Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1061: Test and cope

Within half a breath, the green flying sword had shot in front of Song Yong, and the tip of the sword had touched his body, as if to pierce his body.

When it was here ...


A red light flashed and hit the blade of the green flying sword.


With a wailing sound, I saw the green flying sword bounced out, fell a few meters away, and the brightness was convergent.

And that flying green sword was just a red feather.

Seeing that the divine light was no longer there, the dim and dim flying sword, Xueya's chest was undulating for a while, and finally the sound of "wow" spit out blood, and her face became pale.

Akane Tsuru actually broke her destiny magic weapon for a miscellaneous service. When she thought of this, she was embarrassed. At the same time, she even wished to unload the miscellaneous boy of Erdan to eight pieces, but she didn't dare. Crane's opponent.


Suddenly, a light green sword light rushed into the canteen, turning into the figure of Elder Xue Sheng.

She swept over the Red Feather Crane Song Yan and Xueya with a little suspicion, and then worshiped the Red Feather Crane and respectfully said, "I've met the Red Feather Crane." Immediately, she said to Xue Ya, "Sister, how do you come to the cafeteria Anymore? "

"Where do I need to report to you?" Xueya was breathless in her heart, and when she heard Xuesheng's inquiries, she immediately responded with a bad tone.

Suddenly, Xue Sheng noticed the dim and dull flying sword in the corner, and shouted very unexpectedly: "Hey, sister, isn't that your innate green gem sword? Why it seems to be broken!"

"Shut up, what are you doing!"

With a wave of her hand, the tarnished green jade sword fell into Xueya's hands, and then she strode to the cafeteria.

Seeing Xueya's attitude getting worse and worse, at the same time, she also found the blood on the ground, and then contacted Xueya's pale cheeks, and the broken birth magic weapon. It is very likely that she fought against Lord Akabane but The consequence is that Akabane Tsuru severely injured her and destroyed her natal magic weapon.

Thinking of this, she felt the need to prove to others, so she smiled and said to Song Yi: "Second egg, can you tell me what happened just now?"

"Good Elder Xuesheng!" Song Zheng nodded, and told the other side what happened.

After listening to Song Yan's talk, Xue Sheng couldn't help but stunned. She didn't expect that the Akabane Crane was so protective of the two eggs, and the Akabane Crane was too strong. It was defeated with a single feather. Sister Xueya in the middle of the foundation.

There is no ventilated wall in the world. Soon, in order to protect the second egg, Lord Akane Tsuru shot and injured Elder Xueya, and soon spread through the door.

Someone was surprised about this.

I was surprised by this.

Others are skeptical.

However, no matter how many people guessed and discussed, Xueya did not stand up and admit that the matter was true or false.

It is the so-called no wind and no waves. Although Elder Xueya did not admit it, everyone's view of Song Yan has changed from taboo to awe. Even if the other party is only a handyman, it is not something they can provoke if the Red Crane Crane supports him. .

Didn't you see that even Elder Xueya suffered a loss at Lord Akabane?

After going through last night, Song Yong planned to make a high profile.

So, this morning, except for Akabane Crane, who came to the cafeteria for breakfast as usual, two third-level spirit beasts, such as Black Flame Tiger and Green Eyed Toad, also came to the cafeteria.

The only three-headed, three-level spirit beast in Yumen Gate actually ran to the cafeteria to beg for food. This is going to be against the sky.

Knowing this news, the head Xuelan and seven elders came to the cafeteria again.

Looking at the three-headed, three-level spirit beasts who were eating, Xuelan's face could not help but a layer of relief, while Xue Sheng was quite proud. As for Xueya, her face was quite complicated.

"What kind of method did this little **** attract the three-headed, three-level spirit beast? No, he can't be allowed to stay in the Yunmen Gate anyway, otherwise, where do I put the punishment elder's face!"

Since the news that she was seriously injured by Akabane Crane, she has almost been behind closed doors, because when she meets other people, they will look at her with different eyes, which makes her very uncomfortable. Comfortable.

After breakfast, Song Ye was going to go to Yunhua Town to purchase ingredients, and Lingyan suddenly arrived.

"Second come with me, my master wants to see you, remember, don't reveal your psychic constitution first!"

"Okay, I get it now!"

Under the guidance of Lingyan, Song Yan came to the hilltop palace where Erdan hadn't stepped for 13 years.

The head of the hall, as the head of the Xuelan Gao sits in the head of the head, the other seven elders separated on both sides.

"Head, the disciple has brought the second egg to him." Ling Yan bowed to Xuelan saluting.

"Well, you go down first." Xuelan waved.

"Two eggs have seen the head!"

Song Yan followed and bowed to salute.

"No need to be polite," Xuelan smiled. "Second egg, I have something to ask you, you have to answer truthfully."

"Reassured the head, Erjia knows, I must tell you!" Song Yan nodded sternly.

"Okay!" Xuelan smiled with satisfaction: "I asked you, why did the three red feather cranes, the black flame tiger, and the green-eyed blue toad go to your dining place?"

"Because I make something delicious!" Song Yan said.

"But as far as I know, the food you made before is not so delicious!" Speaking of which, Xuelan's eyes burst into a sharp light, and at the same time, a momentum broke out from her and went straight to Song Yan , Enveloped him.


Being oppressed by this momentum, Song Yan fell to the ground with a moan and fainted!

Looking at the stunned Song Kun, Xue Lan withdrew her momentum and smiled, "It seems he should be fine, Master Xue Sheng."


Xue Sheng stepped forward in response, and rubbed and massaged Song Song's body for a while, Song Yuan woke up, and said blankly, "What's wrong with me?"

"You're fine, fine." Xue Sheng smiled back.

"Second egg, tell me, why do you make so much better than before?" Xuelan asked again.

"Because of this!"

Song Yan took out a yellowed book from his arms.

"What is this?" Xuelan asked.

Song Yi smugly said, "This is a recipe. I picked it up on the way to town. I found that the food prepared according to the steps above is very delicious!"

"Can you show me?" Xuelan asked curiously.

"Look at the head!"

With a wave of her hand, the yellowed book flew from Song Yi's hands and fell into Xuelan's hands. She turned it over and found that it really was a book that taught others how to cook.

And it looks like this book is a bit old.

Seeing Xuelan's expression, Song Kun knew that he should pass the level. This book was accelerated by the time he passed through the temple. It naturally looked like a few years old.

[Author off topic]: Two more

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