Magic Emperor

Chapter 434 - Rescue and Attack

Chapter 434, Rescue and Attack


The women got startled thinking the enemy was upon them.


But on a closer look, it was only Luo clan’s power couple and thus they breathed easier.


Bowing, Grandmother spoke, “Elders, it’s so good to see you in this hour of desperate need.”


“Our houses are allies after all. It’s only natural to help.” Qiu Yanhai replied in kind then turned serious, “Grandmother, there’s something I don’t understand. We’ve clearly given you ample warning about Regent Estate’s assault yet why were you so passive?”


Grandmother and the overseers flushed, hanging their heads in shame.


[These elders are clearly hinting at our mistrust in the Luo clan. That we stalled making a decision for so long.]


That was like calling them petty and suspicious. But at least they did rescue them.


With a cough, Grandmother fought through the awkwardness, “To be honest, I’ve been in seclusion for so long and the information was left to the others. They were too shallow in their thinking and didn’t take it seriously that the Regent Estate would attack. When I came out, I was beset with enemies at the gates and it was already too late. I am truly ashamed, a-he-he-hem~”


Grandmother coughed with a red face.


It was a first for her to tell such an obvious lie in front of everyone and to shift the blame on her girls. It only made her more ashamed.


What other choice was there? She couldn’t just come clean and say it was an honest mistake on her part. It’d cut away at the houses’ trust.


With how they had turned into strays, they couldn’t afford to push away Luo clan’s help.


“Oh… I see.”


Qiu Yanhai and Xue Qingjian said, while beaming inside. Zhuo Fan had called it ever since he got Drifting Flowers Edifices’ call for help. And these two were obviously clued in as well.


Just that, to complete Zhuo Fan’s master plan of adding Drifting Flowers Edifices to the Luo Clan, these two had to reign in the teasing, lest they ruin the demonic steward’s scheme.


So they could only laugh inside, nodding at the hag’s lame excuse.


But they couldn’t wipe that silly grin off their faces.


Grandmother figured out on the spot that the two were in on her difficulties and turned away from those taunting stares.


[Humph, you don’t know how to take help at face value so you suspected our info? He-he-he, look who’s down in the dumps now.]


Grandmother felt bitter inside.


Peony Overseer was outraged, “Since you knew about the attack on us for so long, why didn’t you come help earlier? Were you waiting for us to be destroyed before acting? What kind of an ally are you?”


“Girlie, we wouldn’t be here in the first place otherwise.”


Qiu Yanhai was a Radiant Stage expert. He showed class to the women on behalf of Zhuo Fan, but would he let a Profound Heaven overseer just talk back to him?


Grandmother mediated, “Elder Qiu, please calm down. Peony is just so brash. Please don’t mind her.”


Grandmother then chastised, “Peony, Elder Qiu has come from afar to help us so the least you could do is show some consideration. Apologize!”


“Humph, screw apologies! If their rescue is real, why are there so few of them and without even Zhuo Fan? They have no intention to help us, clearly!” Peony Overseer shouted.


Qiu Yanhai snickered in rage, “Ignorant lass, what does a bunch of thoughtless broads like you know of Steward Zhuo’s intricate planning?


“When he received your plea for help, Steward Zhuo knew you’d never look at him the same way for taking your Bodhi Root or believe his messages. Steward Zhuo even warned us not to say this or it would break the ties between the houses. But you’ve given me no choice!”


“Humph, does that give him the right to steal our precious treasure?” Peony Overseer didn’t back down even against a Radiant Stage expert. Grandmother kept on pulling her but it was no use.


[These two are with Luo clan now, but they’re still known as monsters in Tianyu. How could you irk them?]


Confronting them here was the dumbest thing one could do.


Qiu Yanhai clenched his fists, “You listen here girl, if not for Steward Zhuo, I would have snapped your neck for this gross lack of respect!”


