Magic Emperor

Chapter 352 - Imperial Capital Ceremony

Chapter 352, Imperial Capital Ceremony


Imperial capital, the Imperial Palace’s gates.


There were 360 copper inlays in the nine heavy three meter tall gates. Set in the shape of Macrocosmic Orbit Array, it was an everlasting symbol of peace and imperial power.


Guards strapped in golden armor stood before each grand gate with grace and dignity, releasing a heavy pressure on anyone who came close.


Even fresh cultivators could feel the presence of a thousand of these Profound Heaven experts. The Imperial family’s power had always been the strongest in Tianyu.


A crowd had gathered outside these gates since the crack of dawn, now in awe of such a display of power.


How long had it been since the imperial family had held a ceremony? No one knew since this was their first. On such occasions, delegates were to come from every clan in Tianyu, from the biggest houses to the smallest.


The last time such a gathering took place was centuries ago when everyone banded together and repelled invaders from their border.


It was quite plain to see how much weight the imperial family had attributed to the bestowal of the 8th noble house title. The Luo clan, a mere third rate clan, was now going to be wallowing in honor.


They had simply won the Esoteric Debate, but was it that great an achievement to have the whole of Tianyu take part in its award ceremony?


Some small clans, waiting in the biting cold outside the gates, begged to differ. [Why don’t we get that kind of treatment?]


The many clans gathered before the Imperial Palace’s gates were feeding the rumor mill as they discussed.


Some were envious and some were in awe, but what predominated everyone was reverence.


It had never happened before and the difficulty could be imagined. A third rate clan was, in their time, entering the rank of houses and even receiving the imperial family’s approval.


Since a third rate clan could be so hardworking, the other lowly clans had no reason to stagnate and contend with the status quo…


“Y-young master, wait…”


Among the tight crowd, a proud and dashing youth, wearing a scholar’s hat, kept on walking even as the apprentice scholar behind him yelled.


He only stopped when he reached the front of the throng of people. His eyes shining like stars, looking all around him, “I’m finally out.”


“Y-young master, we have to go back or I’ll be punished!” The child squeezed in front as well, her cute and squishy face made him so adorable.


The young master only smiled, “I’ve been stuck home for ages. Now that I’m out, time to have some fun. Why the hell would I go back now? This is the Imperial Palace’s 8th house award ceremony, the event of the millennium. The last time this happened was at the empire’s founding.


“I want to see with my own eyes what makes this 8th house so great, so powerful to make imp-, ugh, His Majesty break the thousand year long convention.”


Looking about, assured that no one noticed his slip of the tongue, the youth stuck out his tongue and smiled.


The child was even more distraught, “Y-young master, you’ve had your fun for four hours already. It’s time we head back, or with your temper we won’t get away with a simple punishment if anything happens.”


“Stop yapping!”


The young master bopped the child on the head, annoyed, “You dare talk to me this way? When I get back, it’s the cane for you!”


“Then why did you bring me with you? To punish me? If anything happens to you, my life’s on the line!”




The young master glared, angry. Was he that weak to not survive one hit in front of so many people?


Seeing how he wanted to slip away all the time, he was just like a human trafficker. Was he that useless?


“His Highness, the Crown Prince, has arrived!”


With a sharp cry, a refined sedan chair entered everyone’s eyes. Once it stopped, an elegant and dignified youth wearing a golden robe with four dragon claws on it stepped out.


The purple golden guards rushed forward to steer clear the clans, forming a three meter wide path. The Crown Prince walked in front towards the Imperial Palace’s gates.


“Damn, its eldest brother. Don’t let him find us!”


The young master lowered his head and pulled the child into the crowd. The child could only follow.


The Crown Prince suddenly stopped, then bowed to his surroundings in apology, “Before the seven houses arrive, we are unable to open the gates. I am dreadfully sorry to have everyone wait out here in the biting winds and piercing cold. Please accept my sincere apology.”


The Crown Prince gave a half bow.


The crowd was frantic in returning the bow.


Their hearts went to him. He was such a proud and wise figure. He was sure to go places.


“Ha-ha-ha, eldest bro is making nice again. Did you earn some sympathy points?”


