Magic Emperor En

Chapter 362 - Paving The Way

“However, killing You Guiqi in Blue Expanse City gave me quite a shock.”

With a deep breath, the emperor looked to the heavens, a faint smile traced across his face, “The only thing on my mind in those days was how could the third mind of Tianyu, Hell Valley’s schemer, die at the hands of a nobody. It was then that I began to take notice of you. I reckon I was among the minority who held you in such high regard.”

Zhuo Fan secretly sighed.

He planned to keep his head low back then, to build up his strength and avoid unwelcome scrutiny. But then Ning’er showed up and the circumstances forced him to go all out.

Then Hell Valley followed up with their kill order, harassing him on every step.

Come to think of it, he wasn’t all that level-headed as he believed, but a mindless savage charging through. [But I liked the charge, so staunch, so invigorating!]

In reply to his thoughts, the emperor patted his shoulder, “You don’t have to feel sorry, I understand. A patient man like you would never face such strong enemies so early. But as gold can’t dull its radiance, or how a diamond can’t hide among the sand, you too will meet with these events; whether you like it or not. Only, your radiance is perhaps a bit too gaudy. Even I was almost blinded, ha-ha-ha…”

The emperor continued, “After my poor heart calmed down at last, months later, you pulled another one. You wrecked Drifting Flowers City and killed three house elders. That scared me. I wanted to build the Luo clan up to strike a balance, but you, the chick I had been raising, almost bit a wolf to death. You were close to ruining everything. I was wondering if renouncing your clan would be the better part of valor.”

“Uhm, many apologies, Your Majesty, I was too reckless and almost wasted Your Majesty’s hard work. I am ashamed of myself.” Zhuo Fan bowed slightly and cupped his hands.

Yet his mind was thinking the opposite.

[His words feel sincere, but lack any truth. He goes on and on about balance and stuff, but from today’s attitude, he wants anything but. All he wants is chaos!]

[Actions speak louder than any sweet words.] Zhuo Fan had drilled this lesson into Lei Yuting for years, being a devoted follower of this saying himself.

Hence, in reply to the emperor’s convoluted speech, his mind was that of a mirror, not so easily pulled under.

The emperor’s eyes shined with wisdom, then he laughed, “Ha-ha-ha, it’s fine. It’s all in the past anyway. It was only then that I realized my son was right. You truly are a man of many talents. How else could you have incited so much chaos? And so, I came to a bold and radical decision. Do you know why I sent Marshal Dugu to Windgaze City for rescue?”

“I am moved to tears by Your Majesty’s extreme favor for my Luo clan!” Zhuo Fan’s bow was on point.

Shaking his head, the emperor gave a vague smile, “No, it wasn’t for the Luo clan, but for you.”

“I am shocked and dare not accept such praise!”

“Ha-ha-ha, is there anything you won’t dare to do? I wholly appreciate your strength. The next set of events only proved that my decision to send a million soldiers in defense of one man was the right approach. You haven’t let me down!” He held Zhuo Fan’s shoulder, showering him in praise.

Zhuo Fan lowered his head.

The emperor squinted, watching, scrutinizing, and only now he came back to the main topic, “Zhuo Fan, I have called you here to come to an understanding between us.”

“Command me, Your Majesty!” Zhuo Fan’s bow came again.

“What do you think of becoming… The Prime Minister?”

Shuddering, Zhuo Fan was stunned inside, but he put on a quizzical face, “Your Majesty, the empire already has Prime Minister Zhuge. Why…”

“Ha-ha-ha, of the empire’s three great minds, You Guiqi only knew how to manipulate and scheme, a disgrace. Leng Wuchang has the talent, but a petty character that lacks any drive. Prime Minister Zhuge is the best candidate, holding his office for decades, his conduct exemplary. Only… he is just like me, old. Once I’m gone, am I to just leave an old man behind as support, to drag his feet and the nation? It is not something I want to see, and I’m sure my successor would be in agreement as well.”

Quirking an eyebrow, Zhuo Fan got the gist. The emperor wanted to pave the way for his son, the new emperor.

As with any new emperor who took over the throne, their position will be shaky. With a wily old fox like Zhuge Changfeng around, with a cunning mind and wielder of power, the emperor’s three sons would fall like flies.

It would be an age of a weak ruler with strong followers. How could the Yuwen clan ever hold on to Tianyu?

[Ha-ha-ha, it’ll change hands of course!]

This was where Zhuo Fan came in. He had no basis in the court, so even if a new emperor cropped up, the case would be that of a strong ruler and a weak follower, him ending up as the new emperor’s pawn.

