Magic Gems Gourmet

First Castle Below and Demon Stone Shop

Euro far from Ishtarika. Not long before Lloyd gave Chris his report.

Heavy towns were all here discussing the matter with Ishtarika.

"I didn't know this was gonna happen."

It is Lord Amur, the head of Euro, who speaks so. When he received this story, it just seemed like some kind of joke.

We finally got to him via a number of people until we got to Lord Amur.

At first, letters were sent to the diplomatic and trading personnel from those who named the merchants of the trade cities. I exaggerate when I say sea algae chips for Euro, but stones that are just a little pretty. I've said I want to buy that stone away, so as Euro, I was very welcome.

When that deal came to a big pile, I thought it was a pretty polite deal when Message Bird was delivered with the letter and told me I'd be in touch here. I want you to wait for a while because it will take me a while to prepare for my schedule, it has been about a year since such a last letter, and I will be contacted from a crack in that messagebird.

"Lord Amur. Then it arrived today, may I tell you what Ishtarika said to Chancellor Warren?

Oh, please.

"As for us Ishtarika, the amount and terms of payment of both parties related to this transaction. And announce that Euro is officially making a deal with us Ishtarika. We acknowledge these two points and hope for further development of both. With this, I would like to" agree "the terms and conditions and move on to meetings such as excavation work... Yay, I did it, Lord Amur!

"Yeah, I've had a lot of busy days, but this deal came together and it's above all"

Lord Amur relieved himself greatly.

I never thought about doing business with an overly powerful country called Ishtalika.

Lord Amur was not foolish, but good at reading the flow of things. Even with him, I had no idea what this deal was going to be like until the end.

"Ha. Good luck, Lord Amur. But even for us, the country is heavily moisturized, and you can borrow the name Ishtarika."

"This is what happens. I don't know what life is."

As for Heim, he didn't publish about Olivia, so of course he didn't go through with that story to Euro.

From Euro's point of view, there was only the fact that the interactions began when the Ishtarika humans who were investigating in the trading cities discovered Euro's sea crystals through their guilds.

"Well, here's the whole story, and here's another thing."

"... about the Grand Duke of Augusto, huh?

It was the Grand Duke of Augusto that the vicinity talked about.

Grand Duke Augusto thought this, in case there was an attack from Ishtarika, and wanted to evacuate Krone.

Fortunately, it is not impossible to go from Euro to Istarica, so Grand Duke Augusto had quite a bit of money available and intended to cross the sea from Euro.

"I have one suggestion"

"Let's hear it."

Familiar nobles who were at the meeting express their opinions.

"Grand Duke Augusto is a heavy town in the mighty country of Heim, how would it feel if as many people as he knew about our deal with Ishtarika?

"Isn't that dangerous?

"I don't think it's something I can say lightly."

What he said was to make Grand Duke Augusto an advertising tower. Euro has a friendship with Ishtarika.

But, of course, it is followed by careful opinions.

"... No, the problem is pretty good. Ishtarika, the Chancellor, Lord Warren, accepted. It also means that we speak the name of Ishtarika. I don't think this is going to be a problem if it is."

That's what Lord Amur said. It would have been a problem in a situation where the transaction was packed. But now official permission from Ishtarika has been granted. It was Lord Amur's opinion to say that that would not be an issue.

"Sure, if you ask me."

"Hmm. I'm officially cleared, and no matter how I tell you that, it won't be a problem."

I listen to Lord Amur and gradually the opinions of those who are taking part tend. Yes, Warren replied that he had already "agreed" to the terms. The deal is already in motion, and the next step will just be to keep in touch with the mining and other small contacts.

"So what do we do? Ask to have Grand Duke Augusto aboard the Isthalica ship?

"Exactly. You seem rude to Ishtarika."

"You'll be fine. I think we should just discuss this beforehand. Since you're a Grand Duke, I don't think you'd be so evil if you paid the right price as Ishtarika."

Heavy towns exchange opinions, but eventually came to the conclusion that we should first make a visit to Ishtarika.

"Grand Duke Augusto said his grandson, Lord Krone, wanted to go see the man he wanted. That's Heim... if you're Heim's grand duchess, you seem to know Ishtarika's nobles."

"Ha ha, what an envy even for us"

"Then why don't we go see Grand Duke Augusto? Prepare the letter."

After that, the Grand Duke of Augusto was so surprised that his eyes seemed to pop out.

The result, however, is relief from the fact that it is likely to safely cross to Ishtarika. I told him to pass on a word of Krone to Ain and decided to see if he would accept it first.

A few days after Chris asked me about Krone.

Ain was rolling under the castle. Chris is with me as an escort because I just couldn't let him walk alone.

"May I ask you one thing?

"what is it"

Chris, who is an escort, rarely even covered his face to his helmet.

This was a measure to keep Chris from finding out he was escorting him.

"You want to go where they sell demon stones, don't you?

"Yes, I am."

Ain't been out under the castle for a reason. I came looking for a demon stone that I had never seen before. Because Silvard was giving Ain quite a penny. I was thinking of buying something if it bothers me.

