Magic Gems Gourmet
A collection of five chapters of gossip (Bahra, the Greyshire family, the Sea Dragon twins)
"Barra, ed."
I didn't know the taste well. I don't know much about it, but it simply meant that it tasted like something I had never experienced. So of course I felt delicious, and I could feel my body delighted with it.
I can't believe I am. I never thought I'd go through something called a castle dish.
... I broke up with Ain last night and arrived with Katima at the castle in Wang Capital, a few moments later.
Like Warren said, we all had bellies first. Burra was strongly relieved that Katima and Dill were not suddenly left alone with May.
"May. Here, I'll eat this too."
"What is this?... Sweet!?
I am particularly grateful to Katima. ourselves who were orphans of the slums. And it seemed more than anything to Barra that she would do better for May as well.
Even during the meal, May seems happy to have spoken to me a number of times.
"Oh, um... Master Katima? We have something so delicious to give back..."
"Bahra can do as much as she wants.... well, just in case, don't worry about a meal."
It's not a meal... Anyway, I also rented an inn at Ist, and I also received a meal there. He says he also borrowed water, but only feels sorry for him.
"So, but..."
"… As for Ishtarika, I'm trying to get rid of the orphans. But I haven't been able to get results yet, and I'm sorry about that as a royalty. So I think we should do this to everyone, Honya and others."
Guess how Barra feels, or Katima opens her mouth heavily.
"From now on. I promise I'll make it better.... so it may be inappropriate to say something like this as someone who stands up, but now I was" lucky ". I want you to think so."
I can't deny that I was actually lucky. Because Ein, who happens to be lost, happens to hear May scream and help.
Considering that, I'd say it was pretty strong luck.
"... Yes. Okay."
It's true Mae is happy and she's having a full tummy meal. If my dearest sister seems happy, which I have cherished the most, that makes no difference.
"Martha, is Martha here?
When Bhara is seriously thinking about things, Katima suddenly raises her voice and calls Martha.
"Of course I will, Master Katima. Don't give me another shout."
"I can hear you, it's my concern.... I've finished my meal, so it's time to head out. Can I take care of May?
I could also take a break for a while. Quickly, but I need you to go to Warren's and ask Barra to be a little sure. That's her degree of healing ability.
"I understand.... Come on, Mae, are you there? Play with me and wait."
I also know you're too old to call yourself a sister. But because I don't want to talk to my aunt, it was Martha's heart, like "I”.
"What about your sister?
"Your sister is going to work. So let's just play a little bit and wait, shall we?
I guess I got a little nervous about Martha's words. Mae turned her gaze toward Bhara.
"Wait a minute, Mae. I'll be right back, sister."
"Hmmm...... ok! I'm waiting like always!
And Barra went with Katima to Warren.
—— At this time, while you were playing with Martha, May was interested in what she looked like as a maid.
Martha was treated by May to show off how to brew tea, which she usually does as a service. Then Mae, who has a favor for it, will stick around Martha for the next few days.
A rooted Martha admitted Mae's apprenticeship.... From that day on May will take a step as a service in an attempt to go beyond his mentor.
Besides my thoughts, the checks by Warren and the intellectuals were soon over. Because I just look at the results of the treatment.
That check treats one prepared injured person. That's what made me decide.
"Let me see something good"
"Yep. Chancellor… Our decision is to evaluate the second level."
"Ho... What's second level? What is this? I mean, if you're injured below death, you say you're on a line that can be cured?
Two intellectuals tell Warren the results. On the front of it was a thrilled face Burra and a look at Katima looking to have fun.
"Prime Minister. Secondary is the realization that you can cure anything but a dying disease. It depends, of course, on the limits of the amount of magic you hold…"
"Compared to just first-degree, a dying disease or an equivalent injury. There is no immediate effect when it comes to curing it. You need to see a doctor because you're stuck. … and then there are some special wounds caused by demons that cannot be healed"
"That's good. Thank you, Ein."
Two of the intellectuals, explaining so, took the prepared injured and left the room. I guess they're headed to compile detailed materials from now on.
"Now Lord Burra. Let me see something good."
"Yes, because it's what I always did... in something that big..."
"Hmm. The unknown of value will judge it. There is no greater loss...... don't you think, Dear Katima"
"Exactly. I don't know that talented people are obligated, but I think we should get a price commensurate with that power."
The two of us are nodding satisfactorily, but Barra still doesn't know what's going on. I wonder why I can be praised so far? It's what I always did... that's what I was thinking.
"Then Lord Burra. Job description is dedicated healer at the castle. What do you think?
"... Huh!?
