Magic Emperor En

Chapter 271 - Beast Mistress


In the thick forest, Zhuo Fan was facing away from the bush behind him in silence and focus. He could even hear some clear ringing coming from that bush.

Zhuo Fan sighed.

[No good deed goes unpunished.] He went and saved the damsel, only to find her naked. So they made a pit stop at a bush to dress up. But this chick was taking her sweet time doing it. [Can’t you just put on a coat or a robe and be done with it? Look at me!]


The grass crunched behind him and Zhuo Fan turned. He was in for the shock of his life.

He hadn’t gotten a good look at this damsel, with the rescuing and all, but now that he had, she was quite the looker. She had a cute button nose, more than generous curves, and big eyes to reflect complex emotions.

Considering her clothes, it was a striking difference from the refined and graceful silken robes. They were made with ease of movements in mind. The constant ringing finally drew his attention to her bracelet having a bell attached, completing her wild look.

[She’s a foreigner!]

Zhuo Fan watched on speechless. Never had it crossed his mind that in a place filled with his clans’ disciples, he would find a girl not native of Tianyu!

Noticing the obvious look she was getting, the girl blushed. She was squirming with shyness, but still had the guts to give him a sharp glare, “What are you looking at? See how I’ll poke your eyes out!”

“Tch, not that there’s anything to see. Why are you so feisty?” Zhuo Fan jabbed.

The girl blushed harder and felt disgruntled. She was a pure and single girl and then she stumbled upon this stranger who had got more than an eyeful. How could she face the world now?

She was mortified, wishing to bury her head in her chest.

[Go die!]

All this while Zhuo Fan was walking away cursing, “God friggin’ damn it! I saved the wrong damsel and wasted all this time too…”

Glaring, the girl spat, “What’s the meaning of this? You regret saving me?”

She skipped in front of him and fixed her piercing eyes on him.

Zhuo Fan’s words struck a nerve and she got over her shyness in a jiffy.

[I’m an exotic beauty, a man’s dream! It was your greatest fortune getting to save me and even getting an eyeful.]

[What’s with that tone, as if you were the one found naked? I am the one hurting here. You ruined me!]

[Humph, greedy pig!]

The girl’s eyes were staring a hole into Zhuo Fan, wishing to tear him a new one.

And Zhuo Fan’s response? Pushing her aside in mid stride, “Move, I’ve wasted enough pointless time on you as it is.”

The girl eyed the proud Zhuo Fan walking away and blinked.

[And you call yourself a man?]

This was a first. All the men she had met so far were quite taken with her, not cold as ice like this one. Then she recalled the desire in his eyes when he got an eyeful in the sky and it was clear that this guy was a man from head to toe. [So why?]

Then it hit her. What was she doing looking hopeful instead of getting her due for staining a girl’s reputation? [Ah, how mortifying…]

She cupped her blushing cheeks, her mind drawing all kinds of untoward conclusions.

Not that Zhuo Fan had a mind to care. He ignored this ‘fated’ encounter and was this close to forgetting her as well. What was the point in remembering every bystander?


A sudden gust signaled the appearance of a golden panther as it jumped down from a tree up above.

It stared savagely at Zhuo Fan, bearing its reeking fangs as well.

“4th level spiritual beast, Mountain Crossing Golden Panther!” The girl cried in fear.

Zhuo Fan only frowned with slight worry.

With 4th level spiritual beasts being the order of the day on Beast King Mountain, he was plagued by what might happen to Yunhai.

The girl figured Zhuo Fan was rooted to his spot from sheer terror and rushed to his rescue.

The spiritual beast started laughing at Zhuo Fan’s outlandish reaction.

[He-he-he, I scared the kid witless with my entrance. Purrrfect, it has been days since my last feast!]


The kitty pounced, its maw ready to swallow Zhuo Fan whole.

Zhuo Fan smiled as his eyes were about to flash the danger away, just as a graceful figure jumped in front and blocked the savage beast.


The girl’s bracelet rang melodiously as she faced that savage pair of eyes with her charm. The girl then started moving her waist to the ringing, just like a dance.

All the beast could do was gawk in a trance at the dancing girl.

Zhuo Fan was stunned. He never knew you could deal with spiritual beasts in such an outlandish way.

Through dancing and soul power, one charmed their opponent. Humans were hardly affected, but spiritual beasts with their tiny minds gobbled it up on the spot.

As the girl went along her dancing routine, the spiritual beast’s head was lolling about and its eyes glazed.

Then the girl clapped.

The savage beast’s head cocked and slumped. The fear and dizziness in its eyes made a stark contrast with the contentment on its face.

Left gasping, the girl wiped her brow.

Zhuo Fan smiled, “Ha-ha-ha, you’re really something. This world sure is wide and there are many approaches to the same problem.”

“Hey, don’t just stand there and comment on my skill from your high horse!” Snapping her glare on him, the girl said after a pause, “Looking at you, you’re just a 9th layer Bone Tempering cultivator. No wonder this 4th level spiritual beast scared you silly.”

“Right back at you. Who was it I wonder, that had her bare ass saved from that lake?” Zhuo Fan snickered. The girl now had his full attention.

Blushing, the girl stuck out her head, “How is that the same? That thing in the water was a 6th level spiritual beast… Wait! How are you able to fly as a Bone Tempering cultivator? How did you save me? I am in the 2nd layer of the Profound Heaven Stage myself, but not even I could escape that monster!”

Finally getting her wits about her, she realized the sheer ridiculousness of it all. How was she spared from ending up a 6th level spiritual beast’s lunch?

Zhuo Fan wasn’t about to blurt all his secrets to a total stranger and only showed off his Lightning Wings with a smile, “These things are quite fast, enough to outrun a water serpent.”

The girl blinked for a second and nodded, “I see, a 6th grade flying spiritual weapon.”

The sight of those lightning-streaked wings had the girl musing. Then she said in all seriousness, “Oi, kid, since you saved me and I saved you, we’re even!”

Zhuo Fan nodded. Though technically, he could’ve easily dealt with the kitty.

“But…” The girl flushed again for some odd reason and was plagued by indecision. Her voice grew fainter to such a degree, even Zhuo Fan would’ve had a hard time hearing if not for his cultivation.

“You still owe me for seeing me naked…”

“Oh, that makes sense.”

Zhuo Fan nodded and chuckled, “I totally understand you. Don’t worry, I am not one to leave a debt unsettled. One moment.”

Zhuo Fan then removed his sash.

The girl became bug eyed and turned away in embarrassment, “What are you doing, rogue?”

“You said I took advantage of your plight, so I’m only returning the favor. This should make us even. He-he-he, rest easy m’lady, I will definitely won’t ask anything in return, including integrity.” Zhuo Fan snickered, sizing the shivering lady with a curious eye.

The girl was fuming now, “Damn pervert! That’s not what I meant!”

“What else is there? You mean you want more?” Zhuo Fan grinned, “Fine, my magnanimous self will never be so petty as a certain girl. Go ahead, feel me up as much as you want. Ha-ha-ha, do as you wish with me, I won’t complain. Really, not one peep.”

“Ahh~, rotten pervert! I’ve had it with you!” The girl was stomping and pouting, “I-I only want you to help me get some Shaping Spring. I don’t need to see your… your…”

“Shaping Spring?”

Zhuo Fan’s playful mood was gone, replaced by dead seriousness.

[This matter… is starting to become interesting…]

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