Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1120: Big changes

When Xuan Yao and Li Tianluo were trapped in a twisted and overlapping small world, Xuanyao, Xunxue, Tuobafeng brothers and sisters who chased them and their group of men were also trapped in other small worlds.

In a small world full of magma and extremely high temperature, Xuan Yao stood alone on a rock, watching the rising magma under her feet, and her beautiful cheeks were filled with anger and worry. When she wanted to come, this The matrix method should be another masterpiece of Song Zheng.

She tried to break the small world by force, and tried to contact the blood with the Witch Heart Seal, but all failed.


Thinking of this, she hated Song Yan's teeth. She was trapped twice in a short period of time, but she didn't know that this time the formation wasn't arranged by Song Yun at all.

But Xunxue was trapped in a small world full of wind blades. He had to find a way out and avoid the ubiquitous wind blades.

Tuoba Feng was trapped in a water-filled world. Although he could breathe underwater even with his practice, he still felt very uncomfortable as a land creature.

Besides, Tuoba Xianer was trapped in a dark time with no light and no fingers.

In the end, a group of masters of Vulcanism and Wuhuism were trapped, and three or five people were trapped in some weird little worlds.

Soon after their group fell into the congenital array, another group of cultivators came outside the valley, and some could not wait to break in, and ended up in a trapped end. Some were more cautious and watched outside the valley.

In the grey world, Song Yan's face was a little tangled.

"What are the concerns of Song Daoyou?"

Li Tianluo seemed to feel something and asked.

Song Kun was slightly silent, with some solemn words: "Sir, wanting to get out of trouble needs a secret that involves me. Once this secret is leaked, I may cause death!"

After hearing that, Li Tianluo instantly understood Song Yi ’s meaning, knowing that the other party was worried that she had leaked his secret, so she also said solemnly: “Song Daoyou, I can swear by my God ’s calamity, unlike anyone who leaks you This secret. "

Take the vow of taking Tianjie. This is the heaviest vow of Xiuxian Realm. No one dares to make a joke with this vow. Once it is set, no one will not abide by it.

Because once this vow is broken, that one hundred percent will die in the sky.

"The Virgin, please!"

Song Zheng didn't show his affection, and made Li Tianluo swear.

"it is good!"

I saw Li Tianluo broke her finger, drew a blood talisman in the void with her blood, and then chanted, "I Li Tianluo swore with my God, and I must not disclose the secrets of Song Yun and Song Daoyou to anyone, otherwise I will Suffering from thunder and lightning and five thunderous explosions, never live forever! "

As soon as her voice fell, a divine light descended into the void, and it turned into a black rune and fell into Li Tianluo's eyebrows. As long as she broke her vow, that day rune would directly make her stunned.

Feeling the Tianwei from that divine light, Song Xun felt a little in her heart, and she felt a little more awe in heaven, and Li Tianluo felt the divine power stationed in her knowledge of Fuyu in the sea, although she voluntarily made the vow. Yes, but she still felt a little bit uncomfortable with Song Mi's distrust.

After seeing the oath completed, Song Yong smiled and said, "Okay, now that the maiden has sworn, I will take the maiden to a place, please give me your hand!"

Li Tianluo hesitated slightly, and stretched out his hand.

Song Yong reached out and caught her soft, creamy, slightly cold hand, and when he thought about it, he took him into the temple.

Looking at the beautiful stars, Li Tianluo's face was full of movement and shock, and he even forgot to pull his hand away from Song Yan, and asked curiously, "Where is this?"

Song Yong let go of her hand: "This is inside the Temple of Stars."

"Is this a fairy?" Li Tianluo stared at Song Yan in shock, because only the legendary space fairy could allow living creatures to enter it.

Magic weapon and magic weapon.

There are also magical artifacts on top of the magical artifacts. For example, the Taiyi Religion has the existence of a township fairy, but that is also the lowest level of immortality, and it has at least a high-level immortal that has living creatures in it.

And once the advanced fairy is born, don't say too much religion, I am afraid that even the Phoenix Tianjiao should ignore all the snatches.

No wonder the other party asked her to take an oath. Even if the other party swears it, the secret may not be revealed, because once it is leaked, I am afraid of endless hunting.

For a moment, the little mustard in her heart disappeared instantly.

Song Yan smiled and did not deny that it was a fairy, nor did he admit it, because the level of this star temple has surpassed the fairy, and even surpassed the artifact, she was made by the star **** king by consuming a lot of resources and effort. Yes, it can be called the God King.

"Song Daoyou, do you want to get away with this temple?" Li Tianluo asked again after returning from the shock.

The function of the temple to shuttle the heavens and the world can indeed be separated from this small world, but Song Xun secretly communicated with the spirit of the artifact, the cost is a bit high, so he did not intend to do that.

"You wait here first, I'll find a way out of the trap."

"Song Daoyou, you still send me out!" Li Tianluo suddenly said.

As soon as Song Zheng understood, Li Tianluo's thoughts were immediately understood. She didn't want to know more of his secrets, so as not to accidentally leak them.

"it is good!"

Song Xuan returned Li Tianluo to that small world and appeared in the Tibetan scripture pavilion. Using the temple to get away required 10,000 superb spirit crystals.

So many superb spirit crystals are used to expedite time, and Song Yan can learn a lot about array formation.

"Come here for all the books on formations!"


Dozens of books on formation law flew in and landed on Song Yan's hands.

"A hundred times faster!"

After accelerating time, Song Yan began to slowly study these formation books.

The King of the Stars is the leader of the **** world. How can the books of formations he collects be ordinary? So, after reading a book of formations, Song Xuan will have some gains. Even, he is completely immersed in In the ocean of knowledge of formation law, even the purpose of coming here is forgotten.

When Song Yan was immersed in the knowledge of formation methods, the congenital formations shrouded the valley.

The purity of the psychic fluid in the psychic fluid pool has become extremely thin, and at the same time, a pink claw rushed out of the egg shell, making the golden beam of light on the sky a little stronger.

Suddenly, more and more cultivators broke into the array according to the greed that could not bear their heart, and fell into it.

At the same time, the small world trapped by Song Kun and others have all made some inexplicable changes.

For example, the temperature of Xuan Yao ’s magma world is getting higher and higher. Even as a master of the distracting period, Xuan Yao has some difficulty in bearing the heat from all directions, and has a fine layer of sweat on his face.

The blood that fell into the small world of the wind blade found that the speed of those wind blades was getting faster and stronger, and if they continued, he might be chopped out of the meat sauce by those wind blades.

As for the density of the water world where Tuoba Feng is located, the super-high water pressure has brought great pressure to his body.

However, the small world Song Song is in is constantly shrinking and squeezing, and Li Tianluo, who is in it, has slightly changed his face and tried to raise his hand. However, he found that this extremely simple action has become more difficult than usual. ten times.

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