"You want it better where you're selling fancy stuff, don't you? It starts at about 50,000 G in one piece."

"Yes, that's about as good. Until now, I've already checked things like Big Bee and Riplemodoki, so I thought I'd pick up a fancy store."

What Ain wanted was a luxury store in Demon Stone.

Fine demon stones have several uses.

For ornamental use, for example. Enjoy it on a special pedestal made from sea crystals, which will be fine if left there. Luxury demon stones were not suitable to be sold like outdoor stores because of their strong magic power. Little weak demon stones lined up in outdoor stores are safe because they won't be poisoned unless activated.

The other is fuel. Not very good looking but upscale demon stones are mainly used for fuel applications. It was treasured because of its high output.

Finally demonic props for nobility. Demonic props for nobility are obsessed with the appearance that the demonic props themselves are also carved with gold. For this reason, the magic stone that grabbed it was chosen to look quite good.

"When I left the castle, His Majesty said it was a penny and gave it to me. Is that enough?

"I think you'll be fine. My grandfather liked a few of them, and he told me to buy them, and if my mother had to, Chris, he told me to leave them."

"Ugh... why me..."

Of course the last one is a joke. But Olivia never stopped messing with Chris. You could have said this was a routine for her.

By the way, Ein calls Silvard his grandfather because Silvard himself wanted to. Sweet to his family not fitting his appearance, he had told Ain that he didn't like to be called His Majesty and that only public places would be allowed to call him that.

"Is this it?

"Yes... yes..."

Majolica Demon Stone Store. It's a store specializing in demonic stones that Ain was aiming for. One of the few stores selling luxury demon stones.

Hurry Chris, who is still a little dented, and go inside.

"Ala, welcome"


That's how Ain closed the door. I closed it because Ein found something strange, but it was late.

"Hey, Mr. Chris? I wanted to go to a demon stone shop, not a special sex shop."

"Chichi...... no! This is a beautiful, famous Satanic Stone luxury store!

Chris denies it with tremendous momentum. But it wasn't impossible for Ein to think so, someone like you, to wax and carefully stiffen his blonde hair, in a naked suspender on his upper body, a muscular man hiding his nipples with demonic stones.

"Grandpa, I will"

When he never opens the door again, apparently it was not a dream and the man welcomes Ain again.

"I thought something was wrong because all of a sudden I was closing the door, there you are, little customer"

"Oh, yeah, nice to meet you."

"Long time no see, Mr. Majorica."

Make sure Chris doesn't have anyone in the store, take a helmet.

"Oh, it's not Chris. What's the matter with you? … I wonder if this Bowya escort"

"Yeah well. It would be helpful not to pry into all this."

Although Ain has been certified as Prince Wang, his appearance has yet to be revealed to the Isthalic people. As the name is publicly available, there was a possibility that it could be misrepresented.

"Phew...... well fine, don't ask me what name it is now with which child"

"Thank you."

"So, what can I do for you? Can I help you with the Demon Stone?

What can I do for you, Majorica? The demonic stone on that suspender glows. Ain't never understood how to glow and why you need to glow.

"Yeah, actually, I wanted to see the Demon Stone."

"Heh, you?

"Me, too."

"Yeah. Okay. Look what you like. Oh, yeah, I always say, but you can't take it, can you? Don't take it off the pedestal because it's dangerous."

"I know. Uh... okay?

"Okay. I'll be careful."

I couldn't use the name Ain in front of Majorica, so Chris handled it a little blurry. Ein calms down and replies to it.

"I wonder what it is."

Ein initially thought that going to a place with various demonic stones would be full of smell and tiring. I did feel a lot of smell, but it wasn't on the level anymore because I was still able to control absorption.


Majorica's shop was home to many demonic stones.

Golden monochromatic demon stones that look like pure gold, or even red and black demon stones that have something like thunder inside called bees, or some kind of carved glass case. And...

"Steak huh...?

What Ein felt was a steak was a demonic stone about 30 cm in size that glowed in grey.

"Oh Bowya, you're sharp. It's gonna be a steak, White Bison. You've noticed."

"Because the Demon Stone is studying"

"Yes. That's a good thing, because the Demon Stone is a great thing! It's no exaggeration to say that its existence is packed with living proof that the Demon Stone is the best gem ever!

Ain't been able to keep up with the sudden high tension a bit, but I agreed that existence was a living sign.

Given that Big Bee is a big bee but tastes sweet, how did its existence come to life? I was wondering if those elements had anything to do with it.

"Yeah, right. It's a testament to life, probably this white bison was cooked deliciously."

"Ala, that's not a good thing, Bowya... it is. White bison is a luxury ingredient. White bison, which can take a demon stone this size, was absolutely delicious."

"Would you like to buy that one?

I decided to buy it in Chris' words just because I wanted this as Ein as well. Although the royal castle also tasted many gastronomic dishes, the flavors coming out of the demon stone were still not as good as they could be together.

That's exactly the magic stone of the steak I found in there. I feel sorry for the White Bison when it comes to the Steak Demon Stone, but it was no longer only looking like a steak to Ain.

"I will. How much is it?