Some rather sharp and venomous words resounded. The people whipped their heads to see who dared be so crass towards Tianyu’s Crown Prince.


What they saw was a glum youth bearing a striking resemblance to the Crown Prince. He wore the same dragon clawed robe, just that he only had three.


The people realized he was Crown Prince Yuwen Bo’s brother, second prince Yuwen Yong.


Crown Prince eyed him coming over with a trace of anger, “Second brother, what are you suggesting? Every clan in Tianyu has gathered at our great imperial capital at the invitation of the imperial family. Shouldn’t I, the Crown Prince, show these people gathered here in the biting winds and piercing cold some care?”


“Humph, a mere act! You think they’re worth inviting? That was the imperial decree. They had to come.” Yuwen Yong sent a mocking glance to the ants, “Eldest brother, how can an irresolute man and sympathizer like you be the next leader of this nation? “


“Second brother, by treating Tianyu’s people like this, how are you going to rule with justice, how are you going to earn their respect? This is why the imperial father didn’t make you Crown Prince!” The Crown Prince glared.


Yuwen Yong’s eyes were spitting fire at this point, his face barely stopping itself from exploding, “Yuwen Bo, don’t patronize me! Based on wisdom and approaches, I’m no different from you! Isn’t it all because you came into this world a year before me that you’ve earned such a glorious title? Isn’t it because you are firstborn? Other than that, I am just as capable as you are to be Crown Prince!”


The Crown Prince stammered, but sighed in the end, “Second brother, so this is what’s been bothering you. This is why you’ve always looked at me with hostility since we were young. But what would you have me do? This is the work of providence. I cannot change the world. If I could, I would’ve long since given my brother this Crown Prince title!”


“Humph, sophistry! Who doesn’t want to be emperor? Even that Regent Estate has been stirring for centuries, yet you, pansy, wish to give it up?”


Yuwen Yong snarled, “But I don’t need you to hand it over. I’ll take what’s mine for myself!”


The Crown Prince looked long at him and sighed, feeling vexed.


Then, a very familiar voice came.


With it, the people began to feel the earth throbbing. A mountain of a man, panting and sweating, was rumbling over with a thundering gait. He was sweating buckets, but was mighty happy, “Elder brother, second brother, it’s been ages since we last saw each other. I missed you so much!”


He was the one, the only, Tianyu’s third prince, Yuwen Cong. He was a rarity in this world of cultivation filled with trained, fit bodies, one of the very few fatties!


The young master hiding in the crowd and the child held their heads, “Sigh, third brother, can’t you sweat that fat off a little? Every time you come out, you scare everyone. I don’t even want to be seen around you!”


Yuwen Yong glanced at the tub of lard with loathing, “God dammit, hasn’t this pig left the imperial capital yet? What’s he doing back here?”


“Ha-ha-ha, he must’ve finished his mission and the imperial father had him return. With the 8th noble house award ceremony of great importance, it’s imperative for the third younger brother to be present as well. “


The Crown Prince came out with open arms and a smile, “Ha-ha-ha, third brother, welcome back!”


“Eldest brother!”


With a cry of joy, Yuwen Cong jumped into the Crown Prince’s arms.


And landed with a bang.


At the same time, a snapping sound marked the wincing of the Crown Prince as the pavement beneath him cracked all over.


“Your Highness, Crown Prince!”


Crown Prince’s guards rushed over, seeing him hugging the hulking slab of meat.


“I’m… fine!”


Shaking his head, the Crown Prince put on a reassuring smile, “I-I’m a 9th layer Bone Tempering Stage cultivator after all, but… even I can’t hug my younger brother…”




With another sound, Crown Prince’s face paled and he looked at his third brother with glistening eyes, “Old third, did you get heavier?”


“Uh, just a bit. Last month I weighed 375 kg, but this week I’m 400. It must be all that traveling getting to me that I gained so little!”


Everyone’s face twitched. [The third prince sure is an oddball. Where can you find so much fat in the world?]


“Oh, right, eldest brother, are you ok?” Yuwen Cong asked, seeing his brother’s sweaty face.


With a pained smile, Crown Prince begged, “Third brother, could you get down first? My waist is killing me…”


The crowd blanked out for a whole two seconds…

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