Magic Emperor

Chapter 436 - Refining a War Puppet

Chapter 436, Refining a War Puppet


“That devious Regent Estate, and Leng Wuchang, that snake!” Grandmother gnashed her teeth.


Zhuo Fan sighed, “Grandmother need not say that. They’re not that vile. It was me who betrayed you despite our ties. It is all on me. The only one you can take it out on is also me. A man has to do what a man must. I can take it.”


“Oh, no, no, no, Steward Zhuo, I am not so unwise as to take it out on you. I could never blame you now that I know the source of our misfortune. Elder Xue is right. Anyone would’ve done it if it were them, including me. It is not within my right to judge you, Steward Zhuo!”


The more Zhuo Fan gave his head on a platter, the more he made Grandmother feel bad; riddling her with guilt and shame.


She ended up cursing Regent Estate some more, “That wretched and vile and degenerate Regent Estate wanted to incite discord among us. Leng Wuchang is even worse. I bet he came up with that despicable plan. He stands back while Regent Estate is put to work, forcing you into driving a wedge between us. Alas, I did fall for their ploy, doubting Luo clan and resulting in today’s calamity. This is all my fault.”


Grandmother cried again. Zhuo Fan blinked.


Whether Leng Wuchang aimed for this when forcing him to get the Bodhi Root, he didn’t know. But one thing he was certain of, Regent Estate was packed with experts, while Drifting Flowers Edifices’ women are impulsive.


Not to sound narcissistic, but the task of stealing their great treasure could and would only be done by yours truly. No one else had the skills nor the expertise to pull off such a heist.


Yet Grandmother was here denouncing Regent Estate and he couldn’t agree more.


Zhuo Fan patted her shoulder, “Grandmother, now you know that it was all a trick. We must now stand more united than ever, to have nothing come between us again.”


“Yes, Steward Zhuo, Drifting Flowers Edifices is now at its weakest and we will do everything you ask of us, for vengeance and rebuilding Drifting Flowers Edifices!” Grandmother nodded with conviction.


Zhuo Fan did the same, “You honor me with your deep sense of duty. I will never let you down. I noticed you are poisoned with the Rainbow Cloud Palm. I will have someone give you the antidote.”


“Thank you, Steward Zhuo.” Grandmother bowed again and the disciples helped her into the city. Zhuo Fan watched her go.


Drifting Flowers Edifices’ every member passed by him with apologies.


At Peony Overseer’s turn, she dodged his gaze and was no longer as fiery.


“Well I’ll be honest. Steward Zhuo, you sure know how to turn excuses into a high class act. We could’ve just told them when we first met. Why drag it all out till now? I felt my ears explode hearing that Peony nag us on and on.” With the coast clear, Xue Qingjian looked at him puzzled.


Zhuo Fan sighed, “These ladies have just experienced a change of heart.”


And supplied with, “Elder Xue, do you know the difference between fetching and sending?”


Xue Qingjian shook her head.


“Ha-ha-ha, like they say, easy come easy go. When someone gives you something, you don’t give it much value. If you had used the same excuse from the start, no matter how good, they still wouldn’t believe you. Only through their constant inquiry, forcing me to say it, did they take it as truth. And another thing, these excuses cannot come out from me. It has to be from a third party. That’s why, Elder Xue, thank you for your hard work along the way. Your ears must be in agony, ha-ha-ha…”


Zhuo Fan laughed, “Drifting Flowers Edifices are in ruins and my helping hand will be seen as godsent. Now that all doubts are cleared as well, they will trust no one more than me. This trust will also affect the incoming houses as well, making the reform of the three houses a done deal.”


“Elder Xue, Regent Estate must be gunning for Veiled Dragon Pavilion and Sword Marquise Abode now. Send them a word. Urge them to leave their homes and come to Luo clan. Homeless, they will only have us to rely on in the end.”


“Yes, Steward Zhuo.” Xue Qingjian cupped her hands. But paused, “Steward Zhuo, what is sir’s age again? Why do you look more and more like a sly old fox? Human yet vile at the same time, you still got the three destitute houses moved to tears from your generosity.”


