Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1191: Contribute

The first group of shouters who shouted "Long live the four princes" were not real ones, but were disguised by doormen at the Prince's House.

Of course, this is what Song Yan ordered.

After all, this kind of thing that stirs up the emotions of the masses is too much in the main world. Under the spotlight, Song Yan also learned this trick.

Long lived by tens of thousands of casual practitioners, Li Siwu had a flush on his face, so excited.

He was happy, and naturally someone was upset.

In fact, Li Sixuan, the sixth prince, also took a **** mystery stand in a restaurant to watch.

"It's all a good idea from you, but it's a complete fourth son of Li!"

Seeing tens of thousands of San Xiu shouting long live to the four princes, the sixth prince's face was also quite gloomy, and he stared at the mysterious expression with dissatisfaction.

In this regard, Shen Xuanji had no reason to justify, but he smiled bitterly. It was because he underestimated Song Zhi's wisdom. He gave the four princes a paycheck, and the other party not only resolved his strategy easily, but also earned them Great reputation.

Soon, the four princes retreated from the high platform, and the 198 distracting masters were also taken to Xingtai, and their heads were placed in the grooves on the Xingtai.

One hundred and ninety-eight people were sealed and repaired, so their breath could not be concealed at all.

As a result, tens of thousands of casual practitioners saw that the 198 assassins were stunned.

Someone shouted in wonder: "These assassins are actually distracting masters!"

"Yes, even the first-class sects are unlikely to have nearly two hundred distracting masters. This is equivalent to beating all the elder-class sects of five or six first-class sects!"

"The Four Princes are so brave!"

"Cutting 198 distractions together is really shocking. This is definitely the most shocking thing my old grandson has ever seen!"


Listening to the comments of a dry repair, the second prince's face became abnormally ugly, and his eyes seemed to be spitting fire. These distracting masters spent a lot of resources and time to recruit them.

But now it will be punished by Li Sisi as a beast, but he can't come forward to protect them, because once he appears, he will become the common enemy of casual repair in the world.

Fortunately, Mr. Li didn't do anything absolutely, and sealed the ability of this group of experts to speak. Otherwise, in the face of death, this group of experts may not confess him.

"Did Li Lao do this, will I be grateful to you? Don't think about it!" Li Sitian grunted his teeth.

"The hour is here, cut everywhere!"

At the order, the executioners raised their butcher knives one after another. This butcher knife was a special magic weapon. Not only would they cut off their physical heads, but even their Yuan Ying would also be cut off along with it.

Therefore, if this knife goes down, they will be stunned.


Blood blasted, and 198 glaring heads flew up, and their faces were still full of terror and regret before death.

In the breath, 198 distracted masters died.

Immediately afterwards, the four princes ascended to the high platform again under Song Yan's instructions.

Li Siwu exclaimed: "Comrades here, we hereby announce that everyone who receives a mission from Tiangong Pavilion in the next 10 days will receive double the reward for the achievement.

At the same time, I will set up a law enforcement brigade in Tiangongge. The law enforcement brigade is a thousand people, all of them are composed of high-level masters. As long as they come to my Tiangongge to accept the task, they will be protected by the law enforcement brigade in Wangcheng. Those who take the task of malicious slaughter, my law enforcement brigade will never let them go. When it comes to achieving it, today's 198 people are examples! "

This time, without waiting for the nursery arranged by Song Yong to chant Long Live the Four Princes, there were casual repairers calling for Long Live the Four Princes.

Although the merit points are nothing, they can be exchanged for Gongfa, elixir, magic weapon, elixir and even Lingjing in the outer cabinet of Tiangong Pavilion.

Therefore, doubling the reward is enough for all the meditations present.

When Li Siwu finished his speech, the group of casual repairers rushed towards the outer cabinet of Tiangong Pavilion frantically.

What to do, of course, is to take the task!

"Back home!" In a restaurant, the six princes left with a cold face.

