Magic Emperor

Chapter 547



The biting winds howled in the cemetery, brushing up the white hair and making them dance. 


Zhuo Fan closed his eyes and sat on a rock. Then, with two shakes of a lamb’s tail, he got another layer under his belt.


After Hu Mei’er’s interference half a month ago, Zhuo Fan finally got the feeling of reaching the eighth layer again and grasped it.


He eased a breath and gazed at the endless black before him. The winds sounded like wailing wraiths, drowning a the sound of a faint sharp swing.


[Yue’er had been in there for half a month. The first week was only wails of agony, but now it’s replaced with the sharp sound of blade swings.]


Zhuo Fan perked up knowing thay Yue’er had blended in with the array.


“Zhuo Fan, congratulations. In just a few months you’ve reached the 8th layer of Profound Heaven Stage.” The voice was saying one thing and the tone another, thick with sarcasm. 


Zhuo Fan saw a hazy shadow floating over, its vibe was ice cold.


“Xie Wuyue?” Zhuo Fan blinked. Even as a soul, Zhuo Fan recognized the voice.


Xie Wuyue faltered then snapped, “Its Sect Leader for you!”


“Oh~, Sect Leader.” Zhuo Fan nodded, “What wind brought the great Sect Leader here, I wonder?”


“Just checking up on your progress.”


Xie Wuyue sighed, “You’ve done well for yourself by the looks of it, hogging the cemetery to yourself and cultivating in peace. But you never once considered my words!”


“You wound me. Am I not doing it as we speak?” Zhuo Fan stuck out his chin.


Xie Wuyue sneered, then sighed, “What are you up to now, placing some arrays over here? Zhuo Fan, where’s that fire from back in the Luo clan gone to? Why are you so… boring here, not doing anything.” 


“Sect Leader, what ever gave you that idea? You told me to earn merit and that’s what I’m doing.” Zhuo Fan stuck his chest out, pointing around him, “Did you want me to fight my way up to the elites? It’s fast, crude and brutal, but I doubt it’s your intention.”


“If it were that easy I’d have had you do it by now. Why else did I put you here to earn merit?” Xie Wuyue sighed, “With how deep the still waters of Demon Scheming Sect run, using brute force will end with…”


“Getting besieged on all sides.” Zhuo Fan’s eyes flashed. 


Xie Wuyue nodded, “You’re a smart guy and should’ve guessed by now why I pardoned those four shits and made them executives, even sent them as guides for you. All so they could work under you and make it easier for you. I reckoned they should’ve gathered juicy info after all this time eavesdropping.”


“Demon Scheming Sect is filled with factions. Besides the disciples’ conflicts, there’re also the elders and Venerables behind them. Like that elite selection, becoming an elite will get one showered with resources. With their masters dipping their fingers in this wealth as well. By bursting into this act, everyone will be out to get me. And besides, Sect Leader doesn’t want me for this.”


Xie Wuyue’s shadow eyed him for a long time.


He nodded in the end, “Zhuo Fan, you’re very clever. Fighting your way into the inner sect, you’ll have elders and Venerables wishing to take you in. But that’s not what I want to see. You’ll just be integrated into the system and that won’t change anything.”


“A rot has been festering inside the Demon Scheming Sect for years and years. Not even I and High Venerable can touch these old fools’ interests. It’s because of their selfishness that the disciples fight each other and end up looking like trash outside. The disciples’ strength has degenerated so much since the last Double Dragon Gathering… “


Xie Wuyue was overcome by sadness and changed the subject, “So when I mentioned you to High Venerable, he had you placed in the Labor Office. To watch you and free you from those choppy waters since no one coming from the Labor Office will ever become an elite. Unless you have the whole sect’s respect, that means overthrowing the elders’ and Venerables’ selfishness, while also crushing them into submission.”


“That’s the same as bitch slapping them and getting them to thank me for it. Isn’t that impossible?” Zhuo Fan pondered, then shook his head.


Xie Wuyue smiled, “That’s why I’ve brought you. At first I figured, I’d just take Huangpu Qingtian to enter the elites, but witnessing your skills, I decided to go big and have you do the unthinkable. I want you to sit on the elders and Venerables, to reform the elites so that the next Double Dragon Gathering won’t be a crushing defeat. High Venerable’s wish is even loftier, to reform the entire sect. That’s why he sent you to the Labor Office.”


“You just made up your mind on your own without even asking me if I am up for it.” Zhuo Fan sighed.


Xie Wuyue laughed, “Now you understand everything. So how will you work towards that merit?”


Zhuo Fan pouted.


Xie Wuyue followed his eyes and saw the black hole with howling winds.


Not getting it, he waited for the kid’s explanation.


“Sect Leader, in the next inner sect competition I will make my challenge.” Zhuo Fan stated.


Xie Wuyue said, “I just told you I wouldn’t have put you here if it’s just about throwing fists. You’ll become an executive or elder at most.”


“It’s not me doing the fighting, but an outer sect disciple.” scratching his nose, Zhuo Fan had an evil smile.


Xie Wuyue pondered, exclaiming, “You want to smack those oldies in public and affect their repute?”


“Not only that, but also probe for their limits. And I can’t get on everyone’s bad side either. But win one faction while slapping another. I just got on Kui Lang and Yue Ling’s good side. Their masters…”


“Venerables Bai and Qi. They had lost faith in their disciples but nowadays, their inner disciples were done in by sparring with Gui Hu. So they were hasty to make the Asura Circle as their great merit to bring them back. I get your plan, so I’ll have the two return as inner disciples in no time and establish your faction.” Xie Wuyue nodded.


But frowned the next second, “But how is an outer disciple supposed to beat a seasoned inner disciple in just three months of training?”


“Ha-ha-ha, leave that to me, Sect Leader. And that competition will just be the start. I will have the entire sect trembling and crush the old geezers’ venues. Though, will the Sect Leader be kind enough to lend a hand when they start raving?” Zhuo Fan snickered.


Xie Wuyue said, “I am the leader of the Demon Scheming Sect and must be obeyed. By the way, do you know our rules?”


“Of course.” Zhuo Fan nodded.


“As long as you’re within the purview of the rules, you have me on your side.”


[Fricking weasel, you want to use me and still won’t stick your neck out.] Zhuo Fan rolled his eyes.


Xie Wuyue soothed him, “Even I have my problems. You’re a smart guy and can use the rules. Like how Venerables and elders can’t touch the disciples, the higher ranks can’t mess with the lower rung. Any issue will be dealt with by capital punishment. Better remember these important rules and use them well, ha-ha-ha…”


Zhuo Fan nodded, mirroring his grin.


Xie Wuyue clearly wanted to instigate him. [Go ahead and kill to your heart’s content. With me around, no one will touch you.]


[It’s not my fault that you’re the lowest rung there is, a laborer. You can beat anyone you want, even kill ’em. Just win!]


What was the lowliest status in the sect became Zhuo Fan’s best shield, working in his name to cleanse the Demon Scheming Sect of those selfish pricks.


As for the old timers in question, they were blissfully oblivious of Sect Leader’s cruel plan he had in store for them, still fighting among themselves over crumbs…

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