Magic Emperor En

Chapter 259 - The God Of War’s Fright

“Ol’ Marshal, I truly cannot do this. Please find someone else!” Zhuo Fan shook his head and rose to leave.


In a flash of blue, the Dragonslaying Crescent Blade was nailed in front of him, followed by, “Why?”

Zhuo Fan was in despair, [Isn’t it obvious? I don’t want to!] Since he was asked for a reason, Zhuo Fan had to oblige. So he stuck out his neck and refused, “They say that a good man doesn’t enlist…”


In reply to his most eloquent words, Dugu Zhantian spat in his face, “Those are the words of friggin’ morons. Zhuo Fan, you are a wise man, so how can you lower yourself to a commoner’s thinking? Also, did you not take the helm of the Luo clan after the Clan Head’s death, looking after the siblings? Why then?

“I only see loyalty. Kid, your actions speak for yourself, of your loyalty and devotion! So what’s the problem with being loyal to one’s nation. Isn’t that the same? It should be the same thing to you! Why do you insist on avoiding enlisting?”

The walls were quite thin here and the wounded next door heard Dugu Zhantian’s raving loud and clear. [Dugu Zhantian wants Zhuo Fan in the army!]

[But can he rein in this Soaring Demonic Dragon?]

Luo Yunchang and Chu Qingcheng thought this as well. Even though their glaring never faltered, their ears were idle to pick up on the Marshal’s shouts!

Taking a deep breath, Zhuo Fan gritted his teeth. [This old guy just won’t quit.] And sighed, “Marshal Dugu, we are neither friends nor enemies. Please refrain from dragging me into this hell!”

“How is the army and fighting for your nation, hell?” Dugu Zhantian was stunned.

Zhuo Fan squinted and roared, “As they say, after three years in the army, even an ugly broad would look like a courtesan! This will deal a devastating blow to my standards and ruin my prospects to raise a family!”


The girls in the wounded ward stifled their giggles. While Luo Yunchang and Chu Qingcheng sure had an active imagination, evident by their red cheeks.

Then their eyes met and jealousy reared its ugly head. [Which one of us is that punk going to take to raise a family?]

The Four Tigers of Tianyu and Luo Yunhai were awkward, to say the least. They’ve been in the army for five years. Did that mean their standards were out of whack?

But Dugu Zhantian’s shout came soon after to save their image, “More crap! Where the hell did you hear that nonsense? How could three years lead to such a drastic change?”

The five in the ward nodded. [Well said, Marshal!]

Dugu Zhantian then followed with, “That only happens after five years! My four godsons need six years, by the looks of them, to see any girl a babe. As for Yunhai, it’s too soon to tell!”

The five wanted to crawl into a corner and die. The feel of the others’ eyes on them only made it worse!

[Godfather, enlist him if you want to, but why in god’s name are you dragging us into this?]

[It was fine and all if these old army stories helped but all you are doing is making yourself look bad! Us as well!]

[What a rotten godfather!]

The five sighed and buried their heads in the pillows…

Dugu Zhantian was being serious now, “None of that matters. Didn’t I tell you? You’ll be a soldier for one year then be my staff officer. Those things don’t apply to you!”

“Why not make me one from the start?” Zhuo Fan scratched his head.

Dugu Zhantian squinted and snapped, “Impossible! In my army one needs to do military service. One can only be promoted based on merits. How can I just make you one from the start? Everyone will object. But don’t worry, once in the corps, I’ll give you plenty of chances to show your ability and you’ll be promoted in no time!”

Zhuo Fan sighed. Seeing Dugu Zhantian so stubborn, like a hustler, he left Zhuo Fan without a way to deal with him.

“Fine, fine, but on one condition!” Zhuo Fan nodded in the end.

Dugu Zhantian’s eyes sparkled, “Name it! I’ll do my best to accommodate you! “

“Uh, Ol’ Marshal, would you be so kind as to lend me your status for a short month? I could get used to being a Marshal myself!”

“You think the army is a game?” Dugu Zhantian shook his head, but then he eyed Zhuo Fan skeptically, “What for?”

“What else? To sweep the land and pacify the empire!” Zhuo Fan roared his loyalty.

Dugu Zhantian said in a rush, “Stop messing around. This army can’t move as you wish!”