“Ha-ha-ha, it’s not me who made them homeless, but society.” Zhuo Fan said, “The signs of conflict and chaos have appeared, and I can’t stop it. All I can do is stave off the anarchy at my gates. Elder Xue, you will learn in due time. What I have in store for them is for their own good. While I want them integrated and re-educated, everyone else would have them purged.”


Xue Qingjian just bobbed her clueless head.


[You’re telling me it’s common sense to thank the guy for wrecking your thousand year old legacy? It makes total sense.]


[The vile and deceitful Steward Zhuo sure acts quite a nobleman!]


Xue Qingjian didn’t understand, and it wasn’t like Zhuo Fan wanted her to, “How is it going on Elder Qiu’s end?”


“Per your orders, I escorted Drifting Flowers Edifices’ disciples while the old guy is waiting for Regent Estate to vacate their city before they’ll desecrate Drifting Flowers Edifices’ ancestors and fetch you those bodies.”




Zhuo Fan nodded, flying towards Blackwind Mountain, leaving a few more words, “Elder Li and Elder Yan have gone to take care of Pill King Hall. Wait for Elder Qiu to return and you two can go deal with Merry Woods.”


“Yes!” Xue Qingjian bowed…


Zhuo Fan was back in the bunker, sending the Luo clan members and Yun clan people away.


Rows upon rows of pits lined up in his sight according to the Taiji diagram. Each pit held two bodies in the middle, with spirit stones all around them.


One looked haggard, but desecrated, while the other was dried up and human-like yet did not have the feel of one, the human pillars.


On either side of them were countless materials and a pair of spiritual beast wings. Besides this one, there were tens of thousands of pits just like it.


But only a few pits had bodies in them.


Petting the human pillar’s head, Zhuo Fan’s eyes glinted, “Around ten years ago, I had Captain Pang train you. But you failed and turned cripple. I had Miss Lei teach you Myriad Breaths, while she called me a cruel monster knowing what it did. But I believe letting you live your lives as cripples was the ultimate cruelty.


“That’s why I told her that even if you live a life worse than death, I’d still have use of you. That time has come. You won’t be the strongest, but will reach your peak all based on your talent. You will make the empire see that you are no cripples, but great warriors!”




Waves came from the human pillars, something Zhuo Fan picked up on only after he made certain signs, “What’s with the ‘Can I move’ questions? Ha-ha-ha, you will do more than that, more than your wildest dreams. You will become the Luo clan’s strongest guards, Luo clan’s pride and honor!”




Another wave of ripples told Zhuo Fan of their joy.


He was no goody two shoes and planned on refining war puppets, devastating weapons of war. He’d use those ancestors and refine them with countless materials to make them as tough as diamonds.


As for the souls to operate them, that was where these loyal human pillars of the Luo clan came in.


Because they were dead to begin with, even with the human pillars controlling them, they wouldn’t be able to cultivate and were thus dubbed human weapons.


It was the only way to describe a cultivator who hadn’t achieved his potential.


But they were more than enough for a weak empire like Tianyu.


Due to material limitations, he planned to make a thousand of them to start with while letting nature take its course with the rest of the human pillars. But thanks to Kunpeng’s hefty endorsement, he hoped to provide these children – who sacrificed themselves for Luo clan’s intelligence network – a body they could move in. It was the best reward for their dedication and devotion.


A thousand war puppets were tough enough to fight the imperial family. But by the looks of things, that number was quickly gaining two more zeros.


He could go toe to toe with Dugu Zhantian’s three million army if this kept up.


That was why he said that all of the emperor’s planning had this as its single flaw. [How long would he keep hold of his throne once this army showed up and fought back Dugu’s Army? Ha-ha-ha…]


Zhuo Fan’s eyes flashed with cruelty as he shouted, “Open the gates of the world and let the clouds simmer, bringing down the heavy dark rain of war. So that the souls of the ancients may trample down on this land once more!”




The world itself was shaking as the sky blackened and lightning flickered. Ghastly black winds rose on Blackwind Mountain, kicking up a storm and swallowing everything.


Windgaze City was on the verge of being swept up in it.


Grandmother and the rest having just found peace were now panicking and were at a loss.


When the world experienced change, someone was going against natural order, bringing about heavenly tribulation. Just what was about to happen that would bring about destruction upon the living?

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