Working in a castle? I have never thought of that, but rather a lowlife like myself should not be in the castle for long. There is such a word in Bhara's heart.
To shocking words, Barra has cemented her body like ice. Katima sees it and opens her mouth to follow.
"... can I talk to you?
"Oh, yeah... that sounds better. Please, Master Katima."
"Then hurry.... Bahra, I enjoyed being with you both. Isn't that right, Barra?
"Oh, no... there has to be something boring about it!
Nibbling, Katima keeps spinning her words.
"I promise. Let May have a full stomach meal, too, and let her live in a solid house. Of course, Burra is the same.... I also get paid properly. So why don't you take the job here... if you like?
There was no one lie in this word. Besides, I really enjoyed being with you two earlier. Katima used to adore May, and personally, she wants me to talk about it.
"Wow, is there a job I can do..."
"There's only one job that Barra can do."
Still, Katima stares with powerful eyes. It's been a long time since I've been seen with such sincere eyes.... my late mother, her eyes as strong as she showed herself. I felt that from Katima.
"... me too. I want May to have a full stomach for dinner. Besides, I don't want to sleep in the cold anymore..."
"... it's settled."
For May. For May. Yeah, I've been thinking about it for a long time, but Barra hasn't changed the limit. Katima's words trigger, and she spills tears. I couldn't get enough of each day, I wanted someone to help me. There are no lies in that thought.
"Well, Barra, I'm sorry I'm having a hard time."
"... I'm sorry for what I did..."
"It's okay. But I have another important story to tell you."
I wonder what the important story is. But if you can have a good meal and sleep somewhere that's not cold, then whatever. I'm even starting to feel that way.
"Warren! We're talking about a paycheck!
"Ha ha ha ha... That's why, Lord Barra. Let's talk about the payroll."
"... to?
"Nah, nah. Paycheck! I'm not humble enough to make you work!
"I can't believe you can really get it..."
To be honest, I'm rude to Katima, but I didn't really expect to get paid. So things like half joy, half surprise.
"Ah ta-rima, ya! I'm so sorry...... I'm so done! Warren, explain the pay!
"… so let me explain to you. In the first year, how about starting with 9 pieces a month with the first salary?
It is 9 pieces of copper coin and is 9000G. If you think it's about that for a month, it's enough from what I've been living. Rather thankful.
"Warren? It's hard to tell."
"Ever... excuse me for this, Lord Barra. 9 Ishtal gold coins will be given to you in January. And that's the kind of money you get."
"(a) What is Ishtal gold coin......? Excuse me. I only know copper coins and stuff..."
As for myself being in the slum the whole time, I only have knowledge, but I don't know how much it is.
"It's 100,000 G's in one piece. That's why it's 900,000 G for nine. Because it will go up more next year. I want you to do your best."
"9...... 900,000 G!? What is it? Oh, shit! It's too much in the state budget......!?
I've never seen that kind of money. Conversely, Barra dews without hiding her surprise at the amount of money she even remembers to fear.
"When the state budget is that, the state won't have a minute..."
"By the way, if you don't mind, we'll also have a room in the castle. In that case, it will come with 3 meals, so the hand-held amount will be about 500,000 G...... Of course, there's no problem with the bathroom."
"Sort of... that way, please!
Originally, I had a room in the castle with three meals...... so it's too cheap level at 500,000 G, but most of it's like benefits, pretty much a value deduction.
Whether you think of the environment or the safety of May, there will be no better idea. And it's hard to find your own house to rent. That's what I thought, Barra, abandoned her shame and summarily executed.
"Then use the room you were using earlier, as it were. You can also carry your baggage as much as you like. Lord May's meals and more will be prepared on time to serve the castle. If Lord Burra's break is right, you can have a meal with Lord May in your room."
Burra, whose open mouth cannot be blocked as a result of exhaustion. Katima looks at that face and starts laughing at Kerakera.
"Nyahaha! Well, hurry up, but can we get to work tomorrow?
"Of course! More like now..."
"That's just fine. Then there are a few things you need to understand as you live in the castle. Let me explain that to you today."
At first it was full of remembering, every day with all the hardships, but compared to life in the slums, everywhere is only heaven. I desperately tried to work, Barra.
... but a few days later. A surprise sight appears in Burra's eyes as she returns to her room after work. That's Martha coaching me, the look of May in made-up clothes. When I heard the story, I said, 'I've been apprenticed to Mr. Martha!' What a chesty May.
Barra, who hears that, feels the biggest surprise she's ever had.... This is how Burra's new life began to flourish.
