Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1209: Can only force

"Son, do we have to wait any longer?" Qin Xiaoyu asked. She felt that people who were too educated were too big, which made her unhappy.

Upon hearing this, Song Kun frowned, Shen said, "No need, let's go in directly!"

When Zhao Yu and Zhou Xiang heard it, their faces suddenly changed.

Zhao Yu panicked and said, "Song son Song, don't break in, otherwise we two will be charged by Deacon Zhang!"

Zhou Xiang nodded again and again: "Yes, Song Gongzi, please don't embarrass the two of us, maybe we will be driven out of Taiyijiao for this!"

"Don't worry, I won't bother you!"

During the conversation, Song Yong repeatedly pointed out two fingers, and the two seemed to be fixed as if they had been fixed.


Song Kun stepped into the doorplate. The main altar of Taiyijiao did not build a gate. It was a towering doorplate, and Taiyijiao wrote a vigorous character.

It is said that the history of Taiyi Religion has exceeded 100,000 years. There are many congregations, the ranks are strict, there are many rules in the teaching, and the powers are even more detailed.

According to the information obtained by Song Zheng, Taiyi's disciples are divided into four categories: the outer door, the inner door, the true and the true biography.

The disciplinary resources obtained by disciples at each level are also extremely different.

Outside disciples are mostly practitioners below Yuanying

If you break through to Yuan Ying within the age of 500, you can participate in the internal assessment and pass the assessment, you can be promoted to the internal disciple.

Those who are more than 500 years old before becoming a Yuan Ying can participate in the deacon's assessment. After passing the assessment, they can serve as outside deacons. If they perform outstandingly or make great achievements in office, they can be promoted to outside elders.

If the disciples can be promoted within Chitose, they can participate in the assessment of true disciples.

Those who have been promoted beyond this age can also be assessed as inside deacons, and they can become inside elders if they show outstanding performance or dedication.

Once they become true disciples, they will be trained by the Taiyi religion, and their skills and resources will far exceed the treatment of internal and external disciples, and the true elders of the Taiyi religion will also select the descendants from the true disciples. Their acceptance is qualified to inherit the position of true elder.

We must know that the true elders are masters in the late part of the distraction, and there are even a lot of fit periods.

The last disciple of the biography was chosen by the real teacher.

From the beginning of cultivation, they can get the best exercises, the best resources, and the best instructions.

The Son and the Virgin will only be born from the disciples.

Therefore, only the disciples of Zhuan Chuan will get the true inheritance of the Taiyi religion.

Only the disciple disciple has the possibility of marching into Xiandao in the end, because even if the disciple disciple is the most, he can get the exercises of the fit period. Unless he gets other adventures, it is impossible to become a master of crossing the robbery.

Zhang Huan, also the deacon Zhang in the second population of Zhao Yu and Zhou Xiang. He broke through to Yuan Ying at the age of 670, so he missed the opportunity to become a disciple and finally spent a lot of money to get a deacon. position.

There are hundreds of deacons, large and small, who are just one of them, and their rights are not great. The main responsibility is to receive all kinds of people who come to visit Taiyi Church.

Hundreds of outside disciples were waiting for his mission, and people who came to Taiyi Church would communicate with the interviewees in advance, and he received some small people who had no power or power.

Therefore, there are not many benefits he can get in this position.

Just now Zhao Yu came to report, Song Ye came to see the palm teacher, and he apparently answered that it would be passed on, but it was not a matter of fact. After all, it is the ancestor of the hegemony period that teaches real people.

Even if King Tang wanted to teach the real person in advance, he would be disdainful and funny because Song Yan, a counselor at the Four Princes' Palace, wanted to see the real person directly.

Therefore, when Zhao Yu came to report for the second time, he scolded the other party and threatened to let that Song Yan get away quickly.

Of course, Zhao Yu didn't dare to tell Song Yan that he had let Song Yan get away.

Outside the deacon room.

Zhang Huan quickly forgot about it, but he was thinking about another thing. Recently, he and another deacon named Gou are chasing a female deacon named Yan, both of them I want to get married with her.

He inquired that Shimei Yan seemed to like a piece of magical treasure in Jumbo Pavilion. If she could buy it and give it to her, maybe the other party would promise to become a dual monk with him, but unfortunately, then A good product is expensive, and there are still a hundred good products to buy that good product.

"Otherwise, find someone to borrow? Otherwise, you won't get paid for being preempted by the guy named Gou!"

Thinking of this, he couldn't sit still in the deacon's room and planned to find someone to borrow Lingjing.

As soon as he got up, an outsider of his Majesty suddenly broke in, panicking and said, "Deacon Zhang is not good, someone broke in!"

"What did you say?" Zhang Huan asked incredulously.

"Back to Deacon Zhang, three people broke into our Taiyijiao!" The outside disciple said again.

Zhang Huan was furious and slaps his hands on the table. He yelled, "Instead, some people dare to break into us too, and lead the way. I'd like to see who has such a big dog courage!"

"No, I'm here!"

Just then, a sudden noise sounded, and then saw a young man walking into the deacon room with a woman and an old man.

"Who are you? How dare you break into us too?" Zhang Huan asked sharply.

"My name is Song Ye, come here to see the real person of Ming Ye, Deacon Zhang and report to Xia Ye!" Song Ye said in a hurry.

Upon hearing this, Zhang Huan sneered: "Report? Boy, who do you think you are? How can you teach a real person to be seen by Ono Xiu, you should be stunned and accepted by me, and accept the punishment of my teacher. You have a hard time! "

Hearing that, Song Kun frowned and looked at Zhang Huan and asked, "Don't you really report?"

"What the **** are you? I want this deacon to report to you your dreams!"

The sneer on Zhang Huan's face was even more prosperous, and there was a bit of contempt in his eyes, and he shouted outside: "Come here, catch these criminals who broke into my teaching too, and listen to it. ! "

Suddenly, a group of Jin Danqi's outside students rushed up, and three of them were arrested towards the three men.

"Xiaoyu, invite them out!" Song Yan commanded.


Qin Xiaoyu heard the words, and he waved easily, and immediately rolled up all the Jin Danxiu who rushed in and threw out the deacon room.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Huan could not help exclaiming: "What, you dare to fight back, really brave and unwilling to live!"


Song Xuan frowned, and the detective grabbed him. Zhang Huan flew towards him involuntarily.

[Author off topic]: Three more.

I wrote two more last night. My finger hurts. I thought it would be over after I finished writing three. Today, I did n’t expect Dasong to be rewarded again. !!

Special thanks to [Big Brother without v] for the 18888 reward, and also [Juvenile, and Dream] [td99300938] [Haha] [lanyeyu] several great rewards

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