Magic Emperor

Chapter 401

The Steward Demonic Emperor – Chapter 401, Lands of Our Nation

Translator: StarReader

Editor: Elitecoder

“His Majesty has arrived!”

The sharp voice announced. The emperor in his dragon robe walked through the center of the hall with large confident steps, followed by dozens of guards.

The princes stepped aside in a respectful bow. Be it the officials, the houses or Quanrong delegation, everyone stood up and bowed to the man’s glorious and stern countenance.

The emperor took his seat on the throne and his eyes roamed the crowd, “Today is my birthday, a day to celebrate for the entire nation. Everyone is welcome to the festivities, as are the far away Quanrong delegation. Take your seats.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty, may you live a long and prosperous life!” Everyone bowed again before sitting.

The Crown Prince came before the emperor with a salute and a bow, “The entire empire is in jubilation of your anniversary, imperial father. I have also prepared a special gift for this unique occasion. May Your Majesty live a long and prosperous life!”

“Oh, Crown Prince has always been wise. I would like to see this gift. It must be a truly remarkable item, ha-ha-ha…” The emperor laughed, “Bring it forth!”

Two servants lifted a painting and unveiled it before the crowd.

Masterstrokes of the pen, a poignant ink smell and flamboyant writing were presented. The painting showed lofty mountains and vibrant rivers, so vivid they could practically jump out of the paper.

In the right corner was written Danqing Shen in bold strokes.

Tuoba Liufeng cried out, “Is that… Mad Painter Sheng, the best in the western lands’, the Lands of Our Nation masterpiece?”

“Correct, young master Touba has a good eye. It is indeed one of senior’s rare heirlooms, Lands of Our Nation!”

Crown Prince grinned, looking at the guests in pride.

Zhuo Fan didn’t get it. What was so great about some brushwork? In a world where might made one right, what was an egghead painter supposed to be worth?

He would soon find out though, just how valuable and shocking this painting was.

“Everyone knows, be it Quanrong or Tianyu, that the western lands hold a tiny and insignificant little kingdom. Yet eight centuries ago, a talent was born in the same kingdom. Not only did his power surpass the kingdom’s, but he was a scholar fascinated by painting, excelling in pen and sword. He alone had overcome ten great sects, becoming the uncontested number one!”

Everyone was watching Crown Prince, their ears focused.

Every clan with even an ounce of renown had heard of this legend. But no one took it to be true, that a man like that was a painter.

As for the newcomer Zhuo Fan, he was oblivious to it all.

But every single man here held deep respect for such an unworldly expert, so he listened as well.

Crown Prince cleared his throat, basking in the gazes of everyone, “Legend has it that he drew one incomparable masterpiece, the Lands of Our Nation. In those days, he watched his lands in turmoil and a crazy ambition was born from his obsession with painting. And anyone who brings this painting to him will have their dearest wish fulfilled, even helping them establish their own nation!”

Everyone was startled. With western lands’ first expert’s help, one could have all the lands he wanted, even the entire west.

Tuoba Liufeng was grave, trembling each time he watched the scroll. [If the legend turns true, that means Tianyu has a deadly weapon!]

[We have to have it!]

Tuoba Liufeng and Han Tiemo’s eyes met and they gave each other a secret nod.

A casual voice was heard, “Your Highness, where is this Danqing Shen now?”


The Crown Prince turned to Zhuo Fan, cleared his throat once and said subdued, “They say the senior has been missing for eight centuries and no one has found any clues of him since…”


Zhuo Fan mocked, “What damn use does a damn painting have if you can’t find the right damn person?”


Laughter burst all over. Zhuo Fan was blunt as a birch stump, but made damn sense too. The guy was gone for eight hundred years so getting his painting wouldn’t get you an inch of land. It was only good for showing off.

Tuoba Liufeng and Han Tiemo paused, [How could an expert gone missing eight centuries ago appear?] In the end, the painting was just that, a piece of paper with ink on it. It posed no threat.

The Crown Prince’s cheeks burned, glaring at Zhuo Fan.

[For god’s sake, you’ve upstaged me! I gave you all those treasures for nothing!]

The way the Crown Prince figured, this gift was useless, but using the legend around it, he would show off and earn his daddy’s attention.

But one simple line from Zhuo Fan had ruined everything. [Now the imperial father will mock my gift!]

Though his heart was a mess, the emperor was calm, “Crown Prince, I understand your good intentions for me, the people and the land. Using disreputable means to gain land won’t last the test of time. The painting may not be practical, but it is a work of art. I shall accept it.”

“Thank you, imperial father, for your guidance!” Crown Prince bowed, gratified that the emperor got him out of that mortifying moment.

“Present the reward!” The emperor said.

The closest servant brought the Crown Prince a case containing a jade scepter.

“Crown Prince, you are my eldest and I wish for you to be safe and have all your dreams come true.

“Thank you, imperial father!” Crown Prince made a deep bow, touched to the core. Zhuo Fan mocked, [How touched can you be when a lame scepter won’t even get you a mountain!]

It was the second prince’s turn to come forth, “May imperial father be as content as the sea, your rule as long as a mountain’s. This gift of mine is a token of my appreciation and sincerity.”

His hand flashed and a nine-foot-long heaven-drawn halberd smashed the ground, shaking the feast.(StarReader: Lu Bu’s weapon design.)

The guards’ response was quick in posing themselves before the emperor. Only at his casual wave did they withdraw.

“Uh, child, what…” The emperor’s beard shook, sighing inside.

[My second son has always been filled with valor yet not an ounce of propriety.]

Second prince proudly declared, “Imperial father, this is Heaven-piercing Cloud Halberd. An 8th-grade spiritual weapon, a rare find that I have toiled much to bring to you!”

“Uh, be that as it may, what am I to do with this toy, son?” The emperor’s pained voice came.

Second prince froze. [Of course I’ve brought it for your safety, imperial father. Isn’t that obvious?]

Or rather, [You would stick to the elder brother’s side, but not mine?]

Second prince turned glum, “Imperial father, this 8th-grade spiritual weapon is far better than my eldest brother’s painting.”

Zhuo Fan snorted and rolled his eyes. Everyone watched the second prince with a heavy look.

[Dude, sure your toothpick is better than crown prince’s paper but you need to think of the circumstances. Today’s emperor’s anniversary so you brought him a weapon to hail him long life? It would’ve worked for Marshal Dugu though.]

[You are getting off easy being the emperor’s son. Anyone else would’ve got the chopping block by now.]

The emperor sighed and shook his head, forcing a nod, “I accept your gift. But I am unable to use it so I will bestow it to you. I hope that it may help you in defending Tianyu and strike at the heart of its enemies!”

Two servants pulled the halberd from the floor and presented it back to the second prince.

Second prince grew flustered, “Wait, imperial father, that’s the same as not taking my gift. Is my 8th-grade spiritual weapon less than the elder brother’s painting? Please reconsider, imperial father.”

The emperor’s face hardened and his eyes grew cold, “Yong’er, remember this. What I give you, you will accept without question. What I don’t give you, don’t ever try to take it. Am I clear? “

Shuddering, the second prince could feel the emperor’s bloodthirst on his skin and nodded in fear. He withdrew while holding the halberd.

The emperor perked up and nodded.

But the mood was ruined, with the guests having lost their jovial air. They had witnessed the son of heaven’s cruel and savage power.

The emperor was not the mild and tempered old man, but a savage beast ready to jump out of that decrepit skin.

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