On the other hand, Zhuo Fan was more than capable of filling the job of handling national affairs. Getting a third-rate clan to become a house in a mere decade tended to give one just enough credibility.

So when the emperor came up with this proposition, he took everything into account.

Staring straight at him, the emperor spoke, “Zhuo Fan, I’ve seen the path you’ve taken to reach here. You are no weaker than Zhuge Changfeng, perhaps even better. At your age, he was but an ignorant bookworm. I believe you will surpass him in the future and become an even better leader of the Four Pillars. You becoming a Prime Minister will benefit the whole nation. I have made you the Best Steward Beneath Heavens, all so you could guide Tianyu’s future for me!

The emperor’s eyes were honest. Zhuo Fan’s eyes shook. He couldn’t see through him, but one thing he did know. The emperor definitely had something else stored in his mind and it was time to lay it out in the open, “But Your Majesty, as you know, I have a dragon soul. Being in court, won’t I and the imperial family collide?”

Zhuo Fan was quite tactful, yet it held the same meaning as Huangpu Qingtian back then.

[Providence made me king yet you’re not scared I’d take it all away?]


The emperor was calm, “Dragon Vein Soul is a creature of the world, my family had it quelled for generations to safeguard Tianyu’s prosperous future. By itself, it means nothing. Why else would we place Regent Estate as a guardian of Caged Dragon City yet be fearless of them taking the dragon souls for themselves and stealing our rule. Remind me again, who was it that killed Huangpu Qingtian, the one calling himself heaven’s gift upon this world, he who had a dragon soul as well?”

“Ha-ha-ha, destiny has always been in our own two hands. If posterity works hard and loves their nation, Tianyu will thrive, its people will be happy. But if an unruly successor is brash and decadent, how can Tianyu survive? Destiny, heaven, all are empty words. If I advocate such superstition, I wouldn’t have needed to work myself to the bone over its future, now would I?”

Zhuo Fan nodded. [This emperor’s words make damn perfect sense.] Even he believed it. As what was cooking in the old head of this emperor, not even he knew.

In the end, Zhuo Fan cupped his hands, “Your Majesty, give me some time to consider.”

“Sure, take all the time you need. Though I do hope you will serve your country and live up to the title I’ve bestowed upon you!” The emperor gave a genial smile.

Even Zhuo Fan was slightly touched.

If everything the emperor said today were lies, then he was no emperor but an evil spawn.

Zhuo Fan took his leave with a bow. The emperor watched him go with a peculiar smile.


Two old men appeared on his sides, Fang Qiubai and Sima Hui.

After a customary bow, Sima Hui began, “Your Majesty, the princess has returned safely!”

“Yongning only knows how to make me worry. If not for Zhuo Fan, god knows what would’ve happened to her.” Sighing, he brightened. He sure was fond of this willful daughter of his.

Fang Qiubai sighed, “I had never dreamt Zhuo Fan would reach such power in just a few days. I fear he has already surpassed us. What a little monster!”

“Humph, why stop there? He is clearly like the peak Radiant Stage Zhuge Changfeng, versed in pen and the sword!” The emperor squinted, then was taken by a coughing fit.

“Cough~ bring me a quill and paper!”


The servant complied, at once.

The emperor wrote just a few big words on the paper, his sons’ names. His eyes grew heavy looking at them, but they steeled in the end, “Tell me everything that’s happened, including the three’s reactions.”

“Yes!” Fang Qiubai presented the whole affair at the nine gates with intricate detail.

The emperor grumbled to himself, then picked up a red quill and hovered over the crown prince’s name, “One must be collected, to have a way with words, to adhere to the ancestor’s teachings. These are the qualities of a ruler…”

He said as he circled the name three times, yet sighed in the end, “But why do I feel you’re being so stubborn? You will tire the people, sigh…”

The emperor then crossed him out once and went to his second son’s name to circle it twice, “You are bold and benevolent, firm and ambitious, yet rude, rash and greedy. One day you will end up being used, humph…”

The emperor crossed him three times, his beard trembling in anger, “He is not fit for power!”

Finally coming on to the third name, he hesitated, yet only drew a question mark.

“Your Majesty, what…” Fang Qiubai was stunned.

The emperor spoke, “I know you side with him, but my three sons need to be observed for longer. Especially the third. I fail to comprehend him. Lest the road I’ve paved with so much sweat and blood will lead to the nation’s collapse in the hands of a decadent successor and I will never know rest.”

Sighing, the emperor grew sad.

He hoped, no, wished there was one among his sons just half as shrewd as Zhuo Fan. He would then pass on his title in peace…

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