Qiu Yanhai’s savage aura exploded and sent shivers down everyone’s spine.


Grandmother paled, pulling Peony Overseer behind her and glaring at her to keep her trap shut.


They had barely gotten out alive from one siege and were now about to find their end at their own allies’ hands over a petty squabble.


[They are stronger than everyone here, yet you’re still nagging?]


Grandmother sighed, feeling like giving Peony Overseer a good ass kicking. [It’s been so long yet your temper has never mellowed. We may even die from it!]


They all gulped with fear, watching Qiu Yanhai on edge.


Xue Qingjian defused the heavy mood with a smile, pulling Qiu Yanhai over, “Ha-ha-ha, we’re all on the same side. Why must we bicker? Right, Grandmother?”


“Yes, Elder Xue is totally right!”


Grandmother was quick to grab the lifeline, bowing to Qiu Yanhai, “Elder Qiu, forgive me. I have failed to teach her properly. It is all my fault and I ask that Elder Qiu restrain his anger.”


Grandmother’s bow was real low, her Lady of Steel vibe gone, leaving her with no prestige.


This scene dawned on every overseer that they were now homeless and had lost all their pride.


Qiu Yanhai snorted.


Xue Qingjian smiled, “Big lug, they’ve already apologized. Show some consideration.”




Qiu Yanhai flared his nose, his chin still way out.


Xue Qingjian turned serious and kicked his ass, launching into a tirade, “Now you’re ignoring me, is that it? I thought I told you to show some consideration!”


Qiu Yanhai’s cocky attitude was gone, looking at Xue Qingjian like the victim. Then he waved it all off with a cough at Grandmother, “It’s fine. I am not so petty, a-he-hem…”


Perhaps it was all too awkward, but he coughed and raised his head again.


Drifting Flowers Edifices’ women were stunned, even Grandmother. She snapped out of it with a thanks though while the women laughed inside.


[Ah, that explains it. The savage Elder Qiu is whipped…]


Xue Qingjian came to Grandmother and Peony Overseer with a smile, “Don’t mind him, his temper is always burning hot. It comes and goes just as fast. As for the Bodhi Root, Steward Zhuo forbade us from mentioning it. You will have to ask him when you meet.”


“I wouldn’t dare!”


Grandmother shook her head, relieved. Xue Qingjian had her consideration in mind, guaranteeing Qiu Yanhai wouldn’t mess with them later.


The stress of having an 8th layer of Radiant Stage expert after you would give one nightmares.


“Also,” Xue Qingjian said, “After hearing your plea for help, Steward Zhuo split his forces. While we were here as relief, he led an attack on Pill King Hall.”


“Pill King Hall? Why?” Peony Overseer became a sourpuss again. But a glare from Grandmother shut her up.


Qiu Yanhai mocked, “That’s why I said you are ignorant. In his infinite wisdom, Steward Zhuo knew of your siege and was thinking about how to assist. He foresaw Sword Marquise Abode and Veiled Dragon Pavilion coming to help but getting pushed back with heavy losses. You thought Steward Zhuo would lead his own people into a trap?


“I’ll have you know that Steward Zhuo is attacking Pill King Hall to get them to fall back. Reports on the attack on Pill King Hall should be coming in right about now, getting Regent Estate and the rest to come to its rescue. Wouldn’t that relieve your city of the siege? We would then come in with our thousands of troops and coordinate with you in destroying them. A shame you couldn’t even last that long.”


Drifting Flowers Edifices’s people felt like crying.


[Blast it! We got out too soon!]


[We should’ve stayed put a few more days and the relief would’ve come, saving Drifting Flowers Edifices.]


Grandmother felt sick to her stomach. It was a severe lapse in judgment.


Only the power couple giggled inside at their mournful looks.


[Sigh, Drifting Flowers Edifices almost got played to death, tossed between Steward Zhuo and Regent Estate. But this is sure to guarantee their change of heart…]


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