Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1108: On the island

Everyone originally thought that Tuoba Feng would be confronted with Tang Wuju, but he did not expect that he laughed: "Since someone does not welcome us, that fairy, let's go!"

Seeing that Tuoba's brother and sister left, Tang Wushou's brow frowned. He felt that Tuoba's wind was a bit abnormal. After thinking about it for a long time, he didn't think of the reason, so he asked Li Tianluo: "Sister, do you think this Tuoba wind will What conspiracy? "

Li Tianluo chuckled: "Most of the time, he is foolish. Even if he has a conspiracy, as long as his brother restrains his emotions, he will not be fooled."

Tang Wushen nodded innocently: "Sister and sister said absolutely."

Song Yan aside also nodded secretly. This Li Tianluo is a woman with a sense of quality and heart. Unlike Tang Wushou, she is too emotional. Just now it can be said that Tuoba wind was holding her nose completely.

Another two days have passed, and more and more immortals have come to this town, I am afraid that there are no fewer than 10,000 people.

But the strongest are distracted, and there are only nine people.

Six of them were Tang Wushou and Li Tianluo, the princes of the Taiyi religion of the Tang Dynasty, Tuoba Feng and Tuoba Xianer, the goddesses of the Fire God of the Song Dynasty, and blood and mystery of the Witches and Witches of the Wu **** of the Ming Dynasty. Yao.

The remaining three masters deliberately hid their bodies, so Song Ye did not know their origin and identity.

In the past two days, Song Yan has been selling her cute dresses with Tang Wuju and Li Tianluo, so they have learned a lot about the world's major events from their mouths, and have a little more understanding of the world.

First of all, this continent is called Tiannan Continent, and the strongest strength on the continent is called the Great Zhou Emperor.

The Tang Dynasty, the Song Dynasty, and the Ming Dynasty were all subordinate to the Zhou Dynasty.

The state religion of the Da Zhou Empire is called Phoenix Tianjiao.

It is said that the number of immortals in the Phoenix Tianjiao has exceeded one hundred, and it can be said to be extremely powerful.

As for the state religions of the three major dynasties, they are far worse than the Phoenix heaven religion. It should be said that they cannot be compared.

There are only nine masters who are distracted, but there are more masters out of the hangover period, reaching two hundred people. The masters in the Yuan infant period are directly over a thousand, and the remaining Jindan is even more numerous.

Therefore, Song Yan is in the top ten for refining gas. Among the practitioners of cultivating immortals, he belongs to the weak and inconspicuous.

Tomorrow Island will open, which means that everyone can go to the island to conquer spirit beasts.

That night, on the wine table.

After Li Tianluo picked up the cake made by Song Yong and ate a piece, he said to him, "Ling Xiaoxiao, don't go deep when you are on the island tomorrow, and leave as soon as you conquer a spirit beast. Don't be greedy to know?"

"Thank you Sister Li for reminding me, I will." Song Zheng nodded earnestly.

Tang Wushou said with a wine glass: "This time, the island of Wanling will probably not be peaceful. It will be more dangerous if you stay for a day. We will compare it with you to remind you!"

Song Yan said again: "Thank you Brother Tang and Sister Li, by the way, what will happen to Wanling Island?"

Tang Wushen's face sank, and his tone was a little cold: "You shouldn't inquire if you shouldn't know. It's not good for you if you know more."

"It's Brother Tang, and my brother has been taught."

Song Kun nodded and got along for a few days. Song Kun also understood Tang's innocuous character. He was arrogant, arrogant and impulsive. He was particularly nervous about his teacher and sister, and seemed to be afraid of being snatched away.

After drinking, Song Yong returned to the room and was called to Yun Mushroom's room.

Everyone is here.

Yungu Shen said: "Tomorrow, the Spirit Island will open. The deeper the island, the higher the level of the living beasts, but you must remember that you can enter the island up to two hundred miles, once it exceeds that range , Come back immediately, do you remember? "

"Yes!" Everyone said in unison.

"Well, now I'm going to the team. One team is led by Xue Sheng, Ling Yan and Ling Xiao follow Elder Xue Sheng, the second team is led by Xue Ya, Ling Mei and Ling Yao follow Elder Xue Ya, do you understand?"

"Understand," the crowd said again.

"That's it. Everyone will go back to rest and leave tomorrow morning."

Back in his room, Song Ye layed down on the bed and figured it out. If he didn't guess, Tang Wushou and several other people entered Wanling Island this time for the purpose of the Spirit Beastmaster.

The spirit beast is divided into nine levels.

Song Yan didn't understand.

"Why am I so stupid?"

Song Su suddenly patted his head, and after entering his body, he entered the Scripture Pavilion in the shrine, and shouted to the flying books in the air, "Are there books about spiritual beasts?"


A black book flew into his hands.

It took me an hour to read through the contents of this book, and Song Kun already understood what the Beastmaster is?

To put it simply, beasts are divided into three levels, namely beasts, fairy beasts and **** beasts.

Beasts include monsters, spirits and ferocious beasts, and Warcraft.

The so-called Spirit Beast King is a beast with immortal blood, in simple terms, the descendant of the fairy beast.

As an adult, his strength far surpasses other spirit beasts.

The greatest possibility for the evolution of all beasts comes from blood veins. The higher the blood veins, the greater the possibility of growth.

For example, the three feathered beasts of Yuyumen's Red Crane, Green Eyed Toad, and Black Flame Tiger are ordinary blood beasts. Even if they evolve to the peak, they can reach up to five spirit beasts, and the probability is very low.

And this introduction book records tens of thousands of good-blooded spirit beasts and monsters, among which there are no red feather cranes, green-eyed blue toads, and black flame tigers, because they are not yet qualified to be listed.

Putting this book back, Song Yan entered the practice room and adjusted his time to a hundred times to start practicing.

The more he understands the world, the more he is motivated to practice.

There are a lot of exercises and various magical powers in the temple, and there is a system nearby, and finally there is the cheating device of the temple. He can be said to practice on the shoulders of giants. Let's get rid of the tofu.

After practicing overnight, Song Yan felt that his cultivation had made a lot of progress, and he was one step away from the hangover period.

At Chenshi, a group of Yunmenmen went out of the inn to take a treasure ship to Wanling Island.

With the launch of the Yunmenmen treasure ship, a large number of treasure ships around the sky followed, and it looked very spectacular.

A quarter of an hour later, the treasure ship landed on the edge of a huge island.

As soon as he set foot on this island, Song Yong felt a kind of repression. Yes, the island is forbidden to fly.


Watching the crowds flying into the island, Xue Sheng couldn't help but urge: "Lingyan Lingxiao follow me."


The two spoke in unison, and followed Xue Sheng toward the island.

Just three miles into the island, the three saw three men surrounded by a little white fox.

"It's a second-level spirit beast Snow Fox!"

As soon as he saw the little fox, Xue Sheng's eyes were always the same, and his face was even more annoyed. If they hurry, maybe this snow fox will be found by them.

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