a much bigger wave of abuse.

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