Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1124: Song Yan was captured

Wind Blade Small World.

The blood-stained blood-stained face was full of despair, because his true yuan had been exhausted, but at this moment hundreds of giant wind blades continued to shoot at him.

He can imagine that once cut by those giant wind blades, his body will become hundreds of pieces in an instant.

"I think I have a grand generation of witches, but the future Lord of the Witch Gods is dead here! I am not willing!"

Exhausting his last strength, he made a roar, and the blood did not close his eyes to die, but his eyes stared round.

Seeing Feng Blade approaching, the blood that was ready for death found that those Blades disappeared out of thin air.


The blood on his face was dumb, and then he made a howl for the rest of his life, and then he was lying on the ground panting heavily.

Dark little world.

There was only so much aura of light left in Tuoba Xianer's sea of ​​knowledge. Just as she was about to sink completely into the dark world, the darkness suddenly faded away, and her consciousness was slowly recovering.

Small world of water.

Under the pressure of water pressure, Tuobafeng's body burst into scorching wounds. When he thought that he was about to be crushed by more and more strong water, the water pressure suddenly disappeared.

"I don't have to die!"

Tuoba Feng spit out a heavy breath, and then repaired the injuries in the body with the remaining Ding Zhenyuan.

In the small magma world, Xuan Yao who had fallen into a semi-consciousness suddenly woke up and found that her body was almost swallowed up, and the magma that almost burned her to ashes had disappeared.

"Is it a dream?"

She murmured to herself, but immediately realized that she had only so little left in her true Yuan. If the magma receded so late, she would really be ashes, so this is not a dream.

At the same time, when the last group of people who broke into the large group was stopped by the large group, most of them were hanged by the large group.

The remaining dozens of people saw that Dajin finally stopped killing people, and they all cried and cried. They are so lucky. If they breathe a few more nights, they may be the last dozen of them. Strangled out.

"Quick, exit this ghost place!"

I don't know who shouted, the remaining dozens of people rushed out of the battle.

It's a pity that Song Zhen's killing function was fixed by the team, but the team wasn't broken. Therefore, after a toss, they couldn't get out of the team at all.

Little gray world.

As soon as Song Yong waved his hand, the formation mask that offset the pressure of the world disappeared, and the seven arrays fell back into Song Yong's hands. Just for a while, the superb Lingjing on the array consumed one third of the aura.

Li Tianluo's eyes inadvertently scanned the superb Lingjing on the seven disks, and a beautiful face showed a hint of surprise. The superb Lingjing was the most top Lingjing in the fairyland, even if she was the priest of Taiyi religion But it also has ten superb spiritual crystals.

Because the superb spirit crystal is no longer wealth, but is pure to the ultimate aura, generally only masters above the fit period are qualified to practice.

Because the higher the cultivation, the higher the purity requirements of the aura.

For a moment, she couldn't help but have a little suspicion, who is this Song Daoyou? Zhenfaxiu is so high and has so many superb spirits. The most frightening thing is that he still has a space fairy in his hand. Is he a true disciple of Phoenix Tianjiao?

No, even Phoenix Tianjiao cannot pass the space fairy to the true disciple at will.

Thinking of this, she was very curious about the origin of Song Yan.

Song Yan's voice sounded: "Sir, although I have settled the killing function of this congenital array, but time is limited, we better leave here as soon as possible!"


Li Tianluo nodded in a receptive mood.

Suddenly, Song Yan looked for a moment and said, "Sir, you follow me, you can go as long as I go, don't take the wrong step."

Li Tianluo nodded.

So Song Yong walked according to a special law. Li Tianluo followed him with a serious look, his eyes fixed on his feet, and then he followed.

After taking more than 1,200 steps, Song Yuan disappeared suddenly.

Seeing this, Li Tianluo froze slightly and followed the last step ...


When Song Ye just left the small gray world, he found that he actually entered another small world. This small world did not see the sun. Subconsciously, he opened the perspective magic power and found that a woman was lying not far away. It is the goddess Tuoba Xianer of Vulcanism.

"Song Daoyou, where is this?"

Li Tianluo's figure appeared behind Song Yong. Because of the darkness, Li Tianluo took a subconscious step forward and stood side by side with Song Yun.

Song Yi was a little embarrassed and said, "I made a small mistake in my calculation and came to another small world, but it doesn't matter. We will leave immediately."

Speaking of which, Song Zhi pointed to the front and said, "Yes, that Tuoba Xianer is also in this small world, but seems to be in a coma!"

"Tupa Fairy!"

Li Tianluo suddenly looked cold, thinking of the tragic death of her brother, she could not help but suddenly appeared in her eyes: "I'll kill her!"

"Who? Who is there?"

At this moment, Tuoba Xianer's voice sounded, but she woke up. Now, the world is still dark, but at least I can hear the voice and feel my existence.

"Tuo Ba Xianer died!"

During a light drink, Li Tianluo's two mixed tentacles smashed out, turning into a black and white two dragons strangling to Tuoba Xianer.

"Giggle, who am I? It is sister Tianluo!"

With a silver bell-like laughter, Tuoba Xianer took out two magic weapon daggers and fought with Li Tianluo.

Seeing this, Song Yan's face was dark and he was obviously a pretty woman. Why is it so belligerent?

Tuoba Xianer is in the middle of distraction, but before the dark sinking has damaged her spirits, she has limited ability to play, and Li Tianluo has taken the elixir for growth. Now, thirty breaths have passed and the sequelae have come. It can only play half of its strength.

Therefore, the two women barely tied, and no one could help.

So after thinking about it, Song Yan shouted, "How about the two, please stop and listen?"

"What kind of thing are you? Why does the goddess listen to you!" Tuoba Xianer disdain, her spirit was damaged, but it can also be felt that Song Xun only possessed the cultivation of Yuan Yuan.

How could a child who is worse than her servant be at heart?

Hearing that Tuoba Xianer didn't take Song Yan to his heart, Li Tianluo couldn't help humming: "Well, if it wasn't for Song Daoyou who settled the formation, you would have died here already!"

Hearing the words, Tuoba Xianer was startled and wondered: "So you saved me?"

"Not really, because I'm only trying to save myself!" Song Yan said lightly.

"Giggle, since Your Excellency is a little girl's benefactor, that little girl will listen to you and temporarily spare Sister Luo's life that day!"

Suddenly, Song Yan felt a flower in front of him, but he took a slow time to dodge, and then a cold finger was caught between his neck.

Li Tianluo's body followed closely, and saw Song Yan who fell into Tuoba Xianer's hands, panic in his heart, and yelled, "Tuoba Xianer, you demon girl, let me go!"

[Author off topic]: Two more, thank you [Ha 12138] for the reward

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