Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1150: Mountains and Rivers Meet the Friend

clank! "

A string of Qingyue's piano sounds flowed directly to the listener's heart, making Song Yan's action stagnant, and several women suddenly flashed in her mind.

The sound of the piano progressively progressed, or euphemistically, or wailed, and revealed a deep thought but could not get it ...

While Song Yan was completely stunned on the spot, the figures of the women in his head became clearer and clearer, and the stubborn nature of the Jade Fox Princess finally died because of the country's defeat;

Jiao Xuan's seductive finally died because of his departure, and went into the devil, Qin Nongyu, and loved him to his bones, but he always called his brother-in-law, and finally because of his departure, the whole world struggled to find him for five years, his heart died and died Piano heart.

Unconsciously, tears slipped from the corner of Song Yan's eyes, and his heart was filled with emotions of pain, self-blame, guilt, and thought.

After a while, Song Yan wiped away the tears he saw. He thought that after going through several worlds, he had gradually forgotten them, but now it seems that instead of forgetting them, he put them at the bottom of his heart.

"Jade fox, jade, and Qinxin, rest assured, one day, I will resurrect you!" Song Yan secretly swears in his heart.

"Girl Shishi, what's the name of this song?" Song Yan looked at Shi Shi with a white veil on her face and asked.

"Unforgettable Thinking." The teacher spit out three words gently.

"What an" Unforgettable Thinking ", of course, the girl teacher's piano skills are even more wonderful, and people in the world are rarely able to do it! Song Song praised that he was the **** of piano and also learned Guqin, not to mention him The mental strength is also very strong, but the teacher's piano sound still evokes the thoughts in his heart and is caught in it. It can be seen that the opponent's piano skill can be side by side with his piano skills.

"Thank you for your compliment."

Shishi said indifferently, she has been praised a lot, and she is used to it, and naturally there will be no waves in her heart.

"Master, after the performance, the teacher should leave!" Put away the guqin, the teacher and girl planned to get up and leave.

"Wait." Song Yan shouted suddenly.

"What more advice does the son have?" The girl asked indifferently.

"I also know the Guqin performance a little bit below, and there is a song I want to ask the teacher and girl to taste one or two." During the talk, Song Yong waved his hand, and the dishes on the table suddenly flew up and were moved to the side. on the table.


The piano sounded, although it was not as beautiful as the teacher played, but there was a sense of cleanliness. The teacher was slightly surprised that she had never heard the song, so she had some disapproval on her face. A little more intent.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

Song Kun moved his fingers with his fingers, and gradually entered into a good state. Every thought flashed through every scene in the General's Mansion.

Gradually, there was a little more dignity on the girl's face. Listening to the sound of the piano, she had a resonance in her heart, as if she had found a consonant.

"This song ...?"

Suddenly, Qin Yin was high again, she seemed to see the quiet flowing water, ripples!

After a quarter of an hour, the piano sound stopped.

The girl Shishi looked up at Song Yan: "This song is excellent, I wonder if the protagonist can tell the title."

"High mountains and flowing water." Song Yan waved his hand and put away the guqin.

"High mountains and flowing water?" Shishi secretly realized it, and finally nodded: "A very appropriate name."

"Actually, there is a little story in this song. I wonder if the teacher and girl are interested in listening to it?" Song Yan said again.

"Wish to listen and listen."

"In ancient times, there was a man named Yu Boya who was proficient in music and mastered the art of piano. He was a well-known violinist at the time. He was a clever learner when he was young and once worshiped a master as a teacher ... In the face of the breeze and the bright moon, he was full of thoughts, so he played the harp again, the melody was melodious, and he gradually got into a good situation. He heard a shout from the shore, and Boya heard the sound. Knowing that this person was a confidant, he asked him to get on board and play for him with interest.

Bo Ya played the tune of the mountains. The coward said that it was good, majestic and solemn, like Mount Tai that towered into the clouds. When he performed the turbulent waves, the coward said ...

The coward was called Zhong Ziqi, and since then the two have become very close friends. "

After listening to Song Yan's speech, the girl Shi Shi could not help but flash a longing: "It's a good mountain to meet the confidant."

"A rare confidant in life is the hardest to find." Song Yi sighed.

Listening to Song Yan's words, the girl Shi Shi felt that her banned heart was touched, and blurted out: "My son, the little girl also has a song, and I want to ask her to appreciate it."

"Unable to ask." Song Yan nodded with a smile.

So, the girl Shishi took out the guqin again, and between the fingers of Su Bai, there was a stream of piano sound like Qingquan ...

The sound of the piano is touching.

Different from the previous song, "Unforgettable Thinking" expresses the thoughts, but this song expresses self-sorrow and self-grief, and there is a longing for freedom in the meantime ...

"This song is also made by the teacher and girl?" Qu Ba, Song Yan asked.

The teacher girl nodded.

"Thanks to the girl teacher's practice, can't you get out of this Piaoxian Pavilion?" Song Yan said again.

The girl Shishi knew that Song Yan heard the voice of her piano sound, smiled, and then shook her head slightly.

Song Yong frowned slightly, and then made a decision: "Girl Shishi, although you are not good at the next, but also have a little skill, if you have any needs, please don't hesitate to speak."

The girl Shi Shi's eyes lightened slightly, but it faded away immediately, and her tone became cold: "Good intentions of the son, the teacher has taken the lead, it is time to leave."

Song Yun's face sank, knowing that he didn't want him to help, but worried that he might be affected.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel a little bit aggrieved, or his strength was too weak. If I had the strength of a fairy, would I care about these?

at this time.


The door of Yajian's room was kicked open, and then a large Hantang in armor came in. The eyes skipped Song Yan and fell directly on the girl ’s face: “Shishi girl, my family The son has been waiting for you for a long time, so follow me! "

Upon hearing that, the girl's face suddenly changed greatly, and she said lightly, "Sorry, the teacher is unwell and can no longer play."

"Mr. Shishi, what do you mean?" Dahan's face and tone were gloomy: "You are willing to play for these two little sister-in-law, but you are not willing to play for our son, is it that you think our son is not as good as this? Two little sisters? "

"Where's the wild dog, get out of me!"

Just then, Song Yong stood up and said in a bad tone.

Seeing that Song Ji was taking the initiative for herself, there was a touch of touch in the eyes of Shishi ’s girl, but she was a little more worried at once, and said quickly: "My son, he is under the command of Jiang Yujiang, your kind teacher, but please Don't get involved! "

When Niu San heard Jiang Yu ’s name, his face was pale and pale, and he said in a very low voice: "Master, Jiang Yu is the little grandfather of the State Mansion of Qi State, but he is famous for being a demon king. You must not be aggressive. what!"

[Author off topic]: One more, thank you [inadvertently] [td98100525] [Zhou Lele] [Deng treats a purple chess trace] [Lone Ranger] Five big rewards

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