Seeing this, Shen Xuanji shook his head secretly, and was a little disappointed in Li Sixuan. The Six Princes were so smooth these years that they were unacceptable after a little shock.

However, he also had to admire Song Kun's schemes, and at the same time, he felt extra excited. It was also a beautiful thing to fight with such a brilliant man.

Back at the Four Princes' Palace, Li Siwu couldn't help but put people on the dishes and celebrate with Song Yong.

Li Siwu personally poured a glass of wine for Song Yan, and toasted, "Second brother, this glass of wine is yours!"

"Brother is polite!" Song Zheng raised his glass, then the two smashed their glasses in the air and drank each.

Alcoholic beverages are over thirty.

Song Yan put down the cup and said, "Is this brother satisfied? Although you are now far ahead of the second and sixth princes, but in essence, you do not have much advantage!"

Some ecstatic Li Siwu seemed to have been poured with cold water, and the smile on his face gradually turned into a dignified: "Second brother, what do you think we should do next?"

Song Ye admires Li Siwu for this. Although not smart enough, he can listen to the opinions of others.

"Did I not send three exercises to the elder brother? I think the elder brother should dedicate it to the current king of Tang, your father!" Song Yan said meaningfully.

Regardless of the fact that King Tang is about to abdicate in ten years, there is no intention of fighting the three princes.

After all, he has a thousand-year business, and his influence is still very large. Even a considerable part of the officials in the DPRK are loyal to him. Therefore, if the support of King Tang can be obtained, the possibility of Li Siwu taking over the throne will increase greatly .

Li Siwu lowered his head and thought. Although the Tang Dynasty is his father, it does not mean that he is not wary of his own Lao Tzu. In the history of the Tang Dynasty, there was a Tang Dynasty who was too attached to power. Take control of the chapel.

And the Supreme King is the only one who has broken through the robbery period. If it was not his death, the new king was afraid that he would not be able to truly control the court until he abdicated.

Therefore, after getting the exercises during the robbery period, Li Siwu did not think about dedicating it to his father.

If he breaks through this exercise, wouldn't history repeat itself?

Thinking of this, Li Siwu could not help raising his own worries!

Song Yan smiled: "The older brother was more concerned, that the Tang King was greedy for power, and he did not represent that kind of person. What's more, he was too greedy for power, and ended up being a **** bombed by heaven In the end, with this lesson learned, your father should be vigilant for this. If you get your skills, the current Tang king should retreat and seek hardship to break through, and you can get what he left with his support. Force, that way, you can truly surpass the second and sixth princes! "

"Okay, I listen to you. I'll see my father in the palace right away!"

Li Siwu left in full swing, and Song Yan's mouth could not help showing a smile.

The royal palace.

As the king of the Tang Dynasty, Li Tianxing did not deal with state affairs, but accompanied his beloved concubine to admire flowers in the Royal Garden.

"Lord, the four princes are asking for help!" A **** came to report.

"The fourth child is here, but his limelight is strong enough at this time!" Li Tianxing smiled: "Pass him on!"

Soon, Li Siwu arrived, respectfully kneeling to the ground: "Baby has seen his father!"

"Well, you don't have to be polite, get up!" Li Tianxing raised his hand and relied on royal resources. Although Li Tianxing was less than two thousand years old, his cultivation also reached the late stage of integration.

"Thank you, Father!" Li Siwu stood up, but looked around.

Li Tianxing understood it and waved his hand: "You all step back!"


After everyone withdrew, Li Tianxing laughed and said, "No. 4, you have something to say to me as a father."

"Father, there is something for your child!" Li Siwu took out a jade bamboo slip during the conversation.

"Come here!"

Li Tianxing took the jade Jane handed out by Li Siwu with both hands and looked inside, and then his face appeared extremely excited.

[Off-topic by the author]: The third update is complete, thank you [Happens have happened] [Q Xiaofeng] Two great rewards

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