"The Greyshire Family Edition"
As an escort to Katima, Dir returned to the Wang capital one foot earlier than Ein. If it was true, I was going to give it back in the meantime. But when I think about Barra and May, I'd rather stay. With those words, Dill never returned to the magic city.
But after all, my own home is calming.
I decided that it was the first vacation I had received in a long time, and I was taking my time to awesome Dill. But at last, the day will come when your master Ain will return to the king's capital. On the eve of that day, the return of His Royal Highness Prince Wang meant that Dir had a busy time there.
Would Ein have boarded the train by now? That makes Dill feel tight again, too.
"I'm back now"
It was late at night, and I was finally able to come home. I seem to be the last to go home today, and my father Lloyd and my mother Martha were already indulgent in the living room.
"Welcome home, Dill. Are you ready for tomorrow?
"Yeah, it's over, Mother. The main thing was to check security and make detailed adjustments."
That said, I finally got home across the day. We both work in the castle, Martha. We know what's going on.
"What do you do with the rice?
"If I still have your mother's, I'll have it"
"Of course I do. Sit down and wait."
Position in the castle is first-class service. Martha is in the lower position of one of the foremen. Is that pride, or custom? Families often make their own meals, Martha.
There are, of course, many servants in the Grayshire family mansion, but they too have already given up on Martha cooking herself.... These days, I've been able to tell you earlier on the job so that you know about it.
"You're home, Dill. Tomorrow will be the day Lord Ain returns. Don't be alarmed."
"Of course, Father. As Ein's escort apprentice, there must be no mistake."
"Hey, you? Go home and talk to him about work early. You've been souring your mouth, haven't you?
Martha, who went to prepare Dill's meal, sent word of reprimand. Former and Marshal, exclusive escort of the present King Ishtarika. Even a man who would be such a major actor has stronger words for his daughter-in-law than anything in the house.
"One, I kept trying to say welcome back...!
"Nor... Yes, yes!
A dill with a grin without a voice. The people can't see Lloyd like this. Think about it.
"Mm-hmm. You've got the wrong seams..."
"Father? What are you sewing now...?
The figure of a father who moves his fingers cleverly as he sits on the couch. Look at that, Dill asks what he's sewing.
"Is this it? This is May's uniform. Martha asked me to, so I'm making a new one."
"Sword King," that was my father Lloyd's job. That is the strongest proof of a swordsman, currently only one in Ishtarika.
Such a father, Lloyd. A thick finger no less than a large upper body, cleverly using it, creates stunning service clothes. "Embroidery, sewing, knitting" Those skills were, for him at birth, nothing to make.
On the contrary, Martha, a first-class worker, also shows off her beautiful clothing skills.
"Did your mother mean to take a disciple?
"No. I don't know if that's why, but Martha seems to be out of bounds, too. Look closely, this fabric is quite something. Martha bought it on her stomach."
When I was told that, I had a pretty thick and sturdy fabric.
Martha, by the way, had already given permission to the foreman. So May, officially as a service apprentice, was to work under Martha.
"It's a growing season. You'd better be sturdy."
"It is.... Speaking of which, Dill. I fixed your chivalry flakes, too. It's in front of the room, so check back later."
"Thank you. I don't have to be ashamed of myself in front of Ein tomorrow."
"Uh-huh... it's important."
While we're doing that, Martha prepares Dill's meal and puts it back on the larger basin.
"Dill, sorry to keep you waiting... oh, you've been watching that"
"I heard about May's service clothes."
"Really? I'm trying, and I need to get you ready."
"Ha, I see.... by the way? How's May?"
I was in the slam until the other day, May, so what about these jobs? It also worries me. But it seemed to be a matter of concern, and Martha's words softly dissipated her worrying feelings.
"He's a kid who can work desperately hard, so it's okay. Words and things like that are still coming. You can learn as much as you want."
"That's good. By the way, you said it was more than your mother."
"Pretty girl, isn't she? I wanted my daughter too, so I'm actually quite happy."
I wasn't blessed with a baby. I don't really want to put that in my mouth, but the kid who managed was Dill. Though I encouraged them to think that the second one was also......, they never benefited from the results. I'm not pessimistic about that, but if there was a second person...
"Then maybe you were just fine. So? Is it actually possible to go beyond your mother?
"Come on. What do you think? Sooner or later, I will not give up until I die."
The current Director of Supply often works in her room, mainly as exclusive to Queen Laralua. So sooner or later, Martha should be the head of payroll. With that in mind, I'm not going to give up one thing to my apprentice.
"Ha ha! Isn't that nice, Dill? You're beyond me, too, Mae, right?
"Oh, Father. Then it's a corner. I just wanted to leave my body loose before Ein returns tomorrow. What do you say? My father also took a break and sweated with me."
"Mmm... that's good. Martha! Better than this, me and Dill..."
As for Dill, he wanted to get used to fighting his father Lloyd and prepare for things. Likewise, Lloyd just wanted to move his body. --That's how Martha's thunder fell when she tried to get to the courtyard.
"Dill has dinner first! You wait for it! I'm about to grab my sword."
"Shh, sorry Martha..."
"I'll take it, Mother!
Around honestly apologizing, it still meant Martha was at the top of the list in the home.
Dill and Lloyd, who then sweated in the courtyard, head to the bathroom and sweat. He enjoyed the bath while reflecting on his training.
"Twin sea dragons."
'I'm smelling good! Smells good!'
"Oh, it's true! Smells amazing!
Twins notice the scent as they approach the stage of a duel. Elle, who first noticed the scent, signaled Al.
With the leading Augusto Chamber of Commerce ship, the twins slowly swim its river.
As for the twins, I can go play somewhere with Ain (Dad)! And I was just happy, but the fact that it smelled good only increases its joy.
The fragrance, which gradually increases as it progresses, finally shows its identity before the twins. The open place I reached, there were two Kraken figures there.
"El, Al. That's where I'm waiting. Okay?"
Piscious, the shock ran on the twins' bodies. Does this mean 'wait'? So this is the ”thing” we've got for ourselves? That's what I have to think.
The twins, who were waited for by Ain, honestly follow what Ain says and stop moving immediately on the spot.
"There are two! Two!
"One at a time!? One at a time!?
Elle noticed there were two Krakens. The twins expose their joy to this "luxurious table".
"Daddy's Souvenir!
"Wow, wow! I love my dad! '
There's no difference in the souvenirs Ein brought, but a completely different twin of thought than the Eins on land. There's no such thing as nervousness, there's not even a comma 1 percent.
As Al said, I love my dad. "This is such a souvenir, Dad. Amazing." "Not yet? Still? ', this was the only thing that came to my twins' mind.
~ In battle ~
"I stopped moving!
Elle rejoices when he sees Kraken restrained by the current.
'Yeah! It's just big! Weak! Easy!
The word Al is weak, certainly for the twins, this Kraken is not a great enemy. So many species differences existed.
Ride a sultry stream of water and get one leg.
"Yummy! Daddy, wow! Why!? Why is it awesome!?
Kraken is delicious = I brought that, Dad. Awesome = Awesome and not sure. Al falling into this kind of thinking. But also, Elle doesn't know what it means, and the understandable thing is that they are weak, which means that "array" is delicious.
"Take the head stone? Take it? '
"Take it! You can eat a lot if you take it!
The stone of the head, that is, whether to take the demon stone. The twins understand that if they take the Demon Stone, they will die. So I suggested I take it already.
"Find out!"
'Okay, I'm waiting!
Al explores where the demon stone is and where the weakness is. Use the current and explore the other person's body. Even the faint reaction, the sea dragon was sharp enough to detect it.
"I'm going to grope!
'Yeah! I'll be there in a little while, too!
The investigation showed that we should cut around the demon stone. So using current and wind magic, I decided to remove Kraken's demon stone.... the fact that we have been detected of this brings Kraken's death even closer to an end that can be seen from anyone.
~ After the battle ~
"El, Al! I've eaten too much already, so it's almost over."
Absolutely, the voice of my beloved dad echoes in the ears of two. In that case, we must no longer surface with the thought of a disconnect and go before him.
"No, you don't have to look like the end of the world like that..."
What I saw in Ain's eyes was a twin grieving with her mouth open and her lower jaw pulled. Even in his big eyes, he looks like he's having tears.
But Ain't no ghost either. Saved the twins with the next word.
"... because I'll tie it to the ship and take it home. Eat again later."
"Huh!? (Really!?
"Curuza!? (Can I eat again?!?
Hearing Ain say that, the twins quickly returned to the water. We must hurry and take Kraken. Then you have to be desperate.
"Can I eat tomorrow too!? Souvenir!?
"Souvenirs! Souvenir for yourself!? Wow! Dad, that's awesome! It's amazing! '
You can also eat tomorrow = Souvenirs = Souvenirs for yourself = Dad Awesome = Awesome. This is how I thought next time, at the end of the day, Ain't going to be awesome, I have to feel a fanatical love for Ain from the twins.
—— And the twins, who went back to the king's capital, spent two days from that day chewing their favorite Kraken.
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