"The White Bison is pretty rare, but the Demon Stone isn't worth that much...... you can take Chris with you for 30,000G"

"Uh... yes. Is this enough?

So I gave out 30,000 Gs. Chris was anxious to see if it would be enough for a moment, but watching Ain after he gave the money seemed to still have room. Chris was wondering how much the hell I gave him.

"Yes, I just got it. I'll wrap it up when you get home. White bison doesn't have a lot of power, so I usually box it."

What Majorica would say would be about the magic power of the Demon Stone. Demonic stones like those found in luxury stores can leak some magic without activating magic, so it is fundamental to use a dedicated pedestal.

Although it was a rare ingredient in the case of the White Bison, it was not particularly strong, so there is normally no problem with boxing.

"Yes, please"

"Can I still ask you for something, Bowya?

"I'm going to take a look at some more."

After Majorica asked Ain so much, he even went to the counter to box the White Bison demon stone.

"Dear Ein. You can't smell the magic stone..."

"Sorry, that was frivolous"

Chris, who had spoken sneakily, stabbed the nail to make sure Ain's abilities were not diverted. Because the current situation is treated as confidential.

Almost an hour already from about Majorica Demon Stone Store. Ain indulged in a lot of demonic stones.

The result was a White Bison and another 20cm demonic stone of the species Wyburn called Green Wyburn.

Although Green Wyburn smelled somewhat like fried chicken, I didn't soak it up as much as the white bison did, but I bought it. This one has little magic, but I don't have to worry about spills, so I boxed it. Price is 52,000G. It got a little high.

"So it's time to go home, Mr. Chris?"

"Right. Lord Majorica, can I have what I bought? I'll hold it."

"Yes, I understand."


That's what Majorica left behind the counter, taking the boxed demon stone. Ain, who was watching how it went, feels like he can hear something like a voice and looks in that direction. What was there was a red and black demon stone I found when I entered the store. It was tucked away in a carved glass case. Then I felt like I heard a voice.

"Yes, thank you for waiting...... alas, Bowya. Are you interested in that?

"Huh? Oh, yes. I thought the case was going to be amazing."

Ain't supposed to be able to say anything stupid about hearing his voice, and deceiving his reply to Majorica.

"It's been five years, and this is Ishtarika... no, he came to my store around Ishtal, the continent"

"What do you say we go around? Is something wrong?"

"It's not you. I can keep saying in my dreams that it's not you. They're going to dream. Everyone with this magic stone did."

What a noisy story, Ein thought. Then has Majorica been in the same situation?

"This is a special case, a seal. I've made it since my store. I'm good at this kind of technology."

"Well, if you don't seal it, can you hear Mr. Majorica?"

"I don't know, because they heard it without exception. It's really weird... I can't believe I hear you because you have a demon stone"

For Ein, who feels the smell and taste of the demonic stone, he didn't feel it was particularly weird, though it was strange. All this time though, my interest in that demonic stone outweighed my appetite.


Still, I feel something from that demonic stone. That didn't feel like something I was going to do to myself unless it was evil if I tried it from Ain. And even as Ain, I can't abandon my interest in that demonic stone.

"Mr. Majolica. That demon stone...... how much is it with the case?

"Sorry, Bowya. I didn't hear you...... what did you say?

"Oh, please don't! Not since something happened."

"Mr. Majolica. How much is that demon stone?

Majorica wanted to decide not to ask, but still Ain goes on. There was nothing to do to stop Chris.

"Why do you want this, Bowya?"

"I don't know. But my interest in that demon stone really doesn't disappear, I'll be careful to get it out of the case... can't it?

"... I'm not attracted to anything, I'm not fooled."

That's what Majorica affirmed when she saw Ain better. He was also good at finding out such things, and as Chris, I was relieved by the word.

"It's okay. It's all my will."

"Ha... there's something I can do for you. Chris, okay?

"Honestly, I can't admit it, but I also know that if this happens, even Teco won't move, so if Lord Majorica cares, so on."

"Then all you need to do is pay for the materials in this case. It's 300,000 G, okay?

"Yes, I can pay"

Hearing Ain's reply, how much did His Majesty say pennies he gave him... yes he moaned in his head.

"Yeah, but this was the last of the money, so it was just fine."

"That's good. Then I'll wrap it up a little bit for each case."

It's kind of noisy, but as Chris, I decided to report it to Silvado and Olivia for now.

In fact, as Chris, he was in a position where he couldn't stop very strongly, so he thought it best to turn to Silvado and the others for judgment.

And after receiving that third demon stone, Ain and Chris left the Majolica Demon Stone Store, where they stayed longer than planned, and returned to the castle.

"You're gonna love something weird, are you a big guy? His Royal Highness the King?

It was easy for Majorica to predict "Bowya" as Ain.

Neither the Kingsguard nor the Knights' deputy commander are supposed to escort the nobles. As a result, Chris probably wore a helmet outside the store so that he couldn't see his face.

Nevertheless, Majolica is the owner of a luxury store of demonic stones commonly used by the nobility and also delivers them to the royal family. Its mouth was so stiff that it could be said to be equivalent to that of the Lloyds.

"Found... Found..."

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