“What about the box!”

Alan quickly arrived at the parking lot and asked directly as soon as he saw Pepper and Hogan.


Pepper immediately went to the car, handed the box to Allen and asked:

“What do we do now?”

“I let the ball split up in Tony’s and just send the box to him! You can see the arena here, Tony is not in trouble now, the safety of the car is very good, don’t worry, when the other party makes a move, I will send the box to Tony. ”

Eren said calmly.

Then several people looked inside through the iron net.

Allen is not worried, after knowing the car, he knows that the safety factor of the car is actually very high. The protection of the rider is very good, even if the car rolls ten laps, people may not be fine.

But Pepper was so frightened that Allen rushed over to help, and was pacified by Allen.

Sure enough, nothing happened after Tony rolled over. By the time Vanke came to the car, Tony had already climbed out of the car – out.

Just as Tony was about to pick up the iron plate on the ground to give Vanke a look, suddenly a metal ball like mercury floated in front of him

After a flash of light, a metal box with gold and red lay quietly there.

Vanke in front was also startled, and turned his head to look at the silver metal ball floating beside Tony.

“Worthy of being my good friend, reliable!”

Tony, who reacted, did not hesitate, came directly to the box, stepped on the box and automatically opened, and then picked up the box along the place where the box was opened and pressed it to his chest, and the box automatically turned into a steel suit to wrap Tony.

Seeing Tony put on the steel suit, those who wanted to run in the audience did not run, and frantically cheered the three words “Iron Man”.

Over there, Pepper and Harpy were relieved to see Tony put on the suit, and thanked Allen, and Natasha also felt that Alan was very reliable, completely different from Tony.

Tony, who put on the battle suit, fought with Vanke, and Vanke’s whip was used very well, which made Tony suffer.

“This Vanke whip is a bit powerful, if he gets the white python whip method in the Nine Yin True Scripture, it won’t be heavenly? But Tony is also too dish! ”

Allen thought unscrupulously, and then spoke up:


Alan’s movements made Pepper and Hogan a little puzzled, but Natasha vaguely knew something and turned her head to stare at Tony.

Tony, who did not take advantage here, also became cautious, saw Vanke’s whip and thought about it, prepared to keep a distance in two steps and then use a long-range attack to deal with Vanke.

At this moment, the metal ball that had been floating beside Tony without movement suddenly moved in front of Vanke, who had no time to react, and then immediately deformed into a pair of chains, directly binding Vanke’s hands and feet, making Vanke stand and fall to the ground and want to struggle but couldn’t move.

Tony was relieved to see this, and did not hesitate, directly walked over and ripped off the reactor on Vanke’s chest, scanned it and crushed it.

Immediately afterward, security guards came to drag Vanke away. Co watched Tony laugh maniacally

“You lost, haha, you lost, a coward, always let others protect, you lost.”

Tony stood there and pondered for a moment before returning to the hotel, avoiding the reporter and walking away with Allen.

“I need to meet that crazy maniac, and you yourself Natalie will follow you to arrange everything.”

Tony said to Alan.

“Okay, you are busy, I’ll go and carry the bags for Susan!”

Eren said indifferently. Tony shook his head at this.

Tony went to prison alone under his arrangement and met Vanke.

As soon as he entered, Tony saw Vanke naked, sitting on a bench with his back to the door. Hearing someone come in, Vanke raised his head and guessed who was coming, but did not look back, let alone say a word.

“It’s quite advanced technology, but the speed is a little low!”

Tony said as he walked up to Vanke.

“You can double the rotational speed and let the reverse energy pass through the ionized plasma pipe. This is useful, but not efficient! ”

Seeing that Wandong did not speak, Tony continued to guide.

People outside told Tony that Wandong couldn’t speak English, Tony didn’t believe it at all, and Tony preferred to believe that Vanke didn’t want to speak. But since Vanke’s goal is itself, then Vanke will definitely talk to itself.

“But this is still a very good counterfeit, I don’t understand, as long as you fine-tune it you can make a lot of money on it, you can sell it to North Korea, **, Russia and Ilwolf and so on!”

0······· Ask for flowers…

Tony sat down next to Vanke and continued.

“Your family is thieves and butchers, and you, like every sinner, want to rewrite your own history. Forget about the lives of the Stark family. ”

Wan Dong finally turned his head to look at Tony, and then said softly with a smile.

“Oh? So where did I steal my reactor blueprints? ”

Tony asked rhetorically.

“My father, Anton Vanko!”

Vanke paused before saying.

“Never heard!”

Tony wondered.

“You didn’t die because of my father!”

Vanke gestured with his eyes to the reactor on Tony’s chest. Meaning, you’re not dead because of the reactor my father invented.


“I’m not dead because you tried to kill me but failed!”

Tony said dismissively.

“If there is no one to help you, who loses and who wins is not certain, that thing is Alan Hammer’s intelligent assistant, right? And that kind of space technology, it’s amazing! ”

Vanke sneered back.

“And you know what? If you could make God bleed, would people still believe in God? And when blood flows into the sea, it attracts sharks. I have proven that your technology is not imitable. ”

Vanke is very proud.

“I just have to sit here and watch, and the world will devour you!”

After speaking, Vanke looked at Tony with a smile.

“Where will you see the world devouring me? That’s right, in this cell. I’ll give you a piece of soap! ”

After that, Tony got up and left.

“Hey Tony, remind you, how to die of palladium poisoning… It’s painful! It’s about the same time! ”

Vanke said and turned away from Tony.

At this time, Tony paused when he walked to the door, and after a while he opened the door again and walked out.

Because the replica of Tony’s Ark appeared in the world, Stark Industries had a lot of things to deal with, and Pepper had a lot to do, so after apologizing to Alan and Susan, he flew back to the United States in a private flight.

However, Natasha was left behind to help Alan and Susan arrange things. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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