“He-he-he, it’s fine. Won’t I have the appropriate rank a year later? At that time, I can just kill and smash whoever and whenever.” Zhuo Fan giggled.

Panicking inside, Dugu Zhantian now realized he had only paid attention to Zhuo Fan’s talent and not his many remarkable ‘feats’.

[I can’t take the same approach I took with Luo Yunhai when teaching him. Or when he gets the army at his beck and call, he’d leave the nation wide open for attack!] His eyes were swiveling, unclear what choice was best here.

[No, I can’t have him fly through the ranks. I’ll have to stamp out his rebellious nature in the army!]

Zhuo Fan had a knowing grin, “He-he-he, I know what you’re planning. But no matter, I’m the best there is when it comes to roping someone to my side! It won’t take me even a year to turn the three million Dugu Army into the Zhuo Army. At that point, being a General or not would hardly make a difference!”

“You don’t say. I am giving my all here, but who knows when we will have to face Regent Estate on the field of battle. But if you think you can wrest control of one of the Four Pillars, the empire’s army, then be my guest.”

Zhuo Fan laughed, “I have never thought about it like that. But now, Marshal, you have to enlist me! Even if you have your whole army infected with gayness rather than some twisted broads, I’d still go for it!”


It seems someone had a change of heart. Dugu Zhantian was frantically shaking his hands and sweating buckets!

[That was close! I almost welcomed the devil with open hands!] Granted he was talented, but if there was one thing he truly excelled at, it was blowing things out of proportion! [In the off chance I can’t tame him, the Dugu Army will be under his thumb and will corrupt the empire’s greatest weapon!]

[I better reconsider whether to let this guy in!]

Dugu Zhantian said bashfully, “Uh, Zhuo Fan, since you find enlisting to be such a pain. I won’t force you…”

“No, I think it’ll be a blast, Ol’ Marshal…”

“No no no, I’ve never forced anyone to do anything in my life. It’s best you stay and look after the Luo clan. Oh right, the three house lords are here as well. I better go see them!”

“What about my enlistment…”

Zhuo Fan shouted after the scampering Dugu Zhantian.

Zhuo Fan watched the mighty and awe-inspiring Dugu turn into a scaredy cat with a snicker.

[Tch, I get far more out of developing the Luo clan than stealing your three million army!]

[Then again, having Dugu Army by my side is not bad either!] Zhuo Fan mused, his eyes flashing.

Dugu Zhantian just left the room and turned to the wounded ward.

It seemed that Sword Marquise Abode, Veiled Dragon Pavilion, and Drifting Flowers Edifices’ leaders were also present. They all saluted Dugu Zhantian, “Thank you Marshal for coming to their rescue!”

“No thanks needed. This is my responsibility. Although someone else saved them in the end, while I was only a mediator!” Dugu Zhantian waved.

The leaders chuckled.

Grandmother then frowned, “Marshal, I was meaning to ask. Are you intent on conscripting Zhuo Fan? Could I ask you to postpone it until after the Esoteric Debate?”

“Of course. As for conscripting, I still need to consider it. there’s no need to fret!” Dugu Zhantian stated.

Zhuo Fan’s vision of the army had scared the crap out of him!

[The kid seems capable of anything! He may very well have a way of turning the Dugu Army into his personal army!]

And he wasn’t about to give his army away just for one array master! Dugu Zhantian was thankful he came back to his senses and avoided a disaster!

Zhuo Fan took this moment to enter and greet the house lords.

The three nodded in reply. They could finally breathe easier seeing him safe and sound.

To be blunt, there would be no Luo clan without Zhuo Fan, the truest underdog. Luo clan wouldn’t stand a chance in the Esoteric Debate, whether as an ally or enemy.

But with Zhuo Fan back in town, the clan was in full force.

“Steward Zhuo, the entire Luo clan is injured. We can’t make it to tomorrow’s fight! Will you, as their steward step forth?” Grandmother smiled widely, hoping to see the miracle that was Zhuo Fan in action after a five year break.

Shrugging, Zhuo Fan said, “Of course, it is my duty to represent the Luo clan! It is time for the Luo clan to stand abreast with all of you!”

“That will depend on Steward Zhuo’s first battle!” Long Yifey raised an eyebrow.

They all looked at each other and burst out laughing, all eager to see Zhuo Fan put on a good show